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Created August 7, 2017 13:57
val lda: Param[LDA] =
new Param(this, "lda", "Convert each question into a weighted topic vector.")
setDefault(lda, new LDA())
private def ldaPipeline(): Array[PipelineStage] = {
// The "em" optimizer is distributed, supports serialization, but is disk hungry and slow.
// The "online" runs in the driver, is fast but cannot be serialized.
// We use the latter, since this model is only used to create a submission and nothing else.
val optimizer = "online"
val ldaEstimator = $(lda)
val mcLda = new MultiColumnPipeline()
.setStage(ldaEstimator, ldaEstimator.getFeaturesCol, ldaEstimator.getTopicDistributionCol)
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