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Created June 14, 2014 20:16
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from mathutils import Vector
from random import random
ul = [[[random(),random(),random()] for i in range(1000)]]
v1 = [[[random(),random(),random()] for i in range(1000)]]
v2 = [[[0,0,1]]]
def fullList(l, count):
d = count - len(l)
if d > 0:
l.extend([l[-1] for a in range(d)])
cross = lambda u,v:Vector(u).cross(v)[:]
def recurse_fxy( l1, l2, f, leve):
if not leve:
return f(l1, l2)
max_obj = max(len(l1), len(l2))
fullList(l1, max_obj)
fullList(l2, max_obj)
return [recurse_fxy(l1[i], l2[i], f, leve-1) for i in range(len(l1))]
def recurse_fxy2(l1, l2, f, leve):
if leve==1:
max_obj = max(len(l1),len(l2))
res = []
res_append = res.append
for i,obj in enumerate(zip(l1,l2)):
res_append(f(obj[0], obj[1]))
if i < max_obj-1:
if len(l1)-1==i:
for i in range(i,max_obj):
for i in range(i,max_obj):
return res
elif leve > 1:
max_obj = max(len(l1),len(l2))
fullList(l1, max_obj)
fullList(l2, max_obj)
res = []
for i in range(len(l1)):
res.append(recurse_fxy2(l1[i], l2[i],f, leve-1))
return res
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