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Created May 24, 2017 06:32
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"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "Tell the world about your project!",
"repository": "",
"license": "BSD3",
"source-directories": [
"exposed-modules": [],
"dependencies": {
"elm-lang/core": "5.1.1 <= v < 5.1.1",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.18.0 <= v < 0.19.0"
html {
background: #F7F7F7;
font-family: monospace;
var app = Elm.Main.fullscreen()
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (pre, text, Html)
main : Html a
main =
-- List.range 0 200
-- List.range 3364 3388
-- List.range 216358 216375
List.range 0 200
|> (\num -> ((String.padRight 7 ' ' (toString num ++ ") ")) ++ toFieldName num))
|> String.join "\n"
|> text
|> List.singleton
|> pre []
toFieldName : Int -> String
toFieldName num =
if num < firstCharOptions then
toFieldNameHelp num
-- Skip 0-9, _, and $ in the single-char case
toFieldNameHelp (num + secondCharOptions - firstCharOptions)
toFieldNameHelp : Int -> String
toFieldNameHelp num =
if num < 0 then
else if num >= 64 then
(toFloat num / toFloat 64)
- 1
++ toFieldNameHelp (num % 64)
case num of
0 ->
1 ->
2 ->
3 ->
4 ->
5 ->
6 ->
7 ->
8 ->
9 ->
10 ->
11 ->
12 ->
13 ->
14 ->
15 ->
16 ->
17 ->
18 ->
19 ->
20 ->
21 ->
22 ->
23 ->
24 ->
25 ->
62 ->
63 ->
_ ->
if num > 51 then
toString ((num % 51) - 1)
(num - 26)
|> toFieldNameHelp
|> String.toUpper
firstCharOptions : Int
firstCharOptions =
secondCharOptions : Int
secondCharOptions =
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