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Created September 1, 2017 18:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
import typing
N_HASH = 701
def P_collision(n_entries: int, n_candidates: int) -> float:
return (1 - #calculating the no collisions prob
numpy.arange(n_entries-n_candidates, n_entries + 1) / # n_candidates factors
n_cands = numpy.arange(1, N_HASH//5)
prob_collision = [P_collision(N_HASH, n) for n in n_cands]
max_below_half = 0
while(prob_collision[max_below_half] < 0.5):
max_below_half += 1
max_below_ninetynine = max_below_half
while(prob_collision[max_below_ninetynine] < 0.99 and max_below_ninetynine < len(prob_collision)):
max_below_ninetynine += 1
f= pyplot.figure(figsize=(6,5), dpi=150)
pyplot.axhline(y=0.5, alpha=0.5)
pyplot.axvline(x=n_cands[max_below_half], alpha=0.5, color='orange')
pyplot.axvline(x=n_cands[max_below_ninetynine], alpha=0.5, color='r')
pyplot.semilogy(n_cands, prob_collision)
pyplot.xlabel("Number of PMTs in existence")
pyplot.xlabel("Probability of having at least one collision")
pyplot.title("Probability has no mercy for hashes that have {:d} values".format(N_HASH))
sorted([10**n for n in range(int( numpy.log10(prob_collision[0]))-1, 0)] + [1.0, 0.5])
ticks = numpy.append(( n_cands[max_below_half], n_cands[max_below_ninetynine]),
numpy.arange(start=0, stop=N_HASH//2, step=25))
ticks_la = ["P>0.5 @ {:d}".format(ticks[0]), "P>99% @ {:d}".format(ticks[1])] + [str(t) for t in ticks[2:]]
pyplot.xticks(ticks, ticks_la, rotation=45)
pyplot.xlim((n_cands[0], n_cands[-1]))
print ("maximum below 50%: {mbh:d}, below 99%: {mbnn:d}".format(mbnn=max_below_ninetynine, mbh=max_below_half))
pyplot.savefig("why a {:d} hashtable is bad.png".format(N_HASH))
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