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/cat.log Secret

Created October 19, 2017 13:55
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Device : Google Pixel XL (marlin)
Android : 8.0.0 (4292972, OPR1.170623.027)
Memory : 5M (40.11% free, 512M max)
Memclass: 256
OS Host :
App : Signal 4.11.3
--------- beginning of main
10-19 09:43:56.259 15907 15907 W MmsListener: Got MMS
10-19 09:44:13.153 26391 26391 I zygote : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
10-19 09:44:13.390 26391 26411 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 2053(1421KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 81% free, 345KB/1881KB, paused 10.537ms total 61.508ms
10-19 09:44:14.065 26391 26391 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
10-19 09:44:14.065 26391 26391 I MultiDex: Installing application
10-19 09:44:14.065 26391 26391 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
10-19 09:44:14.075 26391 26391 W PartProvider: onCreate()
10-19 09:44:14.295 26391 26391 W PersistentAlarmManagerListener: class org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.RotateSignedPreKeyListener scheduling for: 1508464320563
10-19 09:44:14.299 26391 26391 W PersistentAlarmManagerListener: class org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.DirectoryRefreshListener scheduling for: 1508426454804
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : JVM::Initialize@[tid=26391]
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : JVM::JVM@[tid=26391]
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : LoadClasses
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : name: org/webrtc/voiceengine/BuildInfo
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : name: org/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioManager
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : name: org/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioRecord
10-19 09:44:14.317 26391 26391 D JVM : name: org/webrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioTrack
10-19 09:44:14.457 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onCreate(null)
10-19 09:44:14.632 26391 26391 W ExperienceUpgradeActivity: getExperienceUpgrade(302)
10-19 09:44:14.633 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: routeApplicationState(), state: 0
10-19 09:44:14.677 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: initializeClearKeyReceiver()
10-19 09:44:14.993 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onResume()
10-19 09:44:15.012 26391 26450 D OpenGLRenderer: HWUI GL Pipeline
10-19 09:44:15.021 26391 26391 W ExperienceUpgradeActivity: getExperienceUpgrade(302)
10-19 09:44:15.025 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onCreate()
10-19 09:44:15.114 26391 26391 W service : Broadcasting new secret...
10-19 09:44:15.119 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, null
10-19 09:44:15.120 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
10-19 09:44:15.120 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Incrementing activity count...
10-19 09:44:15.155 26391 26454 W MmsSmsDatabase: Executing query: SELECT _id, unique_row_id, body, type, thread_id, address, address_device_id, subject, date_sent, date_received, m_type, msg_box, status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, read_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, network_failures, subscription_id, expires_in, expire_started, notified, transport_type, attachment_id, unique_id, mid, data_size, file_name, _data, thumbnail, ct, cl, digest, fast_preflight_id, voice_note, cd, name, pending_push FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date_sent AS date_sent, date AS date_received, _id, 'SMS::' || _id || '::' || date_sent AS unique_row_id, NULL AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, type, address, address_device_id, subject, NULL AS m_type, NULL AS msg_box, status, NULL AS part_count, NULL AS ct_l, NULL AS tr_id, NULL AS m_size, NULL AS exp, NULL AS st, delivery_receipt_count, read_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, subscription_id, expires_in, expire_started, notified, NULL AS network_failures, 'sms' AS transport_type, NULL AS unique_id, NULL AS mid, NULL AS data_size, NULL AS file_name, NULL AS _data, NULL AS thumbnail, NULL AS ct, NULL AS cl, NULL AS digest, NULL AS fast_preflight_id, NULL AS voice_note, NULL AS cd, NULL AS name, NULL AS pending_push FROM sms WHERE (read = 0 AND notified = 0) UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT date AS date_sent, date_received AS date_received, mms._id AS _id, 'MMS::' || mms._id || '::' || date AS unique_row_id, part._id AS attachment_id, body, read, thread_id, NULL AS type, address, address_device_id, NULL AS subject, m_type, msg_box, NULL AS status, part_count, ct_l, tr_id, m_size, exp, st, delivery_receipt_count, read_receipt_count, mismatched_identities, subscription_id, expires_in, expire_started, notified, network_failures, 'mms' AS transport_type, unique_id, mid, data_size, file_name, _data, thumbnail, ct, cl, digest, fast_preflight_id, voice_note, cd, name, pending_push FROM mms LEFT OUTER JOIN part ON part._id = (SELECT part._id FROM part WHERE part.mid = mms._id LIMIT 1) WHERE (read = 0 AND notified = 0) ORDER BY date_received ASC)
10-19 09:44:15.190 26391 26402 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=31KB, data=19KB
10-19 09:44:15.191 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=27KB, data=19KB
10-19 09:44:15.191 26391 26402 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
10-19 09:44:15.287 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Waiting for websocket state change....
10-19 09:44:15.289 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 0, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:44:15.289 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 1
10-19 09:44:15.290 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:44:15.291 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Making websocket connection....
10-19 09:44:15.300 26391 26456 W WebSocketConnection: WSC connect()...
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 7142022, Ib5823dd10c
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : Build Date : 06/23/17
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.18.00.00
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : Local Branch : O11A
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
10-19 09:44:15.343 26391 26450 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
10-19 09:44:15.344 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Reading message...
10-19 09:44:15.367 26391 26450 I Adreno : PFP: 0x005ff087, ME: 0x005ff063
10-19 09:44:15.371 26391 26450 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
10-19 09:44:15.371 26391 26450 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
10-19 09:44:15.516 26391 26461 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-19 09:44:15.654 26391 26402 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=62KB, data=53KB
10-19 09:44:15.655 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=61KB, data=53KB
10-19 09:44:15.655 26391 26402 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
10-19 09:44:15.816 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: onConnected()
10-19 09:44:15.823 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: WSC onMessage()
10-19 09:44:15.859 26391 26402 I zygote : Compiler allocated 4MB to compile void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int)
10-19 09:44:15.860 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: Message Type: 1
10-19 09:44:15.864 26391 26391 I Choreographer: Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-19 09:44:15.885 26391 26402 I zygote : Do full code cache collection, code=116KB, data=92KB
10-19 09:44:15.885 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=96KB, data=65KB
10-19 09:44:16.113 26391 26391 W linker : /data/data/org.thoughtcrime.securesms/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
10-19 09:44:16.119 26391 26391 V StudioProfiler: StudioProfilers agent attached.
10-19 09:44:16.252 26391 26496 V StudioProfiler: Acquiring Application for Events
10-19 09:44:16.294 26391 26391 V StudioProfiler: Transformed class: java/net/URL
10-19 09:44:16.296 26391 26391 V StudioProfiler: Transformed class: okhttp3/OkHttpClient
10-19 09:44:16.296 26391 26391 W zygote : Current dex file has more than one class in it. Calling RetransformClasses on this class might fail if no transformations are applied to it!
10-19 09:44:16.296 26391 26391 W zygote : Current dex file has more than one class in it. Calling RetransformClasses on this class might fail if no transformations are applied to it!
10-19 09:44:16.621 26391 26391 V StudioProfiler: Memory control stream started.
10-19 09:44:17.283 26391 26501 V StudioProfiler: Live memory tracking disabled.
10-19 09:44:17.287 26391 26501 V StudioProfiler: Live memory tracking enabled.
10-19 09:44:17.287 26391 26501 V StudioProfiler: JNIEnv not attached
10-19 09:44:17.392 26391 26501 V StudioProfiler: Loaded classes: 7034
10-19 09:44:18.552 26391 26501 V StudioProfiler: Tracking initialization took: 1265122678ns
10-19 09:44:19.305 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onPause()
10-19 09:44:19.348 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
10-19 09:44:19.348 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Decrementing activity count...
10-19 09:44:19.351 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 0
10-19 09:44:31.835 26391 26412 W ConversationListActivity: Detected android contact data changed, refreshing cache
10-19 09:44:50.798 26391 26391 W SMSListener: Got SMS broadcast...
10-19 09:45:10.829 26391 26467 W WebSocketConnection: Sending keep alive...
10-19 09:45:10.924 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: WSC onMessage()
10-19 09:45:10.927 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: Message Type: 2
10-19 09:45:15.878 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Application level read timeout...
10-19 09:45:15.892 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 0, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:45:15.893 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Shutting down pipe...
10-19 09:45:15.893 26391 26456 W WebSocketConnection: WSC disconnect()...
10-19 09:45:15.896 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Looping...
10-19 09:45:15.896 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Waiting for websocket state change....
10-19 09:45:15.938 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 0, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:45:15.952 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: onClosing()!...
10-19 09:45:15.952 26391 26457 W WebSocketConnection: onClose()...
10-19 09:45:52.881 26391 26412 W ConversationListActivity: Detected android contact data changed, refreshing cache
10-19 09:46:05.876 26391 26467 W WebSocketConnection: Sending keep alive...
10-19 09:55:03.728 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onResume()
10-19 09:55:03.859 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
10-19 09:55:03.859 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Incrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:03.864 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 1
10-19 09:55:03.876 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:55:03.881 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Making websocket connection....
10-19 09:55:03.882 26391 26456 W WebSocketConnection: WSC connect()...
10-19 09:55:04.187 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Network requirement: true, active activities: 1, push pending: 0, gcm disabled: false
10-19 09:55:04.191 26391 26456 W MessageRetrievalService: Reading message...
10-19 09:55:04.404 26391 26402 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=118KB, data=85KB
10-19 09:55:04.405 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=118KB, data=85KB
10-19 09:55:04.405 26391 26402 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB
10-19 09:55:04.592 26391 26411 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 23(204KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 50% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 253us total 147.184ms
10-19 09:55:04.881 26391 32377 W WebSocketConnection: onConnected()
10-19 09:55:04.885 26391 32377 W WebSocketConnection: WSC onMessage()
10-19 09:55:04.886 26391 32377 W WebSocketConnection: Message Type: 1
10-19 09:55:05.908 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onPause()
10-19 09:55:05.936 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
10-19 09:55:05.936 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Decrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:05.938 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 0
10-19 09:55:25.297 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onResume()
10-19 09:55:25.387 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
10-19 09:55:25.387 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Incrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:25.391 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 1
10-19 09:55:29.369 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onPause()
10-19 09:55:29.394 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
10-19 09:55:29.394 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Decrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:29.396 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 0
10-19 09:55:29.428 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onCreate(null)
10-19 09:55:29.454 26391 26391 W ExperienceUpgradeActivity: getExperienceUpgrade(302)
10-19 09:55:29.462 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: routeApplicationState(), state: 0
10-19 09:55:29.469 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: initializeClearKeyReceiver()
10-19 09:55:29.751 26391 26411 I zygote : Background concurrent copying GC freed 105(77KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 4.086ms total 187.677ms
10-19 09:55:29.770 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onResume()
10-19 09:55:29.873 26391 26450 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xcf026200 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0xd120d320
10-19 09:55:30.065 26391 26402 I zygote : Do full code cache collection, code=252KB, data=210KB
10-19 09:55:30.065 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=232KB, data=161KB
10-19 09:55:30.156 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_START_EVENT
10-19 09:55:30.156 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Incrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:30.158 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 1
10-19 09:55:31.921 26391 26402 I zygote : Do partial code cache collection, code=246KB, data=181KB
10-19 09:55:31.922 26391 26402 I zygote : After code cache collection, code=246KB, data=181KB
10-19 09:55:31.922 26391 26402 I zygote : Increasing code cache capacity to 1024KB
10-19 09:55:34.766 26391 26391 W PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity: onPause()
10-19 09:55:34.781 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: onStartCommand, org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.action.ACTIVITY_STOP_EVENT
10-19 09:55:34.781 26391 26391 W KeyCachingService: Decrementing activity count...
10-19 09:55:34.783 26391 26391 W MessageRetrievalService: Active Count: 0
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