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Created March 16, 2015 07:06
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  • Save anonymous/a57883a80e02b4bab701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anonymous/a57883a80e02b4bab701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash script that starts from the icon set resulting from the App Icon Template [3.2] ( and results into a complete set of icons and images for App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store (screenshots still missing).
# clear terminal window
# variabili per creare sotto cartelle iOS, Android e WP
export RET_PATH=$PWD
###### iOS
mkdir ./iOS
echo ""
echo "=> Entering in $RET_PATH/iOS/"
cp *.png ./iOS/
cd ./iOS
# 60@3x
cp iTunesArtwork.png AppIcon60x60\@3x.png
sips -Z 180 AppIcon60x60\@3x.png
# 29@2x-1
cp AppIcon29x29\@2x.png AppIcon29x29\@2x-1.png
# 40@2x-1
cp AppIcon40x40\@2x.png AppIcon40x40\@2x-1.png
# appstore
cp iTunesArtwork\@2x.png appstore.png
convert appstore.png -flatten appstore.png
# launch_ipad
cp iTunesArtwork\@2x.png launch_ipad.png
sips -Z 708 launch_ipad.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 1024 768 launch_ipad.png
convert launch_ipad.png -flatten launch_ipad.png
# launch_ipad@2x
cp iTunesArtwork\@2x.png launch_ipad\@2x.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 2048 1536 launch_ipad\@2x.png
convert launch_ipad\@2x.png -flatten launch_ipad\@2x.png
# launch_r4
cp iTunesArtwork\@2x.png launch_r4.png
sips -Z 580 launch_r4.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 1136 640 launch_r4.png
convert launch_r4.png -flatten launch_r4.png
# launch
cp iTunesArtwork\@2x.png launch.png
sips -Z 580 launch.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 960 640 launch.png
convert launch.png -flatten launch.png
echo ""
echo "<= Coming back to $RET_PATH"
###### Android
mkdir ./Android
echo ""
echo "=> Entering in $RET_PATH/Android"
cd ./Android
# ic_launcher-web
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork.png ./ic_launcher-web.png
### drawable-xxhdpi 144
mkdir drawable-xxhdpi
cp ../iOS/launch_ipad\@2x.png ./drawable-xxhdpi/sp_launcher.png
cp ic_launcher-web.png ./drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
sips -Z 144 ./drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
# drawable-xhdpi 96
mkdir drawable-xhdpi
cp ./ic_launcher-web.png ./drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
sips -Z 96 ./drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
# drawable-hdpi 72
mkdir drawable-hdpi
cp ./ic_launcher-web.png ./drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
sips -Z 72 ./drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
# drawable-mdpi 48
mkdir drawable-mdpi
cp ./ic_launcher-web.png ./drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
sips -Z 48 ./drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
# store
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork.png ./store.png
# promo
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./promo.png
sips -Z 440 ./promo.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 500 1024 ./promo.png
convert ./promo.png -flatten ./promo.png
# promo2
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./promo2.png
sips -Z 80 ./promo2.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 120 180 ./promo2.png
convert ./promo2.png -flatten ./promo2.png
echo ""
echo "<= Coming back to $RET_PATH"
###### WP
mkdir ./WP
echo ""
echo "=> Entering in $RET_PATH/WP"
cd ./WP
# store
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./store.png
sips -Z 300 ./store.png
convert ./store.png -flatten ./store.png
# SplashScreenImage.jpg
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./SplashScreenImage.png
sips -Z 660 ./SplashScreenImage.png
sips --padToHeightWidth 1280 720 ./SplashScreenImage.png
convert ./SplashScreenImage.png -flatten ./SplashScreenImage.png
convert ./SplashScreenImage.png ./SplashScreenImage.jpg
# FlipCycleTileMedium.png
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./FlipCycleTileMedium.png
sips -Z 202 ./FlipCycleTileMedium.png
convert ./FlipCycleTileMedium.png -flatten ./FlipCycleTileMedium.png
# FlipCycleTileSmall.png
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./FlipCycleTileSmall.png
sips -Z 110 ./FlipCycleTileSmall.png
convert ./FlipCycleTileSmall.png -flatten ./FlipCycleTileSmall.png
# ApplicationIcon.png
cp ../iOS/iTunesArtwork\@2x.png ./ApplicationIcon.png
sips -Z 100 ./ApplicationIcon.png
convert ./ApplicationIcon.png -flatten ./ApplicationIcon.png
echo ""
echo "<= Coming back to $RET_PATH"
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