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Created January 29, 2018 15:05
play hue drops with matplotlib and test solver
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import numpy as np
colours = {'R':0.00,
##### random grid #######
def getCharFromNum(x):
terv = 1./6
if x<terv:
return 'R'
elif x<2*terv:
return 'O'
elif x<3*terv:
return 'Y'
elif x<4*terv:
return 'G'
elif x<5*terv:
return 'B'
return 'V'
def getRandomGrid(c, r):
x = np.random.rand(c, r)
y = np.chararray((c,r), unicode=True)
for index, n in np.ndenumerate(x):
y[index] = getCharFromNum(n)
y[0,0] = 'W'
return y
#### Challenge input #####
def getGridProblem():
x = np.chararray((12,10), unicode=True)
x[0,:] = ['W','Y','O','B','V','G','V','Y','O','B']
x[1,:] = ['G','O','O','V','R','V','R','G','O','R']
x[2,:] = ['V','B','R','R','R','B','R','B','G','Y']
x[3,:] = ['B','O','Y','R','R','G','Y','V','O','V']
x[4,:] = ['V','O','B','O','R','G','B','R','G','R']
x[5,:] = ['B','O','G','Y','Y','G','O','V','R','V']
x[6,:] = ['O','O','G','O','Y','R','O','V','G','G']
x[7,:] = ['B','O','O','V','G','Y','V','B','Y','G']
x[8,:] = ['R','B','G','V','O','R','Y','G','G','G']
x[9,:] = ['Y','R','Y','B','R','O','V','O','B','V']
x[10,:] = ['O','B','O','B','Y','O','Y','V','B','O']
x[11,:] = ['V','R','R','G','V','V','G','V','V','G']
return x
### Slow fill mechanics ####
def getAdjacent(x, ind, direction):
if direction==0 and ind[0]<x.shape[0]-1:
return (ind[0]+1,ind[1])
elif direction==1 and ind[1]<x.shape[1]-1:
return (ind[0],ind[1]+1)
elif direction==2 and ind[0]>0:
return (ind[0]-1,ind[1])
elif direction==3 and ind[1]>0:
return (ind[0],ind[1]-1)
return None
def getMatches(x):
ind = [(0,0)]
found = False
while True:
for direction in range(4):
for i in ind:
adj = getAdjacent(x, i, direction)
if adj!=None:
if x[adj]==x[i]:
if adj not in ind:
found = True
if found:
found = False
return ind
def fill(x, c):
newx = x.copy()
for index in getMatches(x):
newx[index] = c
return newx
#### greedy solver, thinks two moves ahead #####
def solver(x):
most = 0
route = ('W','W')
routes = []
newx = x.copy()
bestx = x.copy()
while len(getMatches(newx))<x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]:
for colour1 in colours.keys():
x1 = newx.copy()
x1 = fill(x1, colour1)
for colour2 in colours.keys():
x2 = x1.copy()
x2 = fill(x2, colour2)
if len(getMatches(x2))>most:
most = len(getMatches(x2))
route = colour1, colour2
bestx = x2.copy()
newx = bestx.copy()
#### matplotlib display #####
def getColourNum(c):
return colours[c]
except KeyError:
return 1
def getColourGrid(x):
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
for index, n in np.ndenumerate(x):
y[index] = getColourNum(n)
return y
def plot():
ax.imshow(getColourGrid(X), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow'), interpolation='nearest', norm=nrm)
def onpress(event):
global X
for colour in colours.keys():
if event.key == colour.lower() or event.key == colour:
X = fill(X, colour)
#### run it #####
#X = getRandomGrid(5,4)
X = getGridProblem()
mpl.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None'
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [X.shape[1]*0.8,X.shape[0]*0.8]
nrm = colors.NoNorm()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0,0,1,1])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', onpress)
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