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Created May 23, 2014 09:18
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Recreate BizTalk Performance counters after upgrade to BizTalk 2013
param([Switch]$Fix, [Switch]$Verbose)
During our testing of in-place upgrades of BizTalk 2010 to BizTalk 2013 we've seen performance counters disappear (especially the BizTalk:Message Agent and BizTalk:Messaging counters).
Inspired by:
This script ca fix the issue by:
1. Copying the BTSPerfMonExt.ini and BTSPerfMonExt.h files to the %windir%\system32 folder.
2. Execute the following command to uninstall the damaged performance counters.
unlodctr "BTSSvc.3.0"
3. Then, execute this to reinstall the BizTalk performance counters:
lodctr BTSPerfMonExt.ini
4. Finally fix potentially missing registry keys
$servicesKeyRoots = @("Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services","Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services")
$BizTalkInstallPath = (Get-ItemProperty "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\").InstallPath
$performanceKeyRelativePath = "\BTSSvc.3.0\Performance\"
function Fix-PerformanceCounters
[bool] $Fix,
[bool] $IncludeDetails
$performanceKeyRoot = $ServicesKeyRoot + $performanceKeyRelativePath
$hostInstanceInformation = @{}
Get-ChildItem -Path $ServicesKeyRoot |
$null = ($_.GetValue("ImagePath") -match '\".+\"\s\-group\s\"(.+)\"\s\-name\s\"(.+)\"\s\-btsapp\s\"(.+)\"')
$hostInstanceInformation.Keys |
$key = $performanceKeyRoot + $_
$keyExists = Test-Path($key)
if(-not ($keyExists))
Set-Variable issuesIdentified $true -scope global
#"GroupName"="BizTalk Group"
$appName = $hostInstanceInformation[$_][1]
$groupName = $hostInstanceInformation[$_][0]
write-host ("Host instance (" + $appName + ") missing as key " + $key) -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host ("Creating host instance (" + $appName + ") as key " + $key) -ForegroundColor Green
$null = New-Item -Path $key
Write-Host ("Setting property GroupName to " + $groupName + " below key " + $key) -ForegroundColor Green
$null = Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name GroupName -Value $groupName
Write-Host ("Setting property AppName to " + $AppName + " below key " + $key) -ForegroundColor Green
$null = Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name AppName -Value $appName
$hostInstanceInformation[$_][1] + " is already defined beneath key " + $key
if(-not (Test-Path $BizTalkInstallPath))
"BizTalk installation path " + $BizTalkInstallPath + " not found"
Copy-Item -Path ($BizTalkInstallPath + "\BTSPerfMonExt.ini") -Destination ($env:SystemRoot + '\system32\')
Copy-Item -Path ($BizTalkInstallPath + "\BTSPerfMonExt.h") -Destination ($env:SystemRoot + '\system32\')
Set-Location ($env:SystemRoot + '\system32\')
unlodctr "BTSSvc.3.0"
lodctr BTSPerfMonExt.ini
Set-Variable issuesIdentified $false -scope global
foreach($root in $servicesKeyRoots)
Fix-PerformanceCounters -ServicesKeyRoot $root -Fix $Fix -IncludeDetails $Verbose
if(-not $Fix -and $issuesIdentified)
Write-Host "Issues identified. These can be fixed by providing the -Fix switch" -ForegroundColor Red
if(-not $Fix -and -not $issuesIdentified)
Write-Host "No issues identified. Providing the -Fix switch will still reinstall the counters" -ForegroundColor Green
if($Fix -and -not $issuesIdentified)
Write-Host "No issues identified." -ForegroundColor Green
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