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Created September 24, 2017 17:24
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flash = require('../')
Prefs = require('../')
debug = require('../')
parser = require('./formatter.pegjs')
parseDate = require('../')
transliterate = require('transliteration').transliterate
fold2ascii = require('fold-to-ascii').fold
punycode = require('punycode')
journalAbbrev = require('../')
debug('Keymanager.Formatter... loading')
class PatternFormatter
constructor: ->
update: ->
@skipWords = Prefs.get('skipWords').split(',').map((word) -> word.trim()).filter((word) -> word)
@fold = Prefs.get('citekeyFold')
for attempt in ['get', 'reset']
if attempt == 'reset'
debug("PatternFormatter.update: malformed citekeyFormat '#{@citekeyFormat}', resetting to default")
flash("Malformed citation pattern '#{@citekeyFormat}', resetting to default")
@citekeyFormat = Prefs.get('citekeyFormat')
debug("PatternFormatter.update: trying citekeyFormat #{@citekeyFormat}...")
@generate = new Function(@parsePattern(@citekeyFormat))
catch err
debug('PatternFormatter.update: Error parsing citekeyFormat ', {pattern: @citekeyFormat}, err)
debug('PatternFormatter.update: citekeyFormat=', @citekeyFormat, '' + @generate)
parsePattern: (pattern) -> parser.parse(pattern, PatternFormatter::)
unsafechars: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp("[^-\\p{L}0-9_!$*+./;?\\[\\]]")
alphanum: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]")
punct: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp('\\p{Pc}|\\p{Pd}|\\p{Pe}|\\p{Pf}|\\p{Pi}|\\p{Po}|\\p{Ps}', 'g')
caseNotUpperTitle: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp('[^\\p{Lu}\\p{Lt}]', 'g')
caseNotUpper: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp('[^\\p{Lu}]', 'g')
word: Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp("[\\p{L}\\p{Nd}\\{Pc}\\p{M}]+(-[\\p{L}\\p{Nd}\\{Pc}\\p{M}]+)*", 'g')
removeDiacritics: (str) ->
str = transliterate(str || '')
str = fold2ascii(str)
return str
format: (item) ->
@item = {
type: Zotero.ItemTypes.getName(item.itemTypeID)
return {} if @item.type in ['attachment', 'note']
try = item.getField('date', false, true)
@item.title = item.getField('title', false, true)
date = parseDate(
date = date.dates[0] if date.type == 'list'
date = (date.from || if date.type == 'interval'
switch date?.type || 'verbatim'
when 'verbatim'
# strToDate is a lot less accurate than the BBT+EDTF dateparser, but it sometimes extracts year-ish things that
# ours doesn't
date = Zotero.Date.strToDate(
@item.year = parseInt(date.year)
delete @item.year if isNaN(@item.year)
@item.year ?=
@item.month = parseInt(date.month)
delete @item.month if isNaN(@item.month)
when 'date'
@item.origyear = date.orig?.year || date.year
@item.year = date.year || @item.origyear
@item.month = date.month
when 'season'
@item.year = date.year
throw "Unexpected parsed date #{JSON.stringify(date)}"
debug('PatternFormatter.format: base state =', Object.assign({}, @item, {item: @item.title}))
citekey = @generate()
debug('PatternFormatter.format: generated', Object.assign({}, @item, {citekey, item: @item.title}))
citekey.citekey ||= "zotero-#{}"
citekey.citekey = @removeDiacritics(citekey.citekey) if citekey.citekey && @fold
return citekey
clean: (str) ->
return @safechars(@removeDiacritics(str)).trim()
safechars: (str) ->
return Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.replace(str, @re.unsafechars, '', 'all')
words: (str) ->
# 551
return (@clean(word).replace(/-/g, '') for word in Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.matchChain(@innerText(str), [@re.word]) when word != '')
# three-letter month abbreviations. I assume these are the same ones that the
# docs say are defined in some appendix of the LaTeX book. (i don't have the
# LaTeX book.)
months: [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ]
padYear: (year, length) ->
return year if typeof year == 'string'
return '' unless typeof year == 'number'
# don't pad to pass the tests
return '' + year if length != 2
if year < 0
prefix = '-'
year = -year
prefix = ''
return prefix + ('0000' + year).slice(-length)
titleWords: (title, options = {}) ->
return null unless title
words = @words(title)
words = (word.replace(/[^ -~]/g, '') for word in words) if options.asciiOnly
words = (word for word in words when word != '')
words = (word for word in words when @skipWords.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) < 0 && punycode.ucs2.decode(word).length > 1) if options.skipWords
return null if words.length == 0
return words
DOMParser: Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMParser)
innerText: (str) ->
return '' unless str
doc = @DOMParser.parseFromString("<span>#{str}</span>", 'text/html')
doc = doc.documentElement if doc.nodeType == 9 # DOCUMENT_NODE
return doc.textContent
initial: (creator) ->
return '' unless creator.firstName
if m = creator.firstName.match(/(.+)\u0097/)
initial = m[1]
initial = creator.firstName[0]
initial = @removeDiacritics(initial)
return initial
creators: (onlyEditors, options = {}) ->
if !@item.creators
types = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getTypesForItemType(@item.item.itemTypeID)
types = types.reduce((map, type) -> map[] =; return map)
primary = Zotero.CreatorTypes.getPrimaryIDForType(@item.item.itemTypeID)
@item.creators = {}
for creator in @item.item.getCreators()
continue if onlyEditors && creator.creatorTypeID not in [types.editor, types.seriesEditor]
if options.initialOnly
name = @initial(creator)
name = @innerText(creator.lastName)
if name
if options.withInitials && creator.firstName
initials = Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.replace(creator.firstName, @re.caseNotUpperTitle, '', 'all')
initials = @removeDiacritics(initials)
initials = Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.replace(initials, @re.caseNotUpper, '', 'all')
name += initials
name = @innerText(creator.firstName)
continue unless name
switch creator.creatorTypeID
when types.editor, types.seriesEditor
@item.creators.editors ||= []
when types.translator
@item.creators.translators ||= []
when primary
@item.creators.authors ||= []
@item.creators.collaborators ||= []
return @item.creators.editors || [] if onlyEditors
return @item.creators.authors || @item.creators.editors || @item.creators.translators || @item.creators.collaborators || []
numberRe: /^[0-9]+/
citeKeyTitleBannedRe: /\b(a|an|the|some|from|on|in|to|of|do|with|der|die|das|ein|eine|einer|eines|einem|einen|un|une|la|le|l\'|el|las|los|al|uno|una|unos|unas|de|des|del|d\')(\s+|\b)|(<\/?(i|b|sup|sub|sc|span)>)/g
citeKeyConversionsRe: /%([a-zA-Z])/
citeKeyCleanRe: /[^a-z0-9\!\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\;\<\>\?\[\]\^\_\`\|]+/g
# methods
$zotero: ->
key = ''
if creator = (@item.item.getCreators() || [])[0]
key += creator.lastName.toLowerCase().replace(RegExp(' ', 'g'), '_').replace(/,/g, '') if creator.lastName
key += '_'
if title = @item.title
key += title.toLowerCase().replace(@zotero.citeKeyTitleBannedRe, '').split(/\s+/g)[0]
key += '_'
year = '????'
date = Zotero.Date.strToDate(
year = date.year if date.year && @zotero.numberRe.test(date.year)
key += year
key = Zotero.Utilities.removeDiacritics(key.toLowerCase(), true)
return key.replace(@zotero.citeKeyCleanRe, '')
$property: (name) ->
return @innerText(@item.item.getField(name, false, true) || '')
return @innerText(@item.item.getField(name[0].toLowerCase() + name.slice(1), false, true) || '')
return ''
$library: ->
return '' if @item.item.libraryID == Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID
return Zotero.Libraries.getName(@item.item.libraryID)
$auth: (onlyEditors, withInitials, n, m) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
author = authors[m || 0]
author = author.substring(0, n) if author && n
return author ? ''
$authForeIni: (onlyEditors) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {initialOnly: true})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors[0]
$authorLastForeIni: (onlyEditors) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {initialOnly: true})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors[authors.length - 1]
$authorLast: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors[authors.length - 1] ? ''
$journal: -> journalAbbrev.get(@item.item, true) || @item.item.getField('publicationTitle', false, true)
$authors: (onlyEditors, withInitials, n) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
if n
etal = (authors.length > n)
authors = authors.slice(0, n)
authors.push('EtAl') if etal
authors = authors.join('')
return authors
$authorsAlpha: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return switch authors.length
when 1
return authors[0].substring(0, 3)
when 2, 3, 4
return (author.substring(0, 1) for author in authors).join('')
return (author.substring(0, 1) for author in authors.slice(0, 3)).join('') + '+'
$authIni: (onlyEditors, withInitials, n) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return (author.substring(0, n) for author in authors).join('.')
$authorIni: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
firstAuthor = authors.shift()
return [firstAuthor.substring(0, 5)].concat(((name.substring(0, 1) for name in auth).join('.') for auth in authors)).join('.')
$auth_auth_ea: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors.slice(0, 2).concat((if authors.length > 2 then ['ea'] else [])).join('.')
$authEtAl: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors.join('') if authors.length == 2
return authors.slice(0, 1).concat((if authors.length > 1 then ['EtAl'] else [])).join('')
$auth_etal: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
return authors.join('.') if authors.length == 2
return authors.slice(0, 1).concat((if authors.length > 1 then ['etal'] else [])).join('.')
$authshort: (onlyEditors, withInitials) ->
authors = @creators(onlyEditors, {withInitials})
return '' unless authors?.length
switch authors.length
when 0
return ''
when 1
return authors[0]
return (author.substring(0, 1) for author in authors).join('.') + (if authors.length > 3 then '+' else '')
$firstpage: ->
@item.pages ||= @item.item.getField('pages', false, true)
return '' unless @item.pages
firstpage = ''
@item.pages.replace(/^([0-9]+)/g, (match, fp) -> firstpage = fp)
return firstpage
$lastpage: ->
@item.pages ||= @item.item.getField('pages', false, true)
return '' unless @item.pages
lastpage = ''
@item.pages.replace(/([0-9]+)[^0-9]*$/g, (match, lp) -> lastpage = lp)
return lastpage
$keyword: (n) ->
@item.tags ||= (tag.tag for tag in @item.item.getTags())
return @item.tags[n] || ''
$shorttitle: ->
words = @titleWords(@item.title, { skipWords: true, asciiOnly: true})
return '' unless words
return words.slice(0, 3).join('')
$veryshorttitle: ->
words = @titleWords(@item.title, { skipWords: true, asciiOnly: true})
return '' unless words
return words.slice(0, 1).join('')
$shortyear: ->
return @padYear(@item.year, 2)
$year: ->
return @padYear(@item.year, 4)
$origyear: ->
return @padYear(@item.origyear, 4)
$month: ->
return '' unless @item.month
return @months[@item.month - 1] ? ''
$title: -> @titleWords(@item.title).join('')
# filters
_condense: (value, sep) ->
sep = '' if typeof sep == 'undefined'
return (value || '').replace(/\s/g, sep)
_prefix: (value, prefix) ->
value ||= ''
return "#{prefix}#{value}" if value != '' && prefix
return value
_postfix: (value, postfix) ->
value ||= ''
return value + postfix if value != '' && postfix
return value
_abbr: (value) ->
return (word.substring(0, 1) for word in (value || '').split(/\s+/)).join('')
_lower: (value) ->
return (value || '').toLowerCase()
_upper: (value) ->
return (value || '').toUpperCase()
_skipwords: (value) ->
return (word for word in (value || '').split(/\s+/) when @skipWords.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) < 0).join(' ').trim()
_select: (value, start, n) ->
value = (value || '').split(/\s+/)
end = value.length
start = 1 if typeof start == 'undefined'
start = parseInt(start) - 1
end = start + parseInt(n) if typeof n != 'undefined'
return value.slice(start, end).join(' ')
_substring: (value, start, n) ->
return (value || '').slice(start - 1, start - 1 + n)
_ascii: (value) ->
return (value || '').replace(/[^ -~]/g, '').split(/\s+/).join(' ').trim()
_alphanum: (value) ->
return Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.replace(value || '', @re.alphanum, '', 'all').split(/\s+/).join(' ').trim()
_fold: (value) ->
return @removeDiacritics(value).split(/\s+/).join(' ').trim()
_capitalize: (value) ->
return (value || '').replace(/((^|\s)[a-z])/g, (m) -> m.toUpperCase())
_nopunct: (value) ->
return Zotero.Utilities.XRegExp.replace(value || '', @re.punct, '', 'all')
# ### TODO: What is this for? ###
# HTML: class
# constructor: (html) ->
# @text = ''
# @HTMLtoDOM.Parser(html, @)
# cdata: (text) -> @text += text
# chars: (text) -> @text += text
debug('Keymanager.Formatter loaded')
module.exports = new PatternFormatter()
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