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Created January 10, 2017 07:15
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GADT balanced AVL trees
type z = Zero
type 'a s = Succ of 'a
type _ nat =
| Z : z nat
| S : 'n nat -> 'n s nat
type (_, _, _) balance =
| Eq : ('h , 'h , 'h ) balance
| Left : ('h , 'h s, 'h s) balance
| Right : ('h s, 'h s, 'h ) balance
type ('a, _) avl =
| Leaf : (_, z) avl
| Branch
: ('hl, 'h, 'hr) balance
* ('a, 'hl) avl
* 'a
* ('a, 'hr) avl
-> ('a, 'h s) avl
(* {{{ Utils *)
let rec to_list
: type a h. a list -> (a, h) avl -> a list
= fun acc -> function
| Leaf -> acc
| Branch (_, left, pivot, right) ->
to_list (pivot :: to_list acc right) left
let to_list t = to_list [] t
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Insert *)
type (_, _) ins =
| Ok : ('a, 'h) avl -> ('a, 'h) ins
| Overflow : ('a, 'h s) avl -> ('a, 'h) ins
let single elt = Overflow (Branch (Eq, Leaf, elt, Leaf))
let ins_left
: type a hl h hr
. (hl, h, hr) balance -> (a, hl) ins -> a -> (a, hr) avl -> (a, h s) ins
= fun balance left pivot right ->
match left with
| Ok left -> Ok (Branch (balance, left, pivot, right))
| Overflow (Branch (balance_left, a, p, b) as left) ->
match balance with
| Left -> Ok (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Eq -> Overflow (Branch (Right, left, pivot, right))
| Right ->
match balance_left with
| Right -> Ok (Branch (Eq, a, p, Branch (Eq, b, pivot, right)))
| Eq -> Overflow (Branch (Left, a, p, Branch (Right, b, pivot, right)))
| Left ->
let bal bl br x q y =
Branch (Eq, Branch (bl, a, p, x),
Branch (br, y, pivot, right)) in
Ok (match b with
| Branch (Eq, x, q, y) -> bal Eq Eq x q y
| Branch (Left, x, q, y) -> bal Right Eq x q y
| Branch (Right, x, q, y) -> bal Eq Left x q y)
let ins_right
: type a hl h hr
. (hl, h, hr) balance -> (a, hl) avl -> a -> (a, hr) ins -> (a, h s) ins
= fun balance left pivot right ->
match right with
| Ok right -> Ok (Branch (balance, left, pivot, right))
| Overflow (Branch (balance_right, a, p, b) as right) ->
match balance with
| Right -> Ok (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Eq -> Overflow (Branch (Left, left, pivot, right))
| Left ->
match balance_right with
| Left -> Ok (Branch (Eq, Branch (Eq, left, pivot, a), p, b))
| Eq -> Overflow (Branch (Right, Branch (Left, left, pivot, a), p, b))
| Right ->
let bal bl br x q y =
Branch (Eq, Branch (bl, left, pivot, x),
Branch (br, y, p, b)) in
(match a with
| Branch (Eq, x, q, y) -> bal Eq Eq x q y
| Branch (Left, x, q, y) -> bal Right Eq x q y
| Branch (Right, x, q, y) -> bal Eq Left x q y)
let rec cons
: type a h . a -> (a, h) avl -> (a, h) ins
= fun elt -> function
| Leaf -> single elt
| Branch (balance, left, pivot, right) ->
ins_left balance (cons elt left) pivot right
let rec snoc
: type a h . a -> (a, h) avl -> (a, h) ins
= fun elt -> function
| Leaf -> single elt
| Branch (balance, left, pivot, right) ->
ins_right balance left pivot (snoc elt right)
let rec insert
: type a h . (a -> a -> int) -> a -> (a, h) avl -> (a, h) ins
= fun compare elt -> function
| Leaf -> single elt
| Branch (balance, left, pivot, right) ->
if compare elt pivot <= 0
then ins_left balance (insert compare elt left) pivot right
else ins_right balance left pivot (insert compare elt right)
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Pop *)
type (_, _) rem =
| Uk : ('a, 'h) avl -> ('a, 'h) rem
| Underflow : ('a, 'h) avl -> ('a, 'h s) rem
let rem_left
: type a hl h hr
. (hl, h, hr) balance -> (a, hl) rem -> a -> (a, hr) avl -> (a, h s) rem
= fun balance left pivot right ->
match left with
| Uk left -> Uk (Branch (balance, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow left ->
match balance with
| Eq -> Uk (Branch (Left, left, pivot, right))
| Right -> Underflow (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Left ->
match right with
| Branch (Eq, a, p, b) ->
Uk (Branch (Right, Branch (Left, left, pivot, a), p, b))
| Branch (Left, a, p, b) ->
Underflow (Branch (Eq, Branch (Eq, left, pivot, a), p, b))
| Branch (Right, center, q, r) ->
let bal bl br a p b =
Branch (Eq, Branch (bl, left, pivot, a),
Branch (br, b, q, r)) in
(match center with
| Branch (Eq, a, p, b) -> bal Eq Eq a p b
| Branch (Left, a, p, b) -> bal Right Eq a p b
| Branch (Right, a, p, b) -> bal Eq Left a p b)
let rem_right
: type a hl h hr
. (hl, h, hr) balance -> (a, hl) avl -> a -> (a, hr) rem -> (a, h s) rem
= fun balance left pivot right ->
match right with
| Uk right -> Uk (Branch (balance, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow right ->
match balance with
| Eq -> Uk (Branch (Right, left, pivot, right))
| Left -> Underflow (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Right ->
match left with
| Branch (Eq, a, p, b) ->
Uk (Branch (Left, a, p, Branch (Right, b, pivot, right)))
| Branch (Right, a, p, b) ->
Underflow (Branch (Eq, a, p, Branch (Eq, b, pivot, right)))
| Branch (Left, r, q, center) ->
let bal bl br a p b =
Branch (Eq, Branch (bl, r, q, a),
Branch (br, b, pivot, right)) in
(match center with
| Branch (Eq, a, p, b) -> bal Eq Eq a p b
| Branch (Left, a, p, b) -> bal Right Eq a p b
| Branch (Right, a, p, b) -> bal Eq Left a p b)
let rec pop_front
: type a h . (a, h) avl -> a * (a, h) rem
= function
| Leaf -> raise Not_found
| Branch (Eq, Leaf, pivot, right) -> pivot, Underflow right
| Branch (Left, Leaf, pivot, right) -> pivot, Underflow right
| Branch (balance, (Branch _ as left), pivot, right) ->
let elt, left = pop_front left in
elt, rem_left balance left pivot right
let rec pop_back
: type a h . (a, h) avl -> a * (a, h) rem
= function
| Leaf -> raise Not_found
| Branch (Eq, left, pivot, Leaf) -> pivot, Underflow left
| Branch (Right, left, pivot, Leaf) -> pivot, Underflow left
| Branch (balance, left, pivot, (Branch _ as right)) ->
let elt, right = pop_back right in
elt, rem_right balance left pivot right
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Remove *)
let rec remove
: type a h
. (a -> int) -> (a, h) avl -> a * (a, h) rem
= fun select -> function
| Leaf -> raise Not_found
| Branch (balance, left, pivot, right) ->
match select pivot with
| c when c < 0 ->
let elt, left = remove select left in
elt, rem_left balance left pivot right
| c when c > 0 ->
let elt, right = remove select right in
elt, rem_right balance left pivot right
| _ (* 0 *) ->
pivot, match balance with
| Eq ->
begin match left with
| Leaf -> Underflow right
| _ ->
let pivot, left = pop_back left in
match left with
| Uk left -> Uk (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow left -> Uk (Branch (Left, left, pivot, right))
| Right ->
let pivot, left = pop_back left in
begin match left with
| Uk left -> Uk (Branch (Right, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow left -> Underflow (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Left ->
let pivot, right = pop_front right in
begin match right with
| Uk right -> Uk (Branch (Left, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow right -> Underflow (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Append *)
type (_, _, _) add =
| Add_z : (z, 'a, 'a) add
| Add_s : ('a, 'b, 'c) add -> ('a s, 'b, 'c s) add
type ('hl, 'hr, 'delta, 'max) diff =
| Same_height : ('a, 'a, z, 'a) diff
| Greater_right : ('d, 'a, 'b) add -> ('a, 'b, 'd, 'b) diff
| Greater_left : ('d, 'b, 'a) add -> ('a, 'b, 'd, 'a) diff
let rec append
: type a hl h hr d
. (hl, hr, d, h) diff -> (a, hl) avl -> (a, hr) avl -> (a, h) ins
= fun diff left right ->
match diff, left, right with
| Greater_right Add_z, _, _ -> append Same_height left right
| Greater_left Add_z, _, _ -> append Same_height left right
| Same_height, _, _ ->
let pivot, left = pop_back left in
begin match left with
| Uk left -> Overflow (Branch (Eq, left, pivot, right))
| Underflow left -> Overflow (Branch (Left, left, pivot, right))
| Greater_right (Add_s diff), _, Branch (bal, center, pivot, right) ->
let merge' diff bal =
ins_left bal (append diff left center) pivot right in
let merge diff = merge' (Greater_right diff) in
begin match bal, diff with
| Left, Add_z -> merge' (Greater_left (Add_s Add_z)) Eq
| Left, Add_s diff -> merge diff bal
| Eq, _ -> merge diff bal
| Right, _ -> merge diff bal
| Greater_left (Add_s diff), Branch (bal, left, pivot, center), _ ->
let merge' diff bal =
ins_right bal left pivot (append diff center right) in
let merge diff = merge' (Greater_left diff) in
begin match bal, diff with
| Right, Add_z -> merge' (Greater_right (Add_s Add_z)) Eq
| Right, Add_s diff -> merge diff bal
| Eq, _ -> merge diff bal
| Left, _ -> merge diff bal
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Wrapper *)
type 'a t = Avl : 'h nat * ('a, 'h) avl -> 'a t
let empty = Avl (Z, Leaf)
let is_empty = function
| Avl (_, Leaf) -> true
| _ -> false
let to_list (Avl (_, t)) = to_list t
let wrap_ins h = function
| Ok t -> Avl (h, t)
| Overflow t -> Avl (S h, t)
let cons elt (Avl (h, t)) = wrap_ins h (cons elt t)
let snoc elt (Avl (h, t)) = wrap_ins h (snoc elt t)
let insert compare elt (Avl (h, t)) = wrap_ins h (insert compare elt t)
let wrap_rem
: type a h. h nat -> (a, h) rem -> a t
= fun h -> function
| Uk t -> Avl (h, t)
| Underflow t -> match h with S h -> Avl (h, t)
let pop_front (Avl (h, t)) =
let elt, t = pop_front t in
elt, wrap_rem h t
let pop_back (Avl (h, t)) =
let elt, t = pop_back t in
elt, wrap_rem h t
let remove select (Avl (h, t)) =
let elt, t = remove select t in
elt, wrap_rem h t
let rec add_nat
: type a . a nat -> (a, z, a) add
= function
| Z -> Add_z
| S a -> Add_s (add_nat a)
let rec add_zs
: type a b c . (a, b, c) add -> (a, b s, c s) add
= function Add_z -> Add_z | Add_s p -> Add_s (add_zs p)
type (_, _) nat_diff = Diff : 'm nat * ('a, 'b, _, 'm) diff -> ('a, 'b) nat_diff
let rec nat_diff
: type a b . a nat -> b nat -> (a, b) nat_diff
= fun a b ->
match a, b with
| Z, Z -> Diff (Z, Same_height)
| Z, b -> Diff (b, Greater_right (add_nat b))
| a, Z -> Diff (a, Greater_left (add_nat a))
| S a, S b ->
let Diff (mx, p) = nat_diff a b in
let mx = S mx in
match p with
| Same_height -> Diff (mx, Same_height)
| Greater_right p -> Diff (mx, Greater_right (add_zs p))
| Greater_left p -> Diff (mx, Greater_left (add_zs p))
let append (Avl (hl, left)) (Avl (hr, right)) =
let Diff (mx, d) = nat_diff hl hr in
wrap_ins mx (append d left right)
(* }}} *)
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