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/inventory.proto Secret

Created July 14, 2016 20:16
syntax = "proto3";
package Holoholo.Rpc;
message Inventory {
bool success = 1;
int32 ResponseNumber = 2;
repeated GetInventoryOutProto Inventory = 100;
message GetInventoryOutProto {
bool Success = 1;
Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryDeltaProto InventoryDelta = 2;
message InventoryDeltaProto {
int64 OriginalTimestamp = 1;
int64 NewTimestamp = 2;
repeated InventoryItemProto InventoryItem = 3;
message InventoryItemProto {
int64 ModifiedTimestamp = 1;
int64 DeletedItemKey = 2;
HoloInventoryItemProto Item = 3;
message HoloInventoryItemProto {
Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 1;
Holoholo.Rpc.ItemProto Item = 2;
Holoholo.Rpc.PokedexEntryProto PokedexEntry = 3;
Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerStatsProto PlayerStats = 4;
Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerCurrencyProto PlayerCurrency = 5;
Holoholo.Rpc.PlayerCameraProto PlayerCamera = 6;
Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradesProto InventoryUpgrades = 7;
Holoholo.Rpc.AppliedItemsProto AppliedItems = 8;
Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorsProto EggIncubators = 9;
Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonFamilyProto PokemonFamily = 10;
message PokemonProto {
uint64 Id = 1;
int32 PokemonId = 2;
int32 Cp = 3;
int32 Stamina = 4;
int32 MaxStamina = 5;
int32 Move1 = 6;
int32 Move2 = 7;
string DeployedFortId = 8;
string OwnerName = 9;
bool IsEgg = 10;
double EggKmWalkedTarget = 11;
double EggKmWalkedStart = 12;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonCreateContext Origin = 14;
int32 Origin = 14;
float HeightM = 15;
float WeightKg = 16;
int32 IndividualAttack = 17;
int32 IndividualDefense = 18;
int32 IndividualStamina = 19;
float CpMultiplier = 20;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Pokeball = 21;
int32 Pokeball = 21;
int64 CapturedS2CellId = 22;
int32 BattlesAttacked = 23;
int32 BattlesDefended = 24;
string EggIncubatorId = 25;
int64 CreationTimeMs = 26;
int32 NumUpgrades = 27;
float AdditionalCpMultiplier = 28;
bool Favorite = 29;
string Nickname = 30;
bool FromFort = 31;
message ItemProto {
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
int32 Item = 1;
int32 Count = 2;
bool Unseen = 3;
message PokedexEntryProto {
int32 PokedexEntryNumber = 1;
int32 TimesEncountered = 2;
int32 TimesCaptured = 3;
int32 EvolutionStonePieces = 4;
int32 EvolutionStones = 5;
message PlayerStatsProto {
int32 Level = 1;
int64 Experience = 2;
int64 PrevLevelExp = 3;
int64 NextLevelExp = 4;
float KmWalked = 5;
int32 NumPokemonEncountered = 6;
int32 NumUniquePokedexEntries = 7;
int32 NumPokemonCaptured = 8;
int32 NumEvolutions = 9;
int32 PokeStopVisits = 10;
int32 NumberOfPokeballThrown = 11;
int32 NumEggsHatched = 12;
int32 BigMagikarpCaught = 13;
int32 NumBattleAttackWon = 14;
int32 NumBattleAttackTotal = 15;
int32 NumBattleDefendedWon = 16;
int32 NumBattleTrainingWon = 17;
int32 NumBattleTrainingTotal = 18;
int32 PrestigeRaisedTotal = 19;
int32 PrestigeDroppedTotal = 20;
int32 NumPokemonDeployed = 21;
//unknown NumPokemonCaughtByType = 22;
int32 NumPokemonCaughtByType = 22;
int32 SmallRattataCaught = 23;
message PlayerCurrencyProto {
int32 Gems = 1;
message PlayerCameraProto {
bool DefaultCamera = 1;
message InventoryUpgradesProto {
//unknown InventoryUpgrade = 1;
message InventoryUpgradeProto {
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
int32 Item = 1;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.InventoryUpgradeType UpgradeType = 2;
int32 UpgradeType = 2;
int32 AdditionalStorage = 3;
message EggIncubatorsProto {
//unknown EggIncubator = 1;
message EggIncubatorProto {
string ItemId = 1;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 2;
int32 Item = 2;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.EggIncubatorType IncubatorType = 3;
int32 IncubatorType = 3;
int32 UsesRemaining = 4;
int64 PokemonId = 5;
double StartKmWalked = 6;
double TargetKmWalked = 7;
message AppliedItemsProto {
//unknown Item = 4;
message AppliedItemProto {
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Item Item = 1;
int32 Item = 1;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloItemType ItemType = 2;
int32 ItemType = 2;
int64 ExpirationMs = 3;
int64 AppliedMs = 4;
message PokemonFamilyProto {
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.HoloPokemonFamilyId FamilyId = 1;
int32 FamilyId = 1;
int32 Candy = 2;
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