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Created March 3, 2016 03:03
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module Main where
import Control.Bind ((=<<))
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), runAff, later')
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (throwException)
import Control.Monad.List.Trans as ListT
import Control.Monad.Trampoline (Trampoline, runTrampoline)
import Data.Array (slice, insertAt, head, singleton)
import Data.Functor ((<$))
import Data.Lazy (Lazy, force)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just), maybe)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple, fst, snd)
import Halogen
import Halogen.HTML.Events.Indexed as E
import Halogen.HTML.Indexed as H
import Halogen.HTML.Properties.Indexed as P
import Halogen.Util (appendToBody, onLoad)
import Prelude
import Test.StrongCheck.Gen (Gen, GenState(..), runGen, shuffleArray, infinite, toLazyList)
data BingoQuery a = Shuffle a
type Numbers = Array String
type Permutations = ListT.ListT Lazy (Array String)
type BingoState = { numbers :: Maybe Numbers, permutations :: Permutations }
initialNumbers :: Array String
initialNumbers =
[ "Always wants to fight"
, "Autistic"
, "Black and purple wardrobe"
, "Choker collar"
, "Communist"
, "Dollmaker games"
, "Furry"
, "Gay"
, "Linguist"
, "Loves the moon"
, "Loves weird animals"
, "Neon Genesis Evangelion"
, "Owns tabletop simulator"
, "Owns thigh high socks"
, "Plays competetive smash"
, "Polyamorous"
, "Programmer"
, "Scene phase"
, "Slime"
, "Tired"
, "Too much salt"
, "Wants to be a robot"
, "Went on /d/"
, "Would date an alien"
initialGenState :: GenState
initialGenState = GenState { size: 1, seed: 454645874.0 }
initialPermutations :: Permutations
initialPermutations = toLazyList (infinite $ shuffleArray initialNumbers) initialGenState
initialState :: BingoState
initialState = { numbers: Just initialNumbers, permutations: initialPermutations }
nextPermutation :: BingoState -> BingoState
nextPermutation state =
{ numbers: force $ ListT.head $ state.permutations, permutations: ListT.drop 1 state.permutations }
insertFreeSpace :: Array String -> Maybe (Array String)
insertFreeSpace = insertAt 12 "FREE SPACE"
rows :: forall a. Array a -> Array (Array a)
rows xs = [slice 0 5 xs, slice 5 10 xs, slice 10 15 xs, slice 15 20 xs, slice 20 25 xs]
ui :: forall g. (Functor g) => Component BingoState BingoQuery g
ui = component render eval
render :: BingoState -> ComponentHTML BingoQuery
render state =
[ maybe renderGenError renderTableIfThereAreEnoughNumbers $ state.numbers
, H.button [ E.onClick $ E.input_ Shuffle ] [ H.text "Shuffle" ]
renderTableIfThereAreEnoughNumbers :: Array String -> ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderTableIfThereAreEnoughNumbers =
maybe renderNotEnoughNumbersError renderTable <<< insertFreeSpace
renderNotEnoughNumbersError :: ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderNotEnoughNumbersError = H.text "Needed at least 11 numbers"
renderGenError :: ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderGenError = H.text "Generator didn't produce a sample"
renderTable :: Array String -> ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderTable = H.table_ <<< map renderRow <<< rows
renderRow :: Array String -> ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderRow = H.tr_ <<< map renderCell
renderCell :: String -> ComponentHTML BingoQuery
renderCell = H.td_ <<< singleton <<< H.text
eval :: Natural BingoQuery (ComponentDSL BingoState BingoQuery g)
eval (Shuffle next) = next <$ modify nextPermutation
main :: Eff (HalogenEffects ()) Unit
main = runAff throwException (const (pure unit)) initialiseAndAppendNode
initialiseAndAppendNode =
onLoad <<< appendToBody <<< _.node =<< (runUI ui $ nextPermutation initialState)
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