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Created April 21, 2016 05:56
Adaptation of the solution to problem 50 at
module Main where
import Solution (huffmann)
import SolutionList (ListQueue(..))
import SolutionPQ (Priority(..))
-- Uncomment one of these lines to pick the instance used
type Instance = ListQueue
-- type Instance = Priority
main = print $ huffmann i [('a',45),('b',13),('c',12),('d',16),('e',9),('f',5)]
where i = id :: Instance a -> Instance a
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Solution where
import Utils (alignBy, get)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- | In order to be able to overload the definition of 'huffmann' to be backed
-- by either lists or actual priority queues, we use this typeclass.
-- 'pq a' is the type of "queues", where'a' is the type of the symbols
-- 'Root pq a' is the type of the trees held in the queue, whether real or
-- simulated.
-- Note that 'leaf' and 'node' have a parameter of type 'pq a' in case the new
-- node needs metadata based on the original queue.
-- I have attempted to make this parameter optional, but haven't succeeded yet.
class WeightedQueue pq where
type Root pq :: * -> *
empty :: pq a
push :: Root pq a -> pq a -> pq a
pop :: pq a -> Maybe (Root pq a, pq a)
size :: pq a -> Int
leaf :: pq a -> (a, Int) -> Root pq a
node :: pq a -> Root pq a -> Root pq a -> Root pq a
toList :: pq a -> [(a, Int, String)]
_char = (\(c,w,p) -> c, \f (c,w,p) -> ((f c),w,p))
_weight = (\(c,w,p) -> w, \f (c,w,p) -> (c,(f w),p))
_path = (\(c,w,p) -> p, \f (c,w,p) -> (c,w,(f p)))
huffmann :: (WeightedQueue pq, Eq a) => (pq a -> pq a) -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, String)]
huffmann i xs = extract (map fst xs) . toList . i . until done go . initialize $ xs
where initialize = foldl (\xs cw -> push (leaf xs cw) xs) empty
go xs = maybe empty id $ do
(n,xs') <- pop xs
(n',xs'') <- pop xs'
return $ push (node xs n n') xs''
done = (<=1) . size
extract :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int, String)] -> [(a, String)]
extract cs xs = map proj . fromJust $ alignBy eq cs xs
where eq c x = c == get _char x
proj x = (get _char x, get _path x)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TupleSections #-}
module SolutionList where
import Solution
import Utils (unless, chunk, get, set, over)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (partition, sortBy)
import Data.Monoid
newtype ListQueue a = LQ { unLQ :: [((a,Int,String), Int)] }
_data = (\(w,r) -> w, \f (w,r) -> (f w, r))
_root = (\(w,r) -> r, \f (w,r) -> (w, f r))
instance WeightedQueue ListQueue where
type Root ListQueue = ListQueue
empty = LQ []
push (LQ t) (LQ xs) = LQ (t ++ xs)
pop xs = do
xs' <- unless (null . unLQ) xs
let (x:wrs) = orderedRoots xs'
return (x, LQ . concatMap unLQ $ wrs)
where orderedRoots = decorateSortBy flatten . gatherRoots
flatten = getSum . mconcat . map extractWeight . unLQ
extractWeight = Sum . get _weight . get _data
decorateSortBy f = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst)
. map (\x -> (f x, x))
size = length . gatherRoots
leaf xs (c,w) = LQ [updRoot xs ((c,w,""), undefined)]
node xs l r = LQ $ map (update '0') (unLQ l) ++ map (update '1') (unLQ r)
where update p = updRoot xs . (,undefined) . over _path (p:) . get _data
toList = map fst . unLQ
updRoot = (set _root) . (+1) . maximum . (0:) . map (get _root) . unLQ
gatherRoots :: ListQueue a -> [ListQueue a]
gatherRoots = map LQ . chunk (\xs@(x:_) -> partition (eqRoot x) xs) . unLQ
where eqRoot = (==) `on` get _root
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module SolutionPQ where
import Solution
import Control.Arrow (first,second)
-- From the package 'pure-priority-queue'
import qualified Data.PurePriorityQueue as PQ
data Tree w a = Node w (Tree w a) (Tree w a) | Leaf w a
weight (Node w _ _) = w
weight (Leaf w _) = w
newtype Priority a = Pr { unPr :: (PQ.MinMaxQueue Int (Tree Int a))}
instance WeightedQueue Priority where
type Root Priority = Tree Int
empty = Pr PQ.empty
push t pq = Pr $ PQ.insert t (weight t) (unPr pq)
pop = fmap (second Pr . first fst) . PQ.minView . unPr
size = PQ.size . unPr
leaf _ (c,w) = Leaf w c
node _ l r = Node (weight l + weight r) l r
toList = concatMap (inOrder "" . fst) . PQ.toAscList . unPr
where inOrder p (Node _ l r) = inOrder ('0':p) l ++ inOrder ('1':p) r
inOrder p (Leaf w c) = [(c,w,reverse p)]
module Utils where
import Prelude hiding (traverse)
import Control.Monad (mfilter)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Monoid
-- { List utilities
-- | 'when p a' is 'Just a' if 'a' satisfies 'p' and 'Nothing' otherwise
-- 'unless p = when (not . p)
when, unless :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
when p = mfilter p . Just
unless p = when (not . p)
-- | 'chunk g xs = fst g xs : snd (fst g xs : ...)' until the input is null
chunk :: ([a] -> ([a],[a])) -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk g = unfoldr (fmap g . unless null)
-- | NOTE: This is a cleaner way of implementing 'consume' from
-- <>
consume f g a = foldl f a . chunk g
-- | 'alignBy eq [r1, r2, ...] xs = [x1, x2, ...]' where 'xi' is the first
-- element of 'xs' such that 'xi `eq` ri'
alignBy :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Maybe [b]
alignBy eq rs xs = traverse (\r -> firstEqualling r xs) rs
where firstEqualling r = getFirst . mconcat . map (First . when (eq r))
-- }
-- { Simple lenses, no type hackery. These are just getter/setter pairs.
-- In the following three functions, 'l :: (s -> a, (a -> b) -> (s -> t))'
get l = fst l
set l v = over l (const v)
over l = snd l
-- }
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