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Created May 20, 2015 23:57
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// import de.sciss.file._
val fmtIn = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("'B'HH'h'mm'm'ss's'ddMMMyyy'.wav'")
val fmtOut = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd_HHmmss'.wav'")
def rename(dir: File, prefix: String): Unit = {
dir.children.foreach { fIn =>
try {
val date = fmtIn.parse(
val out = fmtOut.format(date)
val fOut = dir / s"$prefix$out"
import sys.process._
Seq("mv", fIn.path, fOut.path).!
} catch {
case _: java.text.ParseException =>
// rename(userHome/"Documents"/"devel"/"Configuration"/"rec", prefix = "config-")
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