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Created May 23, 2015 17:48
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5/8/15 2:37:17.653 PM OpenEmu[10141]: NSWindow warning: adding an unknown subview: <INMovableByBackgroundContainerView: 0x60800013b580>
5/8/15 2:37:17.657 PM OpenEmu[10141]: Call stack:
0 AppKit 0x00007fff8a70a64d -[NSThemeFrame addSubview:] + 107
1 AppKit 0x00007fff8a70a13f -[NSView addSubview:positioned:relativeTo:] + 208
2 OpenEmu 0x000000010c60ee2b -[INAppStoreWindow _createTitlebarView] + 259
3 OpenEmu 0x000000010c60dcaf -[INAppStoreWindow _doInitialWindowSetup] + 671
4 OpenEmu 0x000000010c60bf25 -[INAppStoreWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 99
5 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6f4ae3 -[NSWindowTemplate nibInstantiate] + 567
6 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6f482b -[NSIBObjectData instantiateObject:] + 309
7 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6f3e51 -[NSIBObjectData nibInstantiateWithOwner:options:topLevelObjects:] + 452
8 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6d3205 loadNib + 384
9 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6d272b +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:options:withZone:ownerBundle:] + 313
10 AppKit 0x00007fff8a881ce7 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoadingInternal) _loadNibFile:externalNameTable:options:withZone:] + 150
11 AppKit 0x00007fff8a881a8d -[NSWindowController loadWindow] + 313
12 OpenEmu 0x000000010c63e694 -[OEApplicationDelegate libraryDatabaseDidLoad:] + 197
13 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff87a2645c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
14 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff87916634 _CFXNotificationPost + 3140
15 Foundation 0x00007fff8d5419d1 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
16 OpenEmu 0x000000010c640573 __80-[OEApplicationDelegate OE_loadDatabaseAsynchronouslyFormURL:createIfNecessary:]_block_invoke342 + 103
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff82856323 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff82851c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
19 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff8285dcbf _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 861
20 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff879bd3f9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9
21 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff8797868f __CFRunLoopRun + 2159
22 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff87977bd8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 296
23 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a9f56f RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
24 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a9f1ee ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
25 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a9f12b _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
26 AppKit 0x00007fff8a7599bb _DPSNextEvent + 978
27 AppKit 0x00007fff8a758f68 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
28 AppKit 0x00007fff8a74ebf3 -[NSApplication run] + 594
29 AppKit 0x00007fff8a6cb354 NSApplicationMain + 1832
30 OpenEmu 0x000000010c5b78b4 start + 52
31 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
5/8/15 2:37:17.834 PM OpenEmu[10141]: --ImageKit Error: IKOpenGLTextureIDFromNSBitmapImageRep : error before glTexImage2D: 506
5/8/15 2:37:17.937 PM OpenEmu[10141]: --ImageKit Error: texturePacker: glGetError returned an error before createTexturePackerAtIndex err=1286 (in context: 0x7fe1d391d000)
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