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Created February 22, 2015 23:39
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scala nes james bond jr solver
object james_bond_jr {
type State = Vector[Int]
val initialState: State = Vector(1,2,2,1, 3,4,4,3, 3,4,4,3, 2,4,4,2)
val endState: State = Vector(4,3,4,2, 3,1,2,4, 4,2,4,3, 2,4,3,1)
trait Move {
def act(state: State): State
case class MoveLeft(row: Int) extends Move {
def act(state: State) = state.updated(0 + row * 4, state(1 + row * 4)).updated(1 + row * 4, state(2 + row * 4)).updated(2 + row * 4, state(3 + row * 4)).updated(3 + row * 4, state(0 + row * 4))
case class MoveRight(row: Int) extends Move {
def act(state: State) = state.updated(1 + row * 4, state(0 + row * 4)).updated(2 + row * 4, state(1 + row * 4)).updated(3 + row * 4, state(2 + row * 4)).updated(0 + row * 4, state(3 + row * 4))
case class MoveUp(col: Int) extends Move {
def act(state: State) = state.updated(0 + col, state(4 + col)).updated(4 + col, state(8 + col)).updated(8 + col, state(12 + col)).updated(12 + col, state(0 + col))
case class MoveDown(col: Int) extends Move {
def act(state: State) = state.updated(4 + col, state(0 + col)).updated(8 + col, state(4 + col)).updated(12 + col, state(8 + col)).updated(0 + col, state(12 + col))
val moves =
(for (i <- 0 until 4) yield MoveLeft(i)) ++
(for (i <- 0 until 4) yield MoveRight(i)) ++
(for (i <- 0 until 4) yield MoveUp(i)) ++
(for (i <- 0 until 4) yield MoveDown(i))
class Path(path: List[Move], val endState: State) extends Ordered[Path]{
def extend(move: Move) = new Path(move :: path, move act endState)
override def toString = (path.reverse mkString " ") + "-->" + endState
def compare(that: Path): Int = {
def diffFromEnd(x:Path) :Int = (x.endState zip endState).count( {case (x,y) => x!=y} )
diffFromEnd(this) - diffFromEnd(that)
val initialPath = new Path(Nil, initialState)
def from(paths: Vector[Path], explored:Set[State]): Stream[Vector[Path]] = {
if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty
else {
val more= for {
path <- paths
next <- moves map path.extend
if !(explored contains next.endState)
} yield next
//val a = println("pathSet.size =" + more.size + "explored.size = " + explored.size)
val sortedMore = (more take 50000).sorted
paths #:: from(sortedMore, explored ++ (sortedMore map (_.endState)))
val pathSets = from(Vector(initialPath), Set(initialState))
def solution = {
for {
pathSet <- pathSets
path <- pathSet
if path.endState == endState
} yield path
def printSolution(p: Stream[Path]): Unit = {
val l = (solution take 1).toList
println(l mkString "\n")
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