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Created March 29, 2017 06:24
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
public class GPSCtrl : MonoBehaviour
public Text distance_label;
public GameObject distanceObject;
// *** DELETE WHEN DONE - text labels for testing
public Text testP1;
public Text testP2;
public Text testMsg;
public Text testMsg2;
public GameObject p1Object;
public GameObject p2Object;
public GameObject test;
public GameObject test2;
public double long1 = 0;
public double lat1 = 0;
public double long2 = 0;
public double lat2 = 0;
public double currLong;
public double currLat;
public double distanceWalked = 0;
void Start ()
distance_label = distanceObject.GetComponent<Text> ();
// *** DELETE WHEN DONE - text labels for testing
testP1 = p1Object.GetComponent<Text> ();
testP2 = p2Object.GetComponent<Text> ();
testMsg = test.GetComponent<Text> ();
testMsg2 = test2.GetComponent<Text> ();
distance_label.text = "You and your blobs have walked 0.00 km this trip.";
void Update ()
GetCurrentLocation ();
HasTraveled ();
testP1.text = "<Point 1 Coordinates> Lat: " + lat1 + ", Long: " + long1;
testP2.text = "<Point 2 Coordinates> Lat: " + lat2 + ", Long: " + long2;
// Compare GPS coordinates rounded to 4 decimal places
if (latRounded1 != latRounded2 || longRounded1 != longRounded2) {
testMsg.text = "Lat/Long don't match.";
distanceWalked += CalculateDistance (longRounded1, latRounded1, longRounded2, latRounded2);
distance_label.text = "You and your blobs have walked " + distanceWalked + " km.";
long1 = long2;
lat1 = lat2;
public void GetCurrentLocation()
testMsg.text = "Location status: " + Input.location.status;
if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running) {
lat2 = Input.location.lastData.latitude;
long2 = Input.location.lastData.longitude;
public void HasTraveled()
if (lat1 != lat2 || long1 != long2) {
testMsg2.text = "Inside HasTraveled()";
distanceWalked = CalculateDistance (lat1, long1, lat2, long2);
distance_label.text = "You and your blobs have walked " + Math.Round (distanceWalked, 2) + " km this trip.";
long1 = long2;
lat1 = lat2;
/// <summary>
/// Makes a call to start GPS service when Start button is clicked.
/// </summary>
public void StartButtonClicked ()
Debug.Log ("Start button clicked...");
StartCoroutine (StartLocationService ());
/// <summary>
/// Stops GPS service when Stop button is clicked.
/// </summary>
public void StopButtonClicked ()
Debug.Log ("Stop button clicked...");
Input.location.Stop ();
distance_label.text = "Stopped.";
public void ResetButtonClicked()
Debug.Log("Reset button clicked...");
distanceWalked = 0;
Input.location.Stop ();
Debug.Log ("distanceWalked after reset: " + distanceWalked);
/// <summary>
/// Starts the location service.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator StartLocationService ()
// First, check if user has location service enabled
if (!Input.location.isEnabledByUser)
//yield break;
distance_label.text = "Not initialized";
// Start service before querying location
Input.location.Start (5f, 5f); // accuracy = 5m, update frequency = 5m
// Wait until service initializes
int maxWait = 20;
while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0) {
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
// Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds
if (maxWait < 1) {
distance_label.text = "Timed out";
yield break;
// Connection has failed
if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed) {
distance_label.text = "Unable to determine device location";
yield break;
} else {
long1 = long2 = Input.location.lastData.longitude;
lat1 = lat2 = Input.location.lastData.latitude;
// Access granted and location value could be retrieved
// distance_label.text = "Location: " + Input.location.lastData.latitude + " " +
// Input.location.lastData.longitude + " " +
// Input.location.lastData.altitude;
// Stop service if there is no need to query location updates continuously
//Input.location.Stop ();
/// <summary>
/// Calculate the distance between two geo coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Distance traveled in km.</returns>
/// <param name="latitude1">Latitude1.</param>
/// <param name="longitude1">Longitude1.</param>
/// <param name="latitude2">Latitude2.</param>
/// <param name="longitude2">Longitude2.</param>
public double CalculateDistance (double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2)
double radiansOverDegrees = (Math.PI / 180.0);
double R = 6371; // Earth radius in km
double radiansLat1 = latitude1 * radiansOverDegrees;
double radiansLong1 = longitude1 * radiansOverDegrees;
double radiansLat2 = latitude2 * radiansOverDegrees;
double radiansLong2 = longitude2 * radiansOverDegrees;
double dLat = radiansLat2 - radiansLat1;
double dLong = radiansLong2 - radiansLong1;
double a = Math.Sin (dLat / 2) * Math.Sin (dLat / 2) +
Math.Sin (dLong / 2) * Math.Sin (dLong / 2) * Math.Cos (radiansLat1) * Math.Cos (radiansLat2);
double c = 2 * Math.Atan2 (Math.Sqrt (a), Math.Sqrt (1 - a));
double d = R * c;
return d;
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