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Created March 20, 2018 13:35
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Business Name Comments
1.) propersky #3 - clean looking, add the satellite image to this one and you have a real winner…
2.) cloudstation - #1 - but the font needs to be a little more readable
3.) company steel #3
Quire seems like a catchy name but need logo work.
# 5 Umbel (love the tree)
# 5 Cloudstation (colors black and blue) (hover man in black - geeky cool)
# 2 Companysteel (love the philly back ground)
# 2 Proper sky (cool logo - japy stuff could mean techy stuff)
Cloud Station is my number 1. I like logo 1, followed closely by 5.
Umbel is my number 2 choice. I love love logo #3 – maybe my favorite out of all the logos.
Proper Sky is number 3. I like logo #4 best – but is there significance to the P & R being in the boxes? Did you want PR to stand out?
1) Propersky (#5 then #1, although "sky" in #5 could be clearer) - once i realized it was pronounced Proper Sky and not propersky
2) Quire (#4 and #6 but the person looks like a "Y")
3) then cloudstation (#1)
propersky - 3 or 5 - Probably my favorite. Gives the sense of order and tranquility. Proper is a great word. Lots you could do with the logo too. I liked the guy in one of them, but picked the skys as my favorite to support the "order" or "clarity" theme.
cloudstation - 5 - sounds like a stoner company - wouldn't hire them.
umbel - 5 (like Nate, love the tree) - no deep meaning for me on this either. I like the reference to one from many, but again, a weak sounding name.
1. Company Steel - #2
1. Umbel - #5 tree is catchy, when i saw it i thought -umbel would be a relief but growth for the company - tagline should support logo, maybe?
3. Cloud station #5 - i like the gray
Propersky # 5
Quire # 1 the name reminds me of quirk, relating back to the networking, etc
Umbel # 5 defintiely liked the tree
Company Steel # 2 the skyline was awesome, although it should be Manhattan.... :)
1. Proper sky - #4
quire - my favorite because it sounds like it would be a business name, I like logo 2 for your business because it makes me think of a star network topology
propersky - second favorite, but would like it better as two words, I like logo 4 for this one
cloudstation - makes me think hippy
1) propersky - 5 looks cool, 4 isn't bad either. (is #1 someone getting sodomized?)
2) cloudstation - 2 (although I'm not too fond of any of the graphics for this one)
3) companysteel - 3 (I like the colors and that the logo is a non-descript city)
Erin's Advertising Freind
1.) propersky - logo #3.
Aunt Nancy
propersky no # 4 logo yes
umbel #3 ok
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