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Created October 9, 2014 07:01
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defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$th = Loader::helper('text');
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$dh = Core::make('helper/date'); /* @var $dh \Concrete\Core\Localization\Service\Date */
// these lines make sorting by the custom attribute (event_date_time) work
$pl = new PageList();
// prevents blog_entry page types from showing up when this custom template is used on the Events parent page
// gets the current time minus 1 day as a unix timestamp
$datetime = strtotime('-1 day');
// takes the $datetime (unix timestamp format) and converts it to the mysql date time format - "Y-m-d H:i:s"
$mysqldate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $datetime);
// filters the database request for pages by the attribute "event_date_time" and that are no more than a day old
// "event_date_time" is a custom attribute for the time of the event, the value is a time
// $mysqldate is the current time minus one day
// the comparison is: event_date_time > $mysqldate
// if the event_date_time is greater (upcoming date time), then it will not be filtered
// $pl->filterbyAttribute($column, $value, '=') - the third argument is the comparison
$pl->filterbyAttribute('event_date_time', $mysqldate, '>');
// sorts pages by custom attribute "event_date_time" in ascending order - the soonest to latest
// the custom attribute is prefixed with "ak_"
$pl->sortBy('ak_event_date_time', 'asc');
$pagination = $pl->getPagination();
// limits the page results - e.g. $pagination->setMaxPerPage(3); limits the results to 3
// retrieves the page results
$pages = $pagination->getCurrentPageResults();
<?php if ( $c->isEditMode() && $controller->isBlockEmpty()) { ?>
<div class="ccm-edit-mode-disabled-item"><?php echo t('Empty Page List Block.')?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-wrapper">
<?php if ($pageListTitle): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-header">
<h5><?php echo $pageListTitle?></h5>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($rssUrl): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $rssUrl ?>" target="_blank" class="ccm-block-page-list-rss-feed"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-pages">
<?php foreach ($pages as $page):
// get the event_date_time attribute
$event_date_time = $page->getAttribute('event_date_time');
// convert the $event_date_time from MySQL format to a unix timestamp
// format the unix timestamp - "l F jS g:ia" - e.g. Thursday October 2nd 10:22pm
$event_date_time = date("l F jS g:ia", strtotime($event_date_time));
// Prepare data for each page being listed...
$buttonClasses = 'ccm-block-page-list-read-more';
$entryClasses = 'ccm-block-page-list-page-entry';
$title = $th->entities($page->getCollectionName());
$url = $nh->getLinkToCollection($page);
$target = ($page->getCollectionPointerExternalLink() != '' && $page->openCollectionPointerExternalLinkInNewWindow()) ? '_blank' : $page->getAttribute('nav_target');
$target = empty($target) ? '_self' : $target;
$description = $page->getCollectionDescription();
$description = $controller->truncateSummaries ? $th->wordSafeShortText($description, $controller->truncateChars) : $description;
$description = $th->entities($description);
$thumbnail = false;
if ($displayThumbnail) {
$thumbnail = $page->getAttribute('thumbnail');
$includeEntryText = false;
if ($includeName || $includeDescription || $useButtonForLink) {
$includeEntryText = true;
if (is_object($thumbnail) && $includeEntryText) {
$entryClasses = 'ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-horizontal';
$date = $dh->formatDateTime($page->getCollectionDatePublic(), true);
//Other useful page data...
//$last_edited_by = $page->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
//$original_author = Page::getByID($page->getCollectionID(), 1)->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
* $example_value = $page->getAttribute('example_attribute_handle');
* 1) Uncomment the "$ih = Loader::helper('image');" line up top.
* 2) Put in some code here like the following 2 lines:
* $img = $page->getAttribute('example_image_attribute_handle');
* $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($img, 64, 9999, false);
* (Replace "64" with max width, "9999" with max height. The "9999" effectively means "no maximum size" for that particular dimension.)
* (Change the last argument from false to true if you want thumbnails cropped.)
* 3) Output the image tag below like this:
* <img src="<?php echo $thumb->src ?>" width="<?php echo $thumb->width ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb->height ?>" alt="" />
* 1) Put in some code here like the following 2 lines:
* $img_src = $img->getRelativePath();
* $img_width = $img->getAttribute('width');
* $img_height = $img->getAttribute('height');
* 2) Output the image tag below like this:
* <img src="<?php echo $img_src ?>" width="<?php echo $img_width ?>" height="<?php echo $img_height ?>" alt="" />
/* End data preparation. */
/* The HTML from here through "endforeach" is repeated for every item in the list... */ ?>
<div class="<?php echo $entryClasses?>">
<?php if (is_object($thumbnail)): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-thumbnail">
$img = Core::make('html/image', array($thumbnail));
$tag = $img->getTag();
print $tag;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($includeEntryText): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-text">
<div><?php echo $event_date_time ?></div>
<?php if ($includeName): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-title">
<?php if ($useButtonForLink) { ?>
<?php echo $title; ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $url ?>" target="<?php echo $target ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($includeDate): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-date"><?php echo $date?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($includeDescription): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-description">
<?php echo $description ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($useButtonForLink): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-page-entry-read-more">
<a href="<?php echo $url?>" class="<?php echo $buttonClasses?>"><?php echo $buttonLinkText?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if (count($pages) == 0): ?>
<div class="ccm-block-page-list-no-pages"><?php echo $noResultsMessage?></div>
<?php endif;?>
</div><!-- end .ccm-block-page-list -->
<?php if ($showPagination): ?>
<?php echo $pagination;?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php } ?>
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