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Created February 20, 2017 20:12
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#include <Keyboard.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// give it a name: Game control
// Pin names
int pin_1 = 2; //space
int pin_2 = 6; //up
int pin_3 = 12; //down
int pin_4 = 13; //left
int pin_5 = 8; //right
//Estas variaveis servirao para verificar o estado das portas
int estado_pin_1, estado_pin_2, estado_pin_3, estado_pin_4, estado_pin_5;
//The setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
//All the digital doors where the buttons are connected, have to be configured as INPUT
pinMode(pin_1, INPUT); //Sets up digital door 8 as INPUT
digitalWrite(pin_1, 0); //Places value 1 in the digital door 8
pinMode(pin_2, INPUT); //Sets up digital door 13 as INPUT
digitalWrite(pin_2, 0); //Places value 1 in the digital door 13
pinMode(pin_3, INPUT); //Sets up digital door 12 as INPUT
digitalWrite(pin_3, 0); //Places value 1 in the digital door 12
pinMode(pin_4, INPUT); //Sets up digital door 6 as INPUT
digitalWrite(pin_4, 0); //Places value 1 in the digital door 6
pinMode(pin_5, INPUT); //Sets up digital door 2 as INPUT
digitalWrite(pin_5, 0); //Places value 1 in the digital door 2
//Every digital door used, have to be conected to the internal resistor
//It's a lifting resistor
//Setting buttons
#define space 2 //Botao space na porta 2 vermelho
#define Up 6 //Botao up na porta 6 laranja
#define Down 12 //Botao down na porta 12 verde
#define Left 13 //Botao left na porta 13 azul
#define Right 8 //Botao right na porta 8 amarelo
char strings[6][10]={"Up","Down","Left","Right","space","\0"};
//strings[0] = "Up";
//strings[1] = "Down";
//strings[2] = "Left";
//strings[3] = "Right";
//strings[4] = "space";
//strings[5] = "\0";
//Starting serial comunication
//Serial.begin(9600); //9600 is the serial comunication speed
//Serial.println("Starting serial comunication...");
//Keyboard.begin(); //Starts a keyboard emulation
//Todos os botoes comecam desligados
digitalWrite(2, LOW); //Porta 2 space
digitalWrite(6, LOW); //Porta 6 up
digitalWrite(12, LOW); //Porta 12 down
digitalWrite(13, LOW); //Porta 13 left
digitalWrite(8, LOW); //Porta 8 right
//the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop(){
//Inside this function, we must check if there is a button pressed or not.
//int space = digitalRead(2); //Check door 2
//int up = digitalRead(6); //Check door 6
//int down = digitalRead(12); //Check door 12
//int left = digitalRead(13); //Check door 13
//int right = digitalRead(8); //Check door 8
//Reading doors
estado_pin_1 = digitalRead(2); //space
estado_pin_2 = digitalRead(6); //up
estado_pin_3 = digitalRead(12); //down
estado_pin_4 = digitalRead(13); //left
estado_pin_5 = digitalRead(8); //right
if(estado_pin_1 == HIGH){
while(estado_pin_1 == HIGH){
//Space is pressed
estado_pin_1 = digitalRead(2);
if(estado_pin_1 == LOW){
//A porta 2 recebe a informacao de que ela esta desligada
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
if(estado_pin_2 == HIGH){
while(estado_pin_2 == HIGH){
//Up is pressed
Keyboard.println("Up"); //
estado_pin_2 = digitalRead(6);
if(estado_pin_2 == LOW){
//A porta 6 recebe a informacao de que ela esta desligada
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
if(estado_pin_3 == HIGH){
while(estado_pin_3 == HIGH){
//Down is pressed
Keyboard.println("Down"); //Envia uma string ao pc
estado_pin_3 = digitalRead(12);
if(estado_pin_3 == LOW){
//A porta 12 recebe a informacao de que ela esta desligada
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
if(estado_pin_4 == HIGH){
while(estado_pin_4 == HIGH){
//Left is pressed
Keyboard.println("Left"); //Envia uma string ao pc
estado_pin_4 = digitalRead(13);
if(estado_pin_4 == LOW){
//A porta 13 recebe a informacao de que ela esta desligada
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
if(estado_pin_5 == HIGH){
while(estado_pin_5 == HIGH){
//Right is pressed
estado_pin_5 = digitalRead(8);
if(estado_pin_5 == LOW){
//A porta 8 recebe a informacao de que ela esta desligada
digitalWrite(8, LOW);
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