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Created January 9, 2017 23:29
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open Lwt.Infix
type order =
| String of string * int * int
| Flush
let write_order oc = function
| String (s, i, j) ->
Lwt_io.write_from_string_exactly oc s i j
| Flush ->
Lwt_io.flush oc
type formatter = {
write : unit -> unit Lwt.t ;
ppf : Format.formatter ;
let rec write_orders oc stream =
Lwt_stream.get stream >>= fun order ->
match order with
| Some o ->
write_order oc o >>= fun () ->
write_orders oc stream
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
(* Low level function *)
let make_formatter () =
let stream, push = Lwt_stream.create () in
let out_string s i j =
push @@ Some (String (s, i, j))
and flush () =
push @@ Some Flush
let ppf = Format.make_formatter out_string flush in
stream, ppf
(** Exposed functions *)
let of_channel oc =
let stream, ppf = make_formatter () in
let write () = write_orders oc stream in
{ write ; ppf }
let make_stream () =
let stream, ppf = make_formatter () in
let write () = Lwt.return_unit in
stream, { write ; ppf }
let write_pending ppft = ppft.write ()
let flush ppft = Format.pp_print_flush ppft.ppf () ; ppft.write ()
let kfprintf k ppft fmt =
Format.kfprintf (fun ppf -> k ppf @@ ppft.write ()) ppft.ppf fmt
let fprintf ppft fmt =
kfprintf (fun _ t -> t) ppft fmt
let stdout = of_channel Lwt_io.stdout
let stderr = of_channel Lwt_io.stdout
let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
let eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
type formatter
(** Lwt enabled formatters *)
val of_channel : Lwt_io.output_channel -> formatter
val stdout : formatter
val stderr : formatter
val printf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val eprintf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val kfprintf :
(Format.formatter -> unit Lwt.t -> 'a) ->
formatter -> ('b, Format.formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
val flush : formatter -> unit Lwt.t
val write_pending : formatter -> unit Lwt.t
(** Write all the pending orders of a formatter.
Warning: This function flush neither the internal format queues
nor the underlying channel. You should probably use {!flush} instead.
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