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Created January 1, 2014 05:26
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# AUTHOR: dmz
# DISCLAIMER: All information provided here are solely for self-education and investigation purposes. Provided AS-IS without any warranties.
[ -z "$IMAGE" ] && IMAGE=$CWD/asa842-k8.bin
echo "Repack script version: $VERSION"
if [ ! -f "$IMAGE" ]; then
echo "USAGE: /path/to/asa/image"
exit 1;
XXD=`which xxd`
MKISOFS=`which mkisofs`
if [ ! -x "$XXD" ]; then
echo "ERROR: xxd command not found"
echo "Install 'vim' or 'vim-enhanced' package to get it"
exit 1;
if [ -x "$MKISOFS" -a -e "$ISOLINUX_BIN" ]; then
echo "Detected syslinux/cdrtools - ISO will be created"
echo "no syslinux/cdrtools - ISO creation skipped"
BASE_NAME=`basename "$IMAGE"`
case "$BASE_NAME" in
'asa842-k8.bin') # ASA 8.4(2)
dd skip=102400 if="$IMAGE" of="$CWD/asa842-vmlinuz" bs=1 count=1359344
dd skip=1461744 if="$IMAGE" of="$CWD/asa842-initrd-original.gz" bs=1
TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
pushd $TMP_DIR
gunzip -c "$CWD/asa842-initrd-original.gz" | cpio -i --no-absolute-filenames --make-directories
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > "$CWD/asa842-initrd-original.gz"
sed -i -e "s/\(VERBOSE=\).*/\1yes/" etc/init.d/rcS
sed -i -e "s/echo -n/echo/" etc/init.d/S10udev
sed -i -e "s#^fi\$#fi\ngrep -q shell /proc/cmdline\n[ \$? == 0 ] \&\& echo '/bin/sh' >> /tmp/run_cmd#" asa/scripts/rcS
sed -i -e "/mount/d" asa/scripts/
sed -i -e "s#mount=0#if [ ! -e /dev/hda1 ]; then /asa/scripts/ /dev/hda1 0 0 /dev/hda; fi\nmount=0#" asa/scripts/rcS.common
xxd -r -g 2 -c 16 - asa/bin/lina <<END
02716a0: a1c0 ab32 0a55 89e5 83e8 1283 f80b eb10
037f350: a1c0 ab32 0a55 89e5 83e8 1283 f80b eb10
06f4da0: 848b 0100 0083 3dc0 ab32 0aff 0f85 ae00
06f4df0: 85db c705 40a8 1a0a 0000 0000 0f84 a200
06f5170: 0085 c075 2be8 160b 98ff 8d95 f4f4 ffff
06f5c50: c30f 8589 0000 00c7 4424 084f 0200 00c7
06f5ce0: b801 0000 00d3 e0a9 0000 f43f 0f85 65ff
06f5d10: 1400 0000 e827 9ae0 0089 c290 8d74 2600
0c42a60: e8bb 3f00 0085 c00f 84b0 fbff ff8d 7600
0c42a70: e8ab 3f00 0085 c089 85e8 feff ff0f 849a
0c42b80: 5424 0889 4424 04c7 0424 0000 0000 e925
0c42b90: 0200 00e9 0bff ffff e813 9aff ff8d 7600
0c42db0: feff ff90 8d74 2600 8d46 02c7 45c0 0000
0c42dc0: 0000 8945 c4c7 45c8 0000 0000 e89f f5ff
0c42dd0: ff90 9090 e9ca fcff ff8d b426 0000 0000
0c4a670: 3bff 8db6 0000 0000 8b45 e4c7 45c0 0100
1502bf0: 83c4 245b 5dc3 6690 85db 75f2 a1c0 ab32
15505a0: e94b 0000 0098 60bb 098d b426 0000 0000
1550f50: c0ab 320a 83e8 1283 f80b eb0c 31c0 c9c3
1551060: c0ab 320a 83e8 1283 f80b eb0c 31c0 c9c3
1552c10: 42ee 83f8 0b0f 8589 1100 00ba 7160 bb09
1b6f350: 4f53 5449 4300 4153 4120 3535 3230 0043
xxd -r -g 2 -c 2 - asa/bin/lina <<END
0c425d8: 0f85
0c425ef: eb77
0c43813: 770b
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > "$CWD/asa842-initrd.gz"
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
if [ "$CREATEISO" == "yes" ]; then
TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
pushd $TMP_DIR
mkdir isolinux
cp $ISOLINUX_BIN isolinux/
cp $CWD/asa842-vmlinuz .
cp $CWD/asa842-initrd.gz .
cp $CWD/asa842-initrd-original.gz .
cat >isolinux/isolinux.cfg <<EEND
serial 0
display boot.txt
prompt 1
default asa
label asa
kernel /asa842_vmlinuz
append initrd=/asa842_initrd.gz ide_generic.probe_mask=0x01 ide_core.chs=0.0:980,16,32 auto nousb console=ttyS0 bigphysarea=65536
label asa-orig
kernel /asa842_vmlinuz
append initrd=/asa842_initrd_original.gz ide_generic.probe_mask=0x01 ide_core.chs=0.0:980,16,32 auto nousb console=ttyS0 bigphysarea=65536
cat >isolinux/boot.txt <<EEND
asa - ASA 8.4(2) (DEFAULT)
asa-orig - ASA 8.4(2) original
Press <ENTER> to boot default image
Type 'asa shell<ENTER>' to gain shell access
Type 'asa-orig<ENTER>' to boot original initrd
$MKISOFS -o $CWD/asa.iso -l \
-b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
*) # Default case
echo "Version <$BASE_NAME> is not supported!"
exit 1;
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