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Created June 18, 2015 17:36
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Video processing script
#! python3
"""Video processing script.
Video is twice as slow as audio. Here we extract sequence at 12 FPS,
then encode a new one with 24 FPS using an original audio.
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
vpath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
except IndexError:
scriptname = os.path.basename(__file__)
raise Exception("Usage\n\t{} input.flv".format(scriptname))
workdir, _ = os.path.splitext(vpath)
except FileExistsError:
raise Exception("Unable to create a fresh folder at " + workdir)
# Sequence extraction command.
spath = os.path.join(workdir, r"%05d.jpg")
sexec = [
"ffmpeg", # ffmpeg executable.
"-i", vpath, # Bad video input.
"-r", "12", # Assumed framerate.
"-q:v", "1", # Explode in maximum quality.
spath # Sequence output.
# Audio extraction command.
apath = os.path.join(workdir, "audio.aac")
aexec = [
"-i", vpath,
"-c:a", "copy", # Audio codec (no encode).
apath # Audio output.
# Encode command.
epath = workdir + ".mp4"
eexec = [
"-framerate", "24", # Desired framerate.
"-i", spath, # Sequence input.
"-i", apath, # Audio input.
"-c:v", "libx264", # Video codec.
"-c:a", "aac", # Audio codec (aac).
"-strict", "experimental", # Enabling the aac codec.
epath # Ecoded mp4 output.
# Run commands.
# Cleanup and finish.
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