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Created August 12, 2016 19:07
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private ["_control","_button","_parent","_group","_pos","_item","_conf","_name","_cfgActions","_numActions","_height","_menu","_config","_type","_script","_outputOriented","_compile","_array","_outputClass","_outputType"];
_control = _this select 0;
_button = _this select 1;
_parent = findDisplay 106;
//if ((time - dayzClickTime) < 1) exitWith {};
if (!DZE_SelfTransfuse && ((gearSlotData _control) == "ItemBloodBag")) exitWith {};
if (_button == 1) then {
//dayzClickTime = time;
_group = _parent displayCtrl 6902;
_pos = ctrlPosition _group;
_pos set [0,((_this select 2) + 0.48)];
_pos set [1,((_this select 3) + 0.07)];
_item = gearSlotData _control;
_conf = configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _item;
if (!isClass _conf) then {
_conf = configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item;
_name = getText(_conf >> "displayName");
_cfgActions = _conf >> "ItemActions";
_numActions = (count _cfgActions);
_height = 0;
//Populate Menu
for "_i" from 0 to (_numActions - 1) do
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_config = (_cfgActions select _i);
_type = getText (_config >> "text");
_script = getText (_config >> "script");
_outputOriented = getNumber (_config >> "outputOriented") == 1;
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
_compile = format["_id = '%2' %1;",_script,_item];
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
if (_outputOriented) then {
This flag means that the action is output oriented
the output class will then be transferred to the script
&& the type used for the name
_array = getArray (_config >> "output");
_outputClass = _array select 0;
_outputType = _array select 1;
_name = getText (configFile >> _outputType >> _outputClass >> "displayName");
_compile = format["_id = ['%2',%3] %1;",_script,_item,_array];
_menu ctrlSetText format[_type,_name];
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_compile];
_erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "ExtraRc" >> _item);
_erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions);
if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then {
for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_config = (_erc_cfgActions select _j);
_text = getText (_config >> "text");
_script = getText (_config >> "script");
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
_menu ctrlSetText _text;
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script];
_erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "ExtraRc" >> _item);
_erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions);
if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then {
for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_config = (_erc_cfgActions select _j);
_text = getText (_config >> "text");
_script = getText (_config >> "script");
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
_menu ctrlSetText _text;
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script];
//### BEGIN MODIFIED CODE: extra click actions
_classname = _x select 0;
_text = _x select 1;
_execute = _x select 2;
_condition = _x select 3;
// if the clicked item matches, then assign the script call and display text
if(_item == _classname && (call compile _condition)) then {
_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions);
_menu ctrlShow true;
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
_menu ctrlSetText _text;
_menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_execute];
_numActions = _numActions + 1;
//### END MODIFIED CODE: extra click actions
///// jahan - begin vehicle pointer
// key colors
_colors = ["ItemKeyYellow","ItemKeyBlue","ItemKeyRed","ItemKeyGreen","ItemKeyBlack"];
if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)) in _colors) then {
// characterID of the key (car character number)
_keyOwner = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "keyid");
// key name (like: e3f2)
_keyName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "displayName");
//Menu entry Key vehicle pointer
_control = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions);
_control ctrlShow true;
_height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH);
// this needs to point the place where the script is in your mission (vehicle_pointer.sqf)
_script = "custom\vehicle_pointer.sqf";
_exescript = format["_id = ['%2','%3'] execVM '%1';closeDialog 0;",_script,_keyOwner,_keyName];
uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control];
// sets the text in the right button menu
_control ctrlSetText "Vehicle Pointer";
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0.3,0.4,1,1];
_control ctrlSetTooltip "Pinpoint vehicle. Mark on map if not in range.";
_control ctrlSetTooltipColorBox [0.3,0.4,1,1];
_control ctrlSetTooltipColorShade [0, 0, 0, 1];
_control ctrlSetTooltipColorText [0.3,0.4,1,1];
_control ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_exescript];
_numActions = _numActions + 1; // if there are other item action after that (other mods) add 1 to _numactions
///// jahan - end vehicle pointer
_pos set [3,_height];
//hint format["Obj: %1 \nHeight: %2\nPos: %3",_item,_height,_grpPos];
_group ctrlShow true;
ctrlSetFocus _group;
_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;
_group ctrlCommit 0;
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