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Created July 13, 2015 21:40
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TideKit's misleading "latest reservations"
// Deobfuscated with Chrome DevTools + some manual formatting
// from
require.register("_cf-tidekit-website-998-reservations/index.js", function(e, t, i) {
"use strict";
var n = t("class"),
s = t("each"),
r = document.querySelector("#reservations-latest"),
a = document.querySelector("#email-reserve-form"),
o = (document.querySelector("#duplicate-signup-modal"),
function() {
var e = document.querySelector("#duplicate-signup-modal .duplicate-signup-message");
if (e && $("#duplicate-signup-modal").foundation("reveal", "open"), a) {
var t = document.querySelector("#email"), i = document.querySelector(".email-error"), n = !1, s = function(e, t) {
$.getJSON("/account/validate", e).done(function(e) {
console.log(e), t(null, e)
}).fail(function(e, i, n) {
console.log(n), t(n, null)
}, r = function() {
var e = 0;
return function(t, i) {
clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(t, i)
}(), o = function() {
var e = {email: this.value}, t = /(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))/, a = t.test(;
r(function() {
s(e, function(e, t) {
n = t.exists ? !1 : !0, a && !t.exists && (i.classList.remove("error"), = "none", i.innerText = ""), a && t.exists && (i.classList.add("error"), = "block", i.innerText = "Email already exists."), a || t.exists || (i.classList.add("error"), = "block", i.innerText = "That does not look like an email address")
}, 1e3)
t.onkeyup = o
if (r)
var d = n.extend({
constructor: function() {
this.children = [], this.maxChildren = 30, this.visibleChildren = 6, this.frame = 0, this.duration = 2400, this.fadeDuration = this.duration / 1e3
animate: function() {
var e = this;
null !== r && e.createChildElements(function() {
var t = document.querySelector("ul.customers li:nth-child(" + e.maxChildren + ")"), i = "pause-fade " + e.fadeDuration + "s";["-webkit-animation"] = i,["-moz-animation"] = i,["-o-animation"] = i, = i, e.firstLoop = !0, e.loop = setInterval(function() {
}, e.duration)
createChildElements: function(e) {
for (var t = this, i = 1; i <= t.maxChildren; i++) {
var n = document.querySelector("ul.customers li:nth-child(" + i + ")");["-webkit-animation"] = "none",["-moz-animation"] = "none",["-o-animation"] = "none", = "none", t.children.push(n), i === t.maxChildren && e()
rotate: function() {
var e = this;
if (e.firstLoop) {
var t = e.maxChildren - e.visibleChildren - 1 - e.frame, i = e.maxChildren - 2 - e.frame;
e.firstloop = !1
} else
var t = e.maxChildren - e.visibleChildren - e.frame, i = e.maxChildren - 1 - e.frame;
e.frame++, 24 === e.frame && (clearInterval(e.loop), e.children = [], e.frame = 0, e.firstLoop = !0, e.animate()), e.frame < 24 && s(e.children, function(n, s) {
if (s >= t && i >= s) {
if (e.children[s].style.display = "block", e.children[s].style["-webkit-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style["-moz-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style["-o-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style.animation = "none", s === i) {
var r = "pause-fade " + e.fadeDuration + "s";
e.children[s].style["-webkit-animation"] = r, e.children[s].style["-moz-animation"] = r, e.children[s].style["-o-animation"] = r, e.children[s].style.animation = r
} else
e.children[s].style.display = "none", e.children[s].style["-webkit-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style["-moz-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style["-o-animation"] = "none", e.children[s].style.animation = "none"
var d = n.extend({});
i.exports = {LatestReservations: new d,reserveValidate: o}
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