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Created June 7, 2016 03:41
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Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
動物塑像: 0
紅亭: 2
弧形路口: 0
涼亭: 1
公園裝飾花架: 0
健康步道: 0
東寧運動公園: 0
騎慢點: 7
Resistance Capture Portals:
大象溜滑梯: 10
崇學公園: 1
小東公園: 1
真·台南公園涼亭: 0
招財貓: 0
供春II: 1
東寧公園: 1
小廟: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 025號廠房
ENL - P9789 CA91 彩繪電箱
ENL - Shangrila Fountain Wall
ENL - The Fountain of Lover
ENL - 中文系館
ENL - 中正堂北區入口
ENL - 修齊大樓
ENL - 光復小郵局
ENL - 公園國小
ENL - 冷卻水塔裝飾
ENL - 冷峰變電箱
ENL - 劉家菜粽變電箱
ENL - 勝和宮
ENL - 原廠最愛變電箱
ENL - 原野變電箱
ENL - 台南公園 - 燕潭秋月
ENL - 台南圓環
ENL - 台南大飯店
ENL - 台南醫院
ENL - 噴水池
ENL - 國泰牆壁展覽
ENL - 國立成功大學-風刻痕
ENL - 塗鴉電箱
ENL - 大家一起來健走
ENL - 天地人
ENL - 天空
ENL - 小東門
ENL - 小海豚
ENL - 巷子裡的自由女神像
ENL - 府城小東門遺址
ENL - 引擎技術
ENL - 彩虹隧道
ENL - 慧星撞地球
ENL - 成功大學-泉水
ENL - 成功大學四字
ENL - 成功大學水利及海洋工程學系系館
ENL - 成功校區招牌
ENL - 成大-資訊管理研究所
ENL - 成大-體育活動中心
ENL - 成大公園
ENL - 成大商圈-22巷
ENL - 成大榕園
ENL - 成大統計學系
ENL - 成大資工新大樓
ENL - 成醫天橋
ENL - 手心眼
ENL - 旋
ENL - 早餐店前機車的圖
ENL - 東平基督教會
ENL - 東興里之石
ENL - 東興雲端花園
ENL - 榮民服務處
ENL - 牽手
ENL - 獅子電信箱
ENL - 琵琶飛天
ENL - 生態池
ENL - 盤古開天宮
ENL - 福興堂
ENL - 福隆宮牌樓
ENL - 縣城隍廟
ENL - 美甲沙龍變電箱
ENL - 莊敬社區立牌
ENL - 衛民中醫變電箱
ENL - 護東宮
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱子
ENL - 資工 牧童情懷
ENL - 轉珠
ENL - 轉角指標
ENL - 開基玉皇宮
ENL - 雲平西側
ENL - 青山
ENL - 館院模型與兩小孩銅像
NEU - 可愛小怪物
NEU - 基督教會福音堂
NEU - 彩繪電箱
NEU - 成大附設幼兒園
NEU - 鐵支斑馬
RES - Iscariot會喜歡的
RES - NCKU Physics - lecture hall
RES - 世界之光聖教會
RES - 九如百貨行變電箱
RES - 五靈堂
RES - 元和宮全台白龍庵
RES - 元和宮全台白龍庵牌樓
RES - 光三宿舍
RES - 光復校區門口大石
RES - 兩小無猜
RES - 力行校區門口
RES - 台南公園 - 小防空洞
RES - 台南公園 - 樹木介紹牌
RES - 台南郵局總局
RES - 國度豐收教會
RES - 大天后宮沿革碑誌
RES - 大鵬新城變電箱
RES - 孕婦塑像
RES - 小南米糕
RES - 小東變電箱
RES - 懸
RES - 成功廳
RES - 成大圖書總館
RES - 成大地球科學系館
RES - 成大資源回收廠
RES - 成大都計系館
RES - 成大醫學院旗幟
RES - 成大鐵橋
RES - 摩斯漢堡前的彩繪變電箱
RES - 東光教會
RES - 梳妝樓
RES - 清心檳榔變電箱
RES - 牆壁顯微鏡裝飾
RES - 物理二館
RES - 物理系館
RES - 站前圓環銅像
RES - 第一活動中心
RES - 街口貓頭鷹信箱
RES - 西華堂
RES - 變電
RES - 軒轅境頂土地公廟牌樓
RES - 造型石拼藝術
RES - 重道崇文坊
RES - 長椅
RES - 門口大石
RES - 鳳凰呈祥
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
動物塑像: 0
紅亭: 0
弧形路口: 0
涼亭: 5
公園裝飾花架: 0
健康步道: 1
東寧運動公園: 0
騎慢點: 7
Resistance Capture Portals:
大象溜滑梯: 5
崇學公園: 0
小東公園: 0
真·台南公園涼亭: 0
招財貓: 1
供春II: 3
東寧公園: 1
小廟: 3
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - The Red Dred Sect
ENL - 亞伯休憩站
ENL - 人行橋
ENL - 修齊西側
ENL - 光口校園指標
ENL - 光復校區門口大石
ENL - 勝利校區 - 電吉他壁畫
ENL - 勝利校區-勝利餐廳
ENL - 勝和宮
ENL - 國立成功大學-雲平大樓
ENL - 天宮
ENL - 太子學舍神秘圈圈
ENL - 廢物利用
ENL - 彩色發光裝飾
ENL - 彩色馬賽克佈告欄
ENL - 律動@成大化工系館
ENL - 成功廳後側
ENL - 成功校區古建築
ENL - 成功湖
ENL - 成功湖招牌
ENL - 成大化工館石碑
ENL - 成大博物館
ENL - 成大校友會館
ENL - 成大校徽
ENL - 成大校徽
ENL - 成大社科院
ENL - 成大統計學系
ENL - 成大藝研所禮賢樓
ENL - 成大補習班
ENL - 成杏校區招牌
ENL - 我愛富強里壁畫
ENL - 東興活動中心看牌
ENL - 東興雲端花園
ENL - 榕園東北側
ENL - 湯山新村乙社區
ENL - 物理館
ENL - 王唯農博士銅像
ENL - 生科-溫室
ENL - 百達壁畫
ENL - 皇第蓮花
ENL - 盆栽協奏曲
ENL - 禁煙
ENL - 禮運大同篇
ENL - 萬榮華紀念教會
ENL - 老榕百齡記石碑
ENL - 航太系
ENL - 苦難的人民
ENL - 蝶舞
ENL - 電箱
ENL - 電箱
ENL - 電箱
ENL - 電箱Mural
ENL - 靜觀園
ENL - 飛鏢造型椅
ENL - 高手潛水塗鴉
ENL - 鬥牛士二鍋
ENL - 鹽酥雞前的山水變電箱
NEU - 小橋
NEU - 成大游泳池
NEU - 日光浴木床
NEU - 窮理致知
NEU - 馬賽克浮雕
RES - 015號廠房
RES - ART 101
RES - Gardians of NCKU Entrance
RES - Three Circles in a Park
RES - 九逃就九逃
RES - 修襌院之守護白獅
RES - 凱旋路石獅子
RES - 勝利國小舊垃圾場位置
RES - 勝利校區-勝四舍
RES - 勝利路旁人形扶手
RES - 北風與太陽的故事
RES - 台南恩典基督教會
RES - 台南關帝殿
RES - 噴水池
RES - 噴水的噴水池
RES - 圖書館前廣場
RES - 地科系博物館
RES - 大東門城介紹牌
RES - 大苑子
RES - 天保譚
RES - 太極
RES - 妙心寺牌坊
RES - 安平古堡磁磚
RES - 小公園
RES - 小博士
RES - 小巧玲瓏變電箱
RES - 小東門
RES - 怪型
RES - 懸
RES - 成功大學自強校區
RES - 成功校區噴水池
RES - 成功校區招牌
RES - 成大壁書
RES - 成大工設系大成館
RES - 成大會館
RES - 成大資工新大樓
RES - 成大資訊工程系
RES - 成大醫學院院徽
RES - 成大附設幼兒園
RES - 摩斯必勝客彩繪電箱
RES - 攀岩場
RES - 新世紀人文藝術幼兒園左雕像
RES - 木雕
RES - 東寧路花雕藝品
RES - 東興里之石
RES - 海岸模型
RES - 漂流木-蔓延
RES - 獻上祝福
RES - 石屏風
RES - 自動太陽能發電機
RES - 花彩繪
RES - 莊敬公園
RES - 莊敬社區立牌
RES - 莊敬里活動中心
RES - 藝術塗鴉1
RES - 裝置藝術
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱2
RES - 超大保齡球
RES - 迎賓苑
RES - 郭元益變電箱
RES - 風車
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
動物塑像: 0
紅亭: 1
弧形路口: 0
涼亭: 4
公園裝飾花架: 0
健康步道: 7
東寧運動公園: 0
騎慢點: 2
Resistance Capture Portals:
大象溜滑梯: 1
崇學公園: 1
小東公園: 1
真·台南公園涼亭: 0
招財貓: 0
供春II: 1
東寧公園: 2
小廟: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Donutes
ENL - P9785 BE1375湖邊變電箱
ENL - P9786 DB84 變電箱
ENL - University sign
ENL - Vicki Zakka
ENL - 五妃廟
ENL - 五妃廟 - 解說牌
ENL - 伍佛堂
ENL - 假山假水
ENL - 六合境福德祠
ENL - 加百列
ENL - 勝一對面樓
ENL - 勝利校區-女宿彩繪牆
ENL - 南門碑林
ENL - 台南一中旁空地認養牌
ENL - 台南大學 - 校徽燈柱
ENL - 台南大學 - 狂勁
ENL - 台南大學 - 美術系所
ENL - 台南大學 - 體操廣場
ENL - 台南孔廟側門
ENL - 四塊劍獅
ENL - 國立臺灣文學館
ENL - 土地公廟
ENL - 城市壁畫
ENL - 壁畫吉祥如意
ENL - 大聖皇宮
ENL - 天主公教會堂
ENL - 天主堂
ENL - 天主堂
ENL - 孔廟-萬世師表
ENL - 孔廟文化園區石碑
ENL - 孔廟泮池浮雕
ENL - 山之箱
ENL - 山水變電箱
ENL - 帶我去遠方
ENL - 幸福禮讚
ENL - 府城藝術轉角
ENL - 府城遺跡龜背城
ENL - 府連三叉路口變電箱
ENL - 延平郡王祠擎天門
ENL - 彩繪箱99
ENL - 彩繪裝飾
ENL - 彩繪變電箱-忠義國小旁
ENL - 教會門口彩繪變電箱
ENL - 新天地樹林街地標
ENL - 朝興宮,保和宮
ENL - 東門圓環變電箱
ENL - 東門城
ENL - 榮主教會
ENL - 樹蘭解說牌
ENL - 檨仔林公園 - 眼
ENL - 甘棠遺蔭
ENL - 白色花海變電箱
ENL - 神學院裝飾地磚三十五
ENL - 祭孔-磁磚裝飾
ENL - 窄門咖啡
ENL - 窗後靈
ENL - 老唐牛肉麵
ENL - 聖公廟
ENL - 臺南大學思誠樓
ENL - 菩提路
ENL - 被擋住的彩繪變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 變電箱 山水
ENL - 邦諾聖母
ENL - 野菊
ENL - 鐵捲門彩繪
ENL - 雪山變電箱
ENL - 青年路10號變電箱
ENL - 馬賽克壁畫
RES - La new 旁邊變電箱
RES - P9786 EC57 花瓶嶼變電箱
RES - P9787 BD39 Tiān-tháng
RES - Three Circles in a Park
RES - 三級古蹟 擇賢堂
RES - 上品硯
RES - 五妃廟變電箱
RES - 仁厚境福德祠
RES - 來找呀
RES - 光明王寺
RES - 南紡夢時代
RES - 博愛教會
RES - 台南大學 - 學生宿舍樓長室
RES - 台南大學 - 校門
RES - 台南大學 - 見證歷史
RES - 台南市立體育場
RES - 台南神學院
RES - 台電變電箱
RES - 司令台
RES - 土地銀行石獅窗
RES - 孔廟園區浮雕
RES - 崇誨市場彩繪綠地
RES - 巴克禮故居
RES - 廖書賢畫室
RES - 彩繪變電箱-向日葵
RES - 德川料理
RES - 慈航居士會三寶殿
RES - 東寧基督長老教會
RES - 水牛銅雕
RES - 永續發展變電箱
RES - 永華宮地磚
RES - 沈葆楨遺像
RES - 法華寺
RES - 波哥旁變電箱
RES - 灌水叢生變電箱
RES - 無解
RES - 獅子彩繪變電箱
RES - 白花群山變電箱
RES - 皇第蓮花
RES - 萬昌里祥和公園
RES - 臺南德化堂
RES - 蝴蝶人行道裝飾
RES - 見證愛情
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱二號
RES - 鄭成功騎馬像
RES - 雙色變電箱
RES - 風景變電箱
RES - 體育公園牌樓
RES - 高手潛水塗鴉
RES - 黑白郎馬
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
動物塑像: 0
紅亭: 1
弧形路口: 0
涼亭: 1
公園裝飾花架: 0
健康步道: 1
東寧運動公園: 1
騎慢點: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
大象溜滑梯: 1
崇學公園: 0
小東公園: 8
真·台南公園涼亭: 0
招財貓: 1
供春II: 3
東寧公園: 4
小廟: 4
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 025號廠房
ENL - P9687 FE88 變電箱
ENL - Scenery Power Box
ENL - Sunflower Street Art
ENL - 中華電信旁的彩繪變電箱
ENL - 五妃廟墓門
ENL - 人行道扶手
ENL - 健康步道
ENL - 十八卯茶屋 吳園
ENL - 南門路郵局
ENL - 南鰲慈惠堂
ENL - 原台灣府東門段城垣殘蹟
ENL - 原廠最愛變電箱
ENL - 又是電箱啦
ENL - 台南大學 - 涼亭
ENL - 台南大學 - 行政大樓魚池
ENL - 台南市國民黨黨部
ENL - 吳園-涼亭
ENL - 吳園原台南公會堂
ENL - 國立空中大學臺南指導中心
ENL - 地板畫
ENL - 垂吊球
ENL - 城隍廟牌樓
ENL - 基座有點歪掉的彩繪變電箱
ENL - 大南門大榕樹
ENL - 大象家族彩繪電信箱
ENL - 天壇天公廟
ENL - 寶龍宮
ENL - 小尖兵變電箱
ENL - 山脈電箱
ENL - 山變電箱
ENL - 巴克禮紀念館
ENL - 府城南門公園
ENL - 延平郡王祠 岩泉
ENL - 彩繪小電箱
ENL - 彩繪電箱
ENL - 懸空武將像
ENL - 朝興宮,保和宮
ENL - 柏楊文物館
ENL - 榮民服務處
ENL - 檨仔林公園
ENL - 沙淘宮
ENL - 清水寺
ENL - 牌樓
ENL - 疾疾 護法現身
ENL - 福德爺廟
ENL - 綠林彩繪壁畫
ENL - 臺南大天后宮
ENL - 臺灣教會公報社
ENL - 臺灣文學館西側立面
ENL - 藝術創作
ENL - 藝術壁畫
ENL - 被噴漆的彩繪變電箱
ENL - 被沒有公德心的人放了一杯飲料的彩繪變電箱
ENL - 西洋幽靈馬車壁畫
ENL - 見證愛情旁彩繪變電箱
ENL - 警察局變電箱
ENL - 變電箱
ENL - 赤嵌樓
ENL - 郵局
ENL - 鋼鐵人
ENL - 馬可先生前變電箱
ENL - 黃色潛水艇
NEU - P9888 DC5401 電箱
NEU - 台南大學 - 彩風廣場
NEU - 台南大學 - 成就
NEU - 城池演變
NEU - 山水畫變電箱
NEU - 怪型
NEU - 真耶穌教會台南教會
NEU - 磁磚畫-月夜
NEU - 臺南武德殿
NEU - 金爐
NEU - 銀同里活動中心
NEU - 開基玉皇宮牌樓
NEU - 馬公廟牌樓
NEU - 龍的雕飾
RES - P9788 GA59 國際沙龍前變電箱
RES - 三個鐵牌
RES - 仁厚境福德祠
RES - 健康路浸信會
RES - 元和宮全台白龍庵
RES - 力行校區門口
RES - 南門城殘垣
RES - 台南三老爺宮
RES - 台南公園 - 北門遺址
RES - 台南公園水牛
RES - 台南圓環
RES - 台南大學 - 薪傳
RES - 台南忠義國小
RES - 台南成功郵政總局
RES - 吳園作礪軒地磚
RES - 塗鴉噴漆牆
RES - 好像很大的彩繪變電箱
RES - 小南城隍廟
RES - 小西門 圓龍
RES - 彩繪變電箱-山水倒影
RES - 怪馬
RES - 我就知道您會來
RES - 旋
RES - 有牌樓的彩繪變電箱
RES - 棉花田變電箱
RES - 水牛銅雕
RES - 湛然寺
RES - 為神醫植杏
RES - 生鏽的變電箱
RES - 總祿境
RES - 總祿境廟原址
RES - 良皇宮
RES - 西門中正路口變電箱
RES - 西門路三段公園南路口變電箱
RES - 西門路二貼上核電廠的變電箱
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱
RES - 變電箱騎士
RES - 轉角變電箱
RES - 辜婦媽廟金爐
RES - 鄭成功文物館
RES - 金光閃閃變電箱
RES - 鎮轅境牌樓
RES - 鐵支巴透
RES - 開基玉皇宮
RES - 馬公廟
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Water Fall: 0
The Fai Bakery Foutain.: 4
The Thai Airways Modern Style Shrine.: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Wooden House: 0
Flowerface: 0
The Dragon Pillar: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Golden Jedi Wat Sam Pao
NEU - orange fountain
NEU - Prakuba
NEU - Temple
NEU - พระพุทธรูปในศาลาatวัดเจดีย์หลวง
RES - Ancient Lanna
RES - Old Stupa
RES - Wat phan on
RES - กาชาดสวัสดี
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Water Fall: 0
The Fai Bakery Foutain.: 0
The Thai Airways Modern Style Shrine.: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Wooden House: 0
Flowerface: 0
The Dragon Pillar: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Golden Jedi Wat Sam Pao
ENL - Old Stupa
ENL - orange fountain
ENL - Temple
ENL - กาชาดสวัสดี
RES - Ancient Lanna
RES - Prakuba
RES - Wat phan on
RES - พระพุทธรูปในศาลาatวัดเจดีย์หลวง
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Water Fall: 0
The Fai Bakery Foutain.: 1
The Thai Airways Modern Style Shrine.: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Wooden House: 0
Flowerface: 0
The Dragon Pillar: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Temple
ENL - Wooden Pagoda
ENL - ยักษ์ใหญ่วัดทรายมูลเมือง
RES - Giant Golden Pug Dog Nook Hook Design Shop
RES - Prakuba
RES - Sleeping Budha
RES - Wat Sum Pow
RES - ช้างสวนบวกหาด
RES - ซุ้มประตูในตำนานทรงพระเจริญ
RES - วัดพวกแต้ม
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Water Fall: 0
The Fai Bakery Foutain.: 0
The Thai Airways Modern Style Shrine.: 4
Resistance Capture Portals:
Wooden House: 0
Flowerface: 0
The Dragon Pillar: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Mengrai Monastery Library
ENL - Singharat Shrine
ENL - Temple Stupa
ENL - The Elephants Playing Fountain
ENL - Tower
ENL - Wooden Ubosoth Wat PraSart
ENL - วัดชัยพระเกียรติ
RES - Reclining Buddha the Ruins
RES - เจดีย์วัดพวกหงส์
RES - วิหารวัดพวกแต้ม
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Gercon Plaza Fountain: 0
Pondside Gazebo: 0
Makati Post Office Fountain: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
Ayala Triangle Relief Map: 1
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ: 0
Legazpi Park Entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - AOA Bantay
ENL - Crown Plaza Studded Gate
ENL - Devil Boy
ENL - Eye Society Lion
ENL - Jaime C. Velasquez Park
ENL - Petron Mega Plaza Banana Paintings
ENL - Philippine Natives Trading with Chinese Traders
ENL - Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
ENL - The Manhattan Square
ENL - Voodoo Wall
RES - Le Grand Fountain
RES - Native American Chief
RES - Yoo-hoo Bar-b-que Grill
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Gercon Plaza Fountain: 0
Pondside Gazebo: 0
Makati Post Office Fountain: 3
Resistance Capture Portals:
Ayala Triangle Relief Map: 0
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ: 0
Legazpi Park Entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Alphaland Abstract Work of Art
ENL - Chili Peppers Feast Painting
ENL - Cocoa Wood Carving
ENL - Pacific Star
ENL - PJL Artwork in Brass
ENL - Red Mural
ENL - Rock Lion Dragon
ENL - Three Men Mural
ENL - Water Sphere 2
RES - Beer Beauty
RES - DBP Building
RES - Picasso Building
RES - Salcedo Park Gazebo
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Gercon Plaza Fountain: 1
Pondside Gazebo: 1
Makati Post Office Fountain: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Ayala Triangle Relief Map: 0
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ: 0
Legazpi Park Entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Alpha Land Wall Art
ENL - Kamagong Mural
ENL - Makati Stock Exchange Arch
ENL - Mao Tse Tsung
ENL - Salathip Statue
ENL - Serenade River Mural
ENL - Signa Designer Residence
ENL - The Columns
NEU - Koi Wall Painting
RES - Golden Harvest Painting
RES - International Baptist Church
RES - Mama Mary in BIR
RES - Tigress' Lair
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Gercon Plaza Fountain: 0
Pondside Gazebo: 1
Makati Post Office Fountain: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
Ayala Triangle Relief Map: 0
Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ: 0
Legazpi Park Entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Ang Araw Ng Banko Pilipino
ENL - Asian Mansion Fountain
ENL - Chew and Brew Cafe Metal Wall Art
ENL - Hai Shin Lou Dragon
ENL - Philippine Flag Stage
ENL - River Fountain
ENL - Rueda 1 Tribute
ENL - Tribal Series #6
ENL - W Sycip
ENL - Washington SYCIP Park
NEU - Mama Mary in BIR
NEU - Sculptural Lava Lighting
RES - Asian Center for Christian Ministries
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Het Oosten: 0
Colorful Art: 0
Palmboom, Nieuwe Binnenweg: 0
Chinese Gazebo: 0
P. Caland: 0
Nationaal Monument Voor de Koopvaardij de Boeg: 0
Paradijslaan Kunstprullenbakken: 0
Red Sculpture: 0
Mozaïek: 0
Parc Fountain: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
Fountain in Park: 0
Tulips from Rotterdam: 2
Luie Stoel: 0
Robert Baden-Powel of Gilwell. 1857 - 1941: 0
De Vleugel: 2
Maquette Oude Willemsbrug: 1
Loaf of Bread: 0
Schateiland: 1
Zonder Titel, Cor Dam: 3
Giraffe: 2
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Agentschap Rotterdam
ENL - Anita
ENL - Anna Blaman ( 1905-1960)
ENL - Art on the Wall
ENL - Blokken Berg
ENL - Blue Forest Mural
ENL - Couches
ENL - Dont Speak
ENL - Elephant
ENL - Elevazione
ENL - Erasmus MC Museumpark
ENL - Fountain
ENL - Fountain from the Square
ENL - G.J. de Jongh Fontein
ENL - G.J. De Jongh Monument
ENL - Ganzen Mural
ENL - Gemeentearchief Art
ENL - Giraffe
ENL - Greek Church
ENL - Happy Scream
ENL - Heemraads Fontein
ENL - Instruments Murales
ENL - Jaap Valkhof
ENL - Jan Engelman Mural
ENL - Kabouter Buttplug
ENL - L'Homme qui Marche
ENL - Le Ciel Infantin
ENL - Met Een Lach En Een Traan
ENL - Moeder en kind
ENL - Moeder en kind
ENL - Mural Jacobustuin
ENL - Not One but Three Wooden Apples
ENL - Ode Aan Zeemeeuw
ENL - Parkheuvel
ENL - Potato Man
ENL - Recognize Your Muze
ENL - Snake
ENL - Sophia
ENL - Speeltuin
ENL - Street Beer
ENL - Toko Wai Yat Art
ENL - Two Angels
ENL - Vogelhuisjes
ENL - West Blaak Skate Park Rotterdam
ENL - Westblaak
ENL - Witte Golven
ENL - You Are My Muse!!
NEU - Erasmus Alumni Monument
NEU - Flowers
NEU - Giant Pepsi Can
NEU - Happy Swiveling Street Chairs
NEU - Joost Elhorst 1994
NEU - Yellow Blocks
RES - "De Reus van Rotterdam"
RES - 100 Hoog Mural
RES - Allard Pierson
RES - Amazing Sculpture
RES - André Volten
RES - Anno 1913
RES - Aquarius Tile
RES - Army Scissors
RES - Art at the Museum
RES - Art on Building
RES - Artwork Overseeing The Street
RES - At Van Der Palm Graffiti Mural
RES - Bankje Het Heerenhuys
RES - Beestenboel by Toeba, Naila Et Al
RES - Buddha
RES - Castle Tower at the Port
RES - Cats and Dogs
RES - Centre for Merchendise Mural Art
RES - Dansende Vrouwen
RES - Danseres
RES - De Hoop Zwartsluis
RES - De IJssalon
RES - De Lachende Zeeleeuw
RES - De Magistraat
RES - De Twee Lantaarnpalen
RES - Dragon
RES - Drum and Trumpet
RES - Elf With Lute
RES - Evenwichtje
RES - Facing the Lion
RES - Family Animal Mural
RES - Figuren in Beton
RES - Fish Question
RES - Glass Shark
RES - Golden Horse
RES - Gras Box
RES - Grondfontein Koopgoot
RES - Hand Stand
RES - Happy Globe of Polyester
RES - Haven Anker
RES - Het Bos
RES - Hidden Church Building
RES - Hiding Nemo
RES - Hipstergirl Playing with Spaghetti
RES - Horsey Sunshine Wall Art
RES - Hulya Yilmaz
RES - Ik Zie Jou
RES - Inefficient Watercatcher
RES - Jonkheer Frédéric Van Critters, Memorial Plate
RES - Kinky Mosaic
RES - Komt Allen Tot Mij Die Vermoeid En Belast Zijt
RES - L. Jamin 1881-1953
RES - Lady of Knowledge
RES - Lagelandje Kunstwerkje
RES - Landhuis Schaap
RES - Lightship in the Harbour
RES - Links Muurschilderingen
RES - Lions Head
RES - Little Lion
RES - Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
RES - Marnix Gymnasium
RES - Metrostation Beurs
RES - Mevlana Mosque
RES - Mikado
RES - Mondriaan Art
RES - Mosque Al Quartea
RES - Mural on Building
RES - Mural Sekty
RES - museum Boijmans van Beuningen
RES - Norsk Sjømannskirke
RES - Old Shipmotor
RES - Omo Wast Smetteloos Wit
RES - Oosterschelde
RES - Ornament
RES - Paars Kunstwerk
RES - Pegasus
RES - Poes Op De Muur
RES - Poppies
RES - Pray
RES - Recycling Deposit Art Display
RES - Ring Westersingel
RES - Rotterdamsche Kookpot
RES - Russisch Orthodoxe Kerk
RES - Say Aaaaah
RES - Schipper en het Stuurwiel
RES - Scots International Church Rotterdam
RES - Sculture of owl from granite a
RES - Sea Horse Man of War Sculpture
RES - Secret Dragon
RES - Spring Flowers
RES - SSHR Caland II
RES - Stand Tall
RES - Stationairy Choochoo
RES - Stoney Malony
RES - Street Art
RES - Stultem Est Timere....
RES - Sylvette by Picasso
RES - Temple of Light
RES - The Forgotten Head
RES - The Head Awaits Your Command
RES - Three Birds
RES - Tony Viola
RES - Tracking Traces
RES - Tree of Steel
RES - Triangular Clock
RES - Tsaar Peter de Grote
RES - Van 't Hoff Monument
RES - Wallpapered Electricity House
RES - Westelijk Handels Terrein
RES - Westerkadehuys
RES - Wilhelmina
RES - Zonder titel
RES - Zonder Titel- Piet van Stuivenberg
RES - Zonnebloem
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Het Oosten: 0
Colorful Art: 0
Palmboom, Nieuwe Binnenweg: 0
Chinese Gazebo: 1
P. Caland: 0
Nationaal Monument Voor de Koopvaardij de Boeg: 0
Paradijslaan Kunstprullenbakken: 6
Red Sculpture: 0
Mozaïek: 0
Parc Fountain: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Fountain in Park: 0
Tulips from Rotterdam: 0
Luie Stoel: 0
Robert Baden-Powel of Gilwell. 1857 - 1941: 0
De Vleugel: 0
Maquette Oude Willemsbrug: 4
Loaf of Bread: 0
Schateiland: 5
Zonder Titel, Cor Dam: 2
Giraffe: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 70's Retro Mondriaan Style Mural
ENL - A Horse Tail
ENL - Adriaan van der Plas
ENL - Albeda College Baljuwstraat
ENL - Blijdorp Mural
ENL - Bookish Birdy
ENL - Buoy
ENL - Cobra
ENL - Cow Relief
ENL - Dancing Smileys
ENL - De Blijberg Mozaïek
ENL - De Renner
ENL - De Schutse
ENL - Delftsblauwe Brug
ENL - Een Steen In De Zon
ENL - Emmahuis
ENL - Familie Kerk Bergsingel
ENL - Flower Art
ENL - G.W Burgerplein
ENL - Glass Dancers
ENL - Green Monster Wall Art
ENL - Herman Bieling
ENL - Historisch Buiten Museum Bergpolder
ENL - Historisch Buitenmuseum Abraham Kuyperlaan
ENL - Historisch Buitenmuseum Bergpolder 1
ENL - I See You
ENL - Idyllic Park Mural
ENL - Indian Art
ENL - Islamitische Universiteit Rotterdam
ENL - Kerk aan Bergsesingel, Rotterd
ENL - Lastplak Graffiti
ENL - Lion Chariot
ENL - Little Castle
ENL - Mermaid Statue
ENL - Metrostation Blijdorp
ENL - Monkeys
ENL - Mosaic Puppets
ENL - Mozaiek Turtle
ENL - Music Note Mural
ENL - Muur Graffiti Electric
ENL - Muurschildering Borgesius
ENL - Ode Aan De Heemraadsingel
ENL - Ode Aan Zeemeeuw
ENL - Onderwater Wereld
ENL - Paddestoelen Dominicus Basisschool
ENL - Pand Raad van de Arbeid
ENL - Pim Fortuin Museum
ENL - Poem on Hofbogen
ENL - Pray
ENL - Rioolgemaal Statensingel
ENL - Sea Relief
ENL - Shipwrecking Mermaid
ENL - Snakes Fish And Birds
ENL - Stone Anchor
ENL - Stone Creatures
ENL - Stone Horses
ENL - Stone Industry
ENL - Stone Javelin
ENL - Stone Knowledge
ENL - Stone Masks
ENL - Stone Octopus
ENL - Stone Pan
ENL - Sunflower
ENL - The Art of Brains
ENL - The Jungle of Pieter de raad
ENL - The Sphere
ENL - The Waiting Dog
ENL - The Wall Rose
ENL - Two Farao's
ENL - Urbanartist
ENL - Vermeyden Delicatessen
ENL - Water Mirror Sign
ENL - Weird Object At Oranje School
ENL - Wie Veel Reist...
ENL - Zonnewijzer
NEU - Food Mural
NEU - Kids Art
NEU - One Piece of the Puzzle
NEU - Salamander Sculpture
RES - 2 Dice
RES - 3 Kinderen Beeld
RES - Anna's Motor
RES - Arabic Blue
RES - Art Painting Gaffelstraat
RES - At Van Der Palm Graffiti Mural
RES - Ballet Dancer
RES - Bear
RES - Bellamy Coffeeshop
RES - Bellavista
RES - Binary House
RES - Blauwe Piramide
RES - Bloemen En Bijen
RES - Butterfly
RES - Colorballs
RES - Colored Waves
RES - Colorful Frame
RES - Cool Graffiti 2
RES - De Leeuwenhoek Painting
RES - Dierenkliniek
RES - Drie Vissen
RES - Eens Komt Alles Goed
RES - Electric Art Box
RES - Electricity House (1930's)
RES - F'd-Up Animals
RES - Fanfare Mural
RES - Find The Bird
RES - First Stone
RES - Footprint
RES - Gemeentearchief Art
RES - Geor One's Painting
RES - Glass in Lead
RES - Het Bos
RES - Hiding Nemo
RES - Hinkeltje Flor Game
RES - Hooidrift Mosaic Wall
RES - Horse Head
RES - I'm Much Taller
RES - Jan Sonjé
RES - Jonkheer Frédéric Van Critters, Memorial Plate
RES - Kerk Fontein
RES - Komt Allen Tot Mij Die Vermoeid En Belast Zijt
RES - Kryptonian Ice Lake
RES - Les Limosette's Du Cinema
RES - Lions Head
RES - Memorial Plaquette
RES - Mini World Rotterdam
RES - Mozaïek I
RES - Mozaïek IV
RES - Mozaik Couple
RES - Multi Culture Art Painting
RES - Natuurvriendelijke Oevers
RES - Oneness Statue
RES - Oude Poort, Heulburg
RES - Pension Maaszicht
RES - Poes Op De Muur
RES - Pomphuus
RES - Potato Man
RES - Prinsekerk Tower Blijdorp
RES - Purple Snake Art
RES - Raging Ridders
RES - Rechts Muurschilderingen
RES - Roze Olifant
RES - Runner
RES - Samen Spelen
RES - Small Lilycover Art
RES - Soccer Players
RES - Spoortuin Park Entrance
RES - Stone Games
RES - Stoney Malony
RES - Stoplicht
RES - Synagoge Van Aerssenlaan
RES - The Grenade
RES - The Water Alien
RES - Thomas More
RES - Tiendplein
RES - Totempaal
RES - Tree Bridge
RES - Van 't Hoff Monument
RES - Vogelhuisjes
RES - Vrie Mit Mich
RES - Vrouwe Fortuna
RES - Wall Art on Decayed Building
RES - Wall Flowers Art
RES - Wooden Apple
RES - Yellow Flower on the Wall
RES - Zakdoekje Leggen
RES - Ziet Niet Om
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Het Oosten: 4
Colorful Art: 1
Palmboom, Nieuwe Binnenweg: 0
Chinese Gazebo: 0
P. Caland: 0
Nationaal Monument Voor de Koopvaardij de Boeg: 1
Paradijslaan Kunstprullenbakken: 1
Red Sculpture: 0
Mozaïek: 0
Parc Fountain: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Fountain in Park: 0
Tulips from Rotterdam: 0
Luie Stoel: 1
Robert Baden-Powel of Gilwell. 1857 - 1941: 0
De Vleugel: 7
Maquette Oude Willemsbrug: 3
Loaf of Bread: 0
Schateiland: 0
Zonder Titel, Cor Dam: 0
Giraffe: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Abstract Reality
ENL - Animal Art
ENL - Another Painted Electricity Box
ENL - Attention
ENL - Butcher Mural
ENL - Café De Beurs
ENL - City Hall Fountain
ENL - City Hall Rotterdam
ENL - Coen Moulijn Mural
ENL - Couch Crooswijk
ENL - Cows Cows Cows
ENL - Crooswijk Fittest
ENL - Crooswijk Piraten
ENL - De Harddravers
ENL - De Obelisk
ENL - De Vos
ENL - Fanfare Mural
ENL - Flatsching Puppet
ENL - Fontijn
ENL - Gebroken Glas
ENL - Houten Schildpad
ENL - Ik <3 jou Mozaik
ENL - Kraanlamp
ENL - Kunst Muur
ENL - Lady Bug Finds a Flower
ENL - Lastplak Graffiti
ENL - Marja Boet poetry
ENL - Music Instruments
ENL - Muskusos
ENL - Neverything
ENL - Palm Tree Wall Painting
ENL - Provenierssingel, Rotterdam
ENL - Rotterdam Centrum 1
ENL - Speaker Coolsingel
ENL - Star Sun And Moon
ENL - Sunflowers Can Hear Mural
ENL - Top Vuurwerk
ENL - Totems and Crocodiles and other Wooden Sculptures
ENL - Water Mirror Sign
ENL - Waterfall Chairs, Bergsingel
ENL - Wood on the Wall
ENL - Yellow Wooden Triangles
NEU - Holding the Flame
NEU - Kerk Pijperstraat
NEU - Native Glyph
NEU - Peeled Off Wall
NEU - The Jungle of Pieter de raad
NEU - Wie Veel Reist...
RES - 1 Tot 10
RES - Abstract Mural
RES - Angels and Trumpets
RES - Angry Rat
RES - Art at Streetlight
RES - Art at the Hofplein
RES - Art Mural
RES - Auschwitz Name Memorial
RES - Bacchus
RES - Bee
RES - Beertjes
RES - Birds
RES - Blauwe Poes
RES - Blue Cube
RES - Bob Marley
RES - Bure
RES - Centrum Voor Cultuur en Natuur
RES - Charles De Roemruchtige Oude Noorderling
RES - Chicken Reliëf
RES - Church Tower
RES - Clown
RES - Colored Chaos
RES - Coloured Balls
RES - Croq Mural
RES - De Bellenboom
RES - De Boekenlezer
RES - De Golden Owl Barrel
RES - De Jager
RES - De Zon Burger Hotel
RES - Demon's Balkony
RES - Drop Box
RES - Eduard Flipse Zaal
RES - Enter the Chaos
RES - Erasmusplein
RES - First Steel Building of the World
RES - Flowers on the Door
RES - Flowers On The Wall
RES - Geloof Hoop En Liefde
RES - Gereformeerde Kerk Vrijgemaakt
RES - Giant Caterpillar
RES - Giga Mural
RES - Glass Art
RES - Graffiti Art
RES - Green Pinocio
RES - Growling Lion
RES - Heilige Geest Huis
RES - Herman Bieling
RES - Hildegardis kerk
RES - Historic Buffet Train
RES - Historisch BuitenMuseum Bergpolder 9
RES - Historische Brandgrens
RES - House Anno 1897, Pijnackerplein
RES - Houthakkers
RES - Humanitas Lizzard
RES - Johan de Witt
RES - Joodse Begraafplaats
RES - Kikkerliefde Mural
RES - Ladder Art
RES - Luchtsingel Over Schiekade
RES - Mariann Den Heyer Ground mural
RES - Mickey Mouse
RES - Mozaïek Muurtegel
RES - Mozaïek VII
RES - Mozaik
RES - Mozaik Couple
RES - MS Rottebocht
RES - Muurschildering Borgesius
RES - Namentafel
RES - Nieuwe Delftse Poort
RES - NoordGeyser
RES - Octopus and Birds
RES - Orange Man
RES - Oud Gerechtsgebouw Noordsingel
RES - Painting at the Courtyard of the Court
RES - Parrot Of The Flat
RES - Perron Graffiti
RES - Pinching Ape
RES - Pixel Turd
RES - Pjk Wing Embleem
RES - Playground with Rotterdam Background
RES - Poort
RES - Rehobothkerk
RES - Royal Kingdom Kids Art
RES - Sailing the Ocean
RES - Salle Des Fêtes 2012
RES - Shapes
RES - Snake
RES - Snoephuisje
RES - Soccer Art
RES - Speeltuin De Hoeve
RES - Stairs Mural
RES - Statues Insulindeplein
RES - Steel Art Chair
RES - Ster Van Het Noorden
RES - Stone Birds
RES - Stone City
RES - Stone Creatures
RES - Stone Dog
RES - Stone Fishes (1939)
RES - Sun Grafitti
RES - Sunshine
RES - Table Tennis Portal
RES - The Geest Iceconio
RES - The Magic Spell
RES - The Millennium Tower
RES - The Water Alien
RES - Theater De Doelen
RES - Twee Bronzen Pinguïns
RES - Two Stone Donuts
RES - Urbanartist
RES - V Without Name
RES - Vallend Doch Staand
RES - Vogelhuisje Noordsingel
RES - Vredesnaald
RES - Walk Over My Heart
RES - Wall Artifacts
RES - Waterstand
RES - Zwaanhals Mural
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Het Oosten: 0
Colorful Art: 0
Palmboom, Nieuwe Binnenweg: 0
Chinese Gazebo: 0
P. Caland: 2
Nationaal Monument Voor de Koopvaardij de Boeg: 2
Paradijslaan Kunstprullenbakken: 0
Red Sculpture: 0
Mozaïek: 0
Parc Fountain: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Fountain in Park: 0
Tulips from Rotterdam: 0
Luie Stoel: 0
Robert Baden-Powel of Gilwell. 1857 - 1941: 0
De Vleugel: 1
Maquette Oude Willemsbrug: 0
Loaf of Bread: 0
Schateiland: 3
Zonder Titel, Cor Dam: 1
Giraffe: 3
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Artistic Airwalk
ENL - Attack The Aliens
ENL - Bacchus
ENL - Beurs WTC
ENL - Bierdrinker
ENL - Bird on the Wall
ENL - Blue Zebra Building
ENL - Boat at Sea Tile Art
ENL - Church El Nuevo Camino
ENL - De Bouw Van Oud Crooswijk
ENL - De Maagd van Holland, Vrijheidsbeeld
ENL - Ezeltje Strek Je
ENL - Faces on the Wall
ENL - Floor Compass
ENL - Flower Balls
ENL - Fountain Weena
ENL - Gemaal Mr.U.G.Schilthuis
ENL - Green Star Tile Art
ENL - Hartenvrouw
ENL - Historic Buffet Train
ENL - Hofplein Rotterdam
ENL - Horse on High
ENL - Hvdl - Art
ENL - In The Shadow
ENL - Kijk Maar
ENL - Koningspoort - Historic Shipyard
ENL - Koninkrijkszaal Van Jehovah's Getuigen
ENL - Lastplak Mural
ENL - Living in the Woods
ENL - Luchtsingel
ENL - Maasbeeld
ENL - Meteorite
ENL - Mozaik Sheep Herders
ENL - Neon Art
ENL - Old Dutch Rotterdam Harbor
ENL - Oude Gemeentebibliotheek
ENL - Pannenkoeken Huis
ENL - Play Ground
ENL - Playground & Graffiti
ENL - Protestantse Kerk
ENL - Rapportboekje Van Bob Den Uyl
ENL - Red Dotted Silvery Benches
ENL - RO 27
ENL - Rotterdam Playground
ENL - Steen Van De Miljoenen Tranen
ENL - Stierenpoortje
ENL - Stilzwijgendheid
ENL - The Mermaid
ENL - Van Duiken Weilands
ENL - Wall Art
ENL - Willemsbrug
ENL - Woman Graffiti
ENL - Wooden Snail
NEU - City Hall Fountain
NEU - De Zonnebloem
NEU - Kompas
NEU - Kubuswoningen
NEU - Ozon Mural
NEU - Pre Time
NEU - Romeinse Zuil
NEU - Rood met Witte Stippen
NEU - Rotterdam 1521
NEU - Schip Bloem Schaal
NEU - Totems and Crocodiles and other Wooden Sculptures
NEU - Wapenschild
NEU - Wodas Cats
RES - Anker Tile Art
RES - Anker Tile Art II
RES - Apostel Paulus
RES - Army Scissors
RES - Attention
RES - Avenue Concordia Street Painting
RES - Bird on Street Light
RES - Blaak 8 Rotterdam
RES - Café De Beurs
RES - Captured Emotions
RES - Clock Tower
RES - Corner Mirror
RES - Corosion Gerdesia
RES - Cristiaan Huygens Statue
RES - Crooswijk Cows
RES - Crooswijk Speelt
RES - Cube Art Rotterdam
RES - De Beertjes
RES - De Bellenboom
RES - De Schoorsteen
RES - Drie Pilaren /Three Pillars
RES - Dumpster Portrets
RES - Erasmusplein
RES - Face It
RES - Face On Container
RES - Flags at Sea
RES - Flower in a Frame
RES - Flowerland
RES - Fontijn
RES - Fountain Rotterdam
RES - Freedom
RES - Geel Kunstwerk
RES - Glass Art
RES - Groeibriljantjes
RES - Groene Kikker
RES - Grote Kerk Plein Rotterdam
RES - Growling Lion
RES - Hoog en Droog
RES - Houten Speeltuin
RES - Hugo de Groot
RES - Humanitas Fish Art
RES - Indachtig 10.000 Joodse Inwoners Van Rotterdam
RES - Iron Cube
RES - Joodse Begraafplaats Oostzeedijk
RES - Kerk Doopsgezinde Gemeente
RES - Kerk Goudse Rijweg
RES - Kleurrijke Wapperflappies
RES - Klokkentoren
RES - Kom en Zie
RES - Komma
RES - Lawton
RES - Leeuw Aan De Maas
RES - Leviathan
RES - Mariniers Museum
RES - Marinierskazerne Oostplein
RES - Mime Street Art
RES - Monkeys Mural
RES - Monument Voor Alle Gevallenen 1940-1945
RES - Mozaik Art House
RES - Mural Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland
RES - Old House Bergweg
RES - Oude Luxor Theater
RES - Painted Trashcans
RES - Pim Fortuyn Statue
RES - Pink Tunnel
RES - R. K. Begraafplaats St. Laurentius
RES - Reddingsboei Mural
RES - Rocket
RES - Rotterdam Centrum 1
RES - Rotterdam, Where's My Head
RES - Schielandhuis
RES - Seven Dwarfs
RES - Sexy Lexy Graffiti
RES - Snake Bench
RES - Spekkie Mural
RES - Sprookje
RES - Squirel Ornament
RES - Station Gerdesiaweg
RES - Steel Rabbit
RES - Stenen Boom
RES - Stichting Tot Steun
RES - Stone City
RES - Sun Grafitti
RES - Sunflowers
RES - Taxat
RES - The Flying Effect
RES - The Wave
RES - Tor und Stele. Gunther Forg. 1994
RES - Triple Tile
RES - Tropical Suprise Wall Art
RES - Vagebond
RES - Vinken Mural
RES - Vlugheid
RES - Vredesnaald
RES - Wall Art
RES - Windowed City
RES - Wooden Art
RES - WW II Memorial
RES - Zeus
RES - Zwaan Op Gevel
RES - Zwanenpoortje
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Tamra Capstick-Dale Bench: 1
Jutland Park: 0
War Memorial Cenotaph: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
McKenzie Road Park: 0
Cullinan Fountain: 0
The Company's Gardens SW entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Cecil John Rhodes Statue
ENL - Gardens Myciti Station
ENL - Social Development
ENL - Street Museum of Design
ENL - Waalford House
RES - 8 Pigs Mural
RES - Company Gardens Fountain
RES - Houses of Parliament
RES - Sundial at The Company Gardens
RES - Wembley Street Mural
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Tamra Capstick-Dale Bench: 0
Jutland Park: 0
War Memorial Cenotaph: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
McKenzie Road Park: 0
Cullinan Fountain: 3
The Company's Gardens SW entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Atlas
ENL - Enlightened Eye
ENL - Footwash
ENL - High Court Civil Annex
ENL - Iziko Museum
ENL - Purple Turtle Pub
ENL - Sir Henry
ENL - St. George's Coat of Arms
ENL - The Reserve at Taj Hotel
RES - Roggebaai Fish Market
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Tamra Capstick-Dale Bench: 1
Jutland Park: 1
War Memorial Cenotaph: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
McKenzie Road Park: 2
Cullinan Fountain: 0
The Company's Gardens SW entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Cape Town Bus Terminus
ENL - Edward VII
ENL - International Convention Centre
ENL - Mythological Landscape
ENL - Nando's Accidental Art
ENL - Standard Bank Building Entrance
ENL - Theatre
ENL - Triangle House
ENL - Unitarian Church
RES - Fugard Theatre
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Tamra Capstick-Dale Bench: 2
Jutland Park: 1
War Memorial Cenotaph: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
McKenzie Road Park: 0
Cullinan Fountain: 0
The Company's Gardens SW entrance: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Footwash
ENL - Mandela Quotes
ENL - Staggered Seat
ENL - Studio 41
ENL - Truworths House
ENL - Wagenaer's Reservoir
RES - St George's Cathedral
RES - St. Georges Cathedral
RES - The Shack
RES - Wembley Square 2
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Mano: 5
Giardino via Fistomba: 0
Monumento Ai Caduti: 0
Monumento Equestre al Gattamelata: 0
Memoria e Luce, monumento 11-9: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Equilibrio Precario: 0
Parco Giochi Città Dei Bambini: 0
Al Profeta Della Terza Italia: 0
Chiesa S.Giustina: 3
Le Tre Scale: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Ai Caduti Per La Libertà
ENL - Angelo Beolco Il "Ruzante"
ENL - Caffè Pedrocchi (retro)
ENL - Casa del Mutilato
ENL - Casa di Ezzelino il Balbo
ENL - Cerchi Olimpici
ENL - Chiesa Beato Pellegrino
ENL - Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica
ENL - Chiusa
ENL - Croce Antica
ENL - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Aula Rostagni
ENL - Fontana con bambino
ENL - Fountain Street, Porta Portello
ENL - Mosaico
ENL - Parco d'Europa
ENL - Piazza Eremitani, Padova
ENL - Porta Trento
ENL - San Nicola
ENL - Scrigno Magico
ENL - Segreteria Studenti
ENL - Statua di Via Dante
ENL - Stemma Araldico
ENL - Street Art Kitty
NEU - A Star
RES - Affresco Gesù
RES - Antonio Ferrero
RES - Aula Luzzatti
RES - Bandiere di ferro
RES - Caffè Pedrocchi
RES - Centro Conferenze Camera Di Commercio
RES - Chiesa Madonna della Pace
RES - Chiesa S. Gaetano
RES - Cinema Altino
RES - Dipartimento di Chimica
RES - Dipartimento di Geoscienze
RES - Dipartimento di Psicologia
RES - Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
RES - Elefante Street Art
RES - Fiera di Padova
RES - Fontana Volcan
RES - Immortality...
RES - La Vela A Specchio
RES - Murale Joys - Via Trieste
RES - Murale Stop al Razzismo
RES - Murales Asilo Forzatè
RES - Nano Pensante
RES - Padova Libera
RES - Padova Venturinio
RES - Palazzo borgo Altinate
RES - PMA Street Art
RES - Ponte ciclopedonale Balbino Del Nunzio
RES - Porta Molino
RES - Porta Portello
RES - Rainbow - Kenny Random
RES - Santa Lucia Padova
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Mano: 3
Giardino via Fistomba: 0
Monumento Ai Caduti: 0
Monumento Equestre al Gattamelata: 0
Memoria e Luce, monumento 11-9: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Equilibrio Precario: 0
Parco Giochi Città Dei Bambini: 0
Al Profeta Della Terza Italia: 2
Chiesa S.Giustina: 0
Le Tre Scale: 3
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Affreschi Signorili
ENL - Affresco Sottoportico Ponte Corvo
ENL - Biblioteca Circolante Università Di Padova
ENL - Caserma del Santo
ENL - Chiesa di San Prosdocimo
ENL - Corrado Lubian
ENL - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Aula Rostagni
ENL - Il Mangiacassonetti
ENL - Istituti di Anatomia e Medicina Legale
ENL - Istituto di Chimica Biologica e di Fisiologia
ENL - Lapide A Gustavo
ENL - Murales Ingegneria
ENL - Old Painting
ENL - Pollaio
ENL - Santa Margherita Church
ENL - Scuole Teresianum
ENL - Targa a Silvio Trentin
ENL - Torre Archimede
ENL - Ufficio Immatricolazioni
NEU - Capitello Santa Giustina
NEU - Complesso Paolotti
NEU - Giardino di Cristallo
RES - Bandiere di ferro
RES - Bassorilievo Di Leone
RES - Busto di Sandro Pertini
RES - Campana Degli Operai
RES - Capitello della Madonna
RES - Cappella Universitaria San Massimo
RES - Chiesa degli Ognissanti
RES - Chiesa Di Santa Caterina
RES - Chiesa Maria Immacolata
RES - Cinema d'essai Lux
RES - CUS, Campi Da Tennis
RES - Dipartimento di Psicologia
RES - Don Domenico Leonati
RES - Il leone di Venezia
RES - L'Arte del Gelato
RES - La Cittadella
RES - Mother and Child
RES - Murale Joys - Via Trieste
RES - Murale Via Portello
RES - Murales Della Fratellanza
RES - Museo della Terza Armata
RES - Obelisco Lapidario
RES - Padova, Palazzo DeJaVu
RES - Palazzo di giustizia
RES - Palazzo Zabarella
RES - Parabole Gemelle
RES - San Gaetano
RES - Santa Sofia
RES - Statua Al Beato Antonio Da Parete
RES - Statua di S. Daniele
RES - Targa a Melchiorre Cesarotti
RES - Torre Zabarella
RES - Ufficio Postale n.18
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Mano: 6
Giardino via Fistomba: 0
Monumento Ai Caduti: 0
Monumento Equestre al Gattamelata: 0
Memoria e Luce, monumento 11-9: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Equilibrio Precario: 2
Parco Giochi Città Dei Bambini: 0
Al Profeta Della Terza Italia: 1
Chiesa S.Giustina: 0
Le Tre Scale: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Affresco
ENL - Angelo Beolco Il "Ruzante"
ENL - Barriera Saracinesca
ENL - Case Operaie Fondazione Club Ignoranti
ENL - Cat and Butterflies
ENL - Chiesa Di Via Euganea
ENL - Chiesa S. Bonaventura delle Eremite
ENL - Chiesa Torresino
ENL - Curia Vescovile
ENL - Dimora del Duca D'Aosta
ENL - Il duomo di Padova
ENL - Il Jazzista Di Parole
ENL - Immortality...
ENL - Kenny Random Butterfly
ENL - Liviano
ENL - Meridiana
ENL - Oratorio S.Maria delle Grazie
ENL - Padova, Chiesa Delle Vergini Di Vanzo
ENL - Padova: Statua di Emanuele II
ENL - Palazzo Zabarella
ENL - Parco Giochi Giorgio Perlasca
ENL - Poste Italiane Padova Centro
ENL - Statua Al Beato Antonio Da Parete
ENL - Statua Del Cortile del Bo
ENL - Targa a Paolo Sarpi
ENL - Targa ad Amedeo di Savoia
ENL - Vetvstate Restavrata
ENL - Yellowman
NEU - Dipartimento di Geografia
NEU - Istituto Dante Alighieri Padova
NEU - La Pavimentazione
NEU - Portale Benedetto
NEU - Sinagoga di Padova
RES - Alberto Cavalletto Statue
RES - Basilica del Santo
RES - Bo
RES - Chiesa A Bartolomeo Cristofori
RES - Chiesa Della Beata Vergine Della Salute
RES - Chiesa di San Prosdocimo
RES - Chiesa Di Santa Caterina
RES - Chiesa Santa Croce
RES - Collegio Barbarigo
RES - Cristo
RES - Don Domenico Leonati
RES - Drinking Girl
RES - Generale tedesco
RES - Il Corso
RES - Murales Cleopatra
RES - Padova I Putti
RES - Porta Pontecorvo
RES - Porta Santa Croce
RES - Scultura Di Volto
RES - Stadio Silvio Appiani
RES - Street Art by Kenny Random
RES - Su Questa Piazza Superba
RES - Tiger Street Art
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Mano: 0
Giardino via Fistomba: 0
Monumento Ai Caduti: 0
Monumento Equestre al Gattamelata: 0
Memoria e Luce, monumento 11-9: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
Equilibrio Precario: 5
Parco Giochi Città Dei Bambini: 1
Al Profeta Della Terza Italia: 1
Chiesa S.Giustina: 0
Le Tre Scale: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Accademia Galileiana
ENL - Acciaio Corten
ENL - Ai Marinai
ENL - Bassorilievo donna con bambino
ENL - Chiesa Di San Canziano
ENL - Chiesa Di San Giovanni
ENL - Chiesetta alle chiuse
ENL - Colonne Doriche
ENL - Crime Graffito
ENL - Dom Et Bmv
ENL - Europe Vase
ENL - Mon. alle Vittime Civili della Guerra
ENL - Monumento a S. Leopoldo
ENL - Murales Asilo Forzatè
ENL - Music
ENL - Padova, Gesù e Maria In Maiolica
ENL - Palazzo Papafava dei Carraresi
ENL - Porta Savonarola
ENL - Sadness
ENL - Street Art Kitty
ENL - Targa ad Andrea Palladio
NEU - Drinking Girl
NEU - Fontana
NEU - Fontana Volcan
NEU - Libertà
NEU - Petrarca alto e fiero
NEU - Statua di Via Dante
RES - Abstract Street Art
RES - Antenna Gate
RES - Antiche Rovine
RES - Blue Fisher
RES - Caffè Pedrocchi
RES - Calesse Del Miracolo
RES - Chiesa Santa Maria Dei Servi
RES - Chiusa
RES - Cinema Altino
RES - Ezzelino
RES - Fontana con bambino
RES - Forza Ragione Poesia
RES - Il Jazzista Di Parole
RES - Istituto di riposo e cura per anziani
RES - Leoni di S. Marco
RES - Lightbulb
RES - Padova, Chiesa Di S. Alberto Magno
RES - Pillars
RES - Ponte di Ferro
RES - Porta Trento
RES - Sede Storica Della Cassa di Risparmio
RES - Sinagoga di Padova
RES - Tavolo del Titano
RES - Teatro Verdi
RES - Tomba di Antenore
RES - Ufficio Postale Padova Centro
RES - Ufficio Postale Padova Centro - facciata laterale
RES - Uomo Dirigibile Street Art
RES - Vetvstate Restavrata
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Pier 1, Tree Sculpture: 1
Korean War Memorial: 1
Faceless Statue: 0
Franklin Ave Station: 3
Prospect Park - 15th St Entrance: 1
Drummers Grove: 1
We The People' Torch By Danh Vo: 1
Cobble Hill Porpoise: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Slide Mountain: 2
Walt Whitman,poète américain d: 0
Four Greene Boulder At Greenstreets: 1
Lafayette Gardens Playground: 3
Donald and Barbara Zucker Natural Exploration Area: 0
Park Guard Shack: 0
The Transit Garden of Carroll Gardens: 0
The Old Stone House: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - American History Workshop Inc
ENL - Brooklyn Public Library
ENL - Carroll Gardens Historic District Marker
ENL - Cascade
ENL - Conserve Water Mural
ENL - Endale Arch
ENL - Endale Arch
ENL - Giant Anchor
ENL - Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, NY
ENL - Grand Army Plaza Park
ENL - Lion Rampant Seal
ENL - Magic Touch
ENL - Montauk Club. Friso en fachada
ENL - Mounted Statue of General Henry Warner Slocum
ENL - Mozart Statue
ENL - Peter and Willie
ENL - Playground Three
ENL - Prospect Park
ENL - Prospect Park Audubon Center
ENL - Prospect Park YMCA
ENL - Roosvelt In Botanic Garden
ENL - Square Stores Mural
ENL - Tae Kwon Do Mural
ENL - Thistle Hill Tavern
ENL - White Saint Statue
ENL - Zipcar-313 Bond Street
ENL - Zipcar-906 Union Street
NEU - Fountain Garden
NEU - Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses
RES - 439 7th St - Park Slope
RES - 4th Ave Mural
RES - 4th Avenue Train Station
RES - 6/15 Green Community Garden
RES - 6th Ave Garden Cow
RES - A Park Slope Mural
RES - Athena Restaurant Mural
RES - Aztec Carving
RES - Bailey Fountain
RES - Bar Bruno Mural
RES - Brooklyn Farmacy
RES - Brooklyn Nets Mural
RES - Brooklyn Owls
RES - Brooklyn Social
RES - Brooklyn Tile Supply Corp
RES - Carmen's Garden of Prospect Park
RES - Carroll Park House
RES - Carroll Park WW1 Memorial
RES - Church of the Virgin Mary
RES - Congregation Beth Elohim
RES - Congregation Beth Elohim Temple House
RES - Cousin John's Cafe and Bakery
RES - Degraw Eureka Water Tower
RES - Gowanus Yacht Club
RES - Greenwood Baptist Church
RES - Henry C Hulbert House
RES - Iglesia Evangelica Luterana del Espiritu Santo
RES - Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostal
RES - Iron Hands Tree Sculpture
RES - Iron Plumiera Sculpture
RES - John Cortese Field in Prospect Park
RES - John Jay High School
RES - Lichfield Villa
RES - Lion Sculpture 4 Avenue
RES - Little Free Library
RES - Lullwater Bridge
RES - Malik Sportswear Mural
RES - Marco Polo
RES - Mazzola Bakery
RES - Muse Cafe & Tea
RES - Old First Reformed Church
RES - Panthers Guarding Prospect Park
RES - Park Slope Historic District Sign
RES - Park Slope Methodist Church
RES - Pedal Faster Mural
RES - Pentecostal Church Vision of Jesus Christ
RES - Pickle Shack
RES - President Street Community Garden
RES - Reanimation Library
RES - Residency United
RES - Root Hill Mural
RES - Saint Francis Xavier Church
RES - Saint Francis Xavier's School
RES - Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch
RES - Spoke the Hub Re:Creation Center
RES - St Paul's Episcopal Church of Brooklyn
RES - Statue on Building
RES - Talde
RES - The Church of Gethsemane
RES - The Garfield Tot Spot
RES - The Junior Committee
RES - The Lily
RES - The Yuppy Puppy
RES - Union Street Memorial Mural
RES - Van Brunt Post Office
RES - Vincent J Dimattina Playground
RES - William and Betty Katz Center for Jewish Life
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Pier 1, Tree Sculpture: 1
Korean War Memorial: 0
Faceless Statue: 6
Franklin Ave Station: 2
Prospect Park - 15th St Entrance: 1
Drummers Grove: 1
We The People' Torch By Danh Vo: 0
Cobble Hill Porpoise: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
Slide Mountain: 0
Walt Whitman,poète américain d: 0
Four Greene Boulder At Greenstreets: 0
Lafayette Gardens Playground: 6
Donald and Barbara Zucker Natural Exploration Area: 0
Park Guard Shack: 0
The Transit Garden of Carroll Gardens: 1
The Old Stone House: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 131 Hicks
ENL - 18th Century Lantern
ENL - Acorn
ENL - All Is Fare In Love & Brooklyn
ENL - All Ways Junction Mural
ENL - Antioch Pentecostal Church
ENL - Argus the Giant
ENL - Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology
ENL - Bet Jacob Temple Building
ENL - Book Court
ENL - Born Busy as a Brooklyn Bound
ENL - Brooklyn Law School Law Library
ENL - Church of the Saviour
ENL - Climbing Mural
ENL - Colorful Gate Mural
ENL - Digital Kitty
ENL - Fountain And Statue
ENL - Grand Sculptural Entryway
ENL - Gryphons
ENL - Henry Ward Beecher Statue
ENL - Horseman Antiques
ENL - Hoyt Street Garden
ENL - Iglesia De Dios Pentacostal Church
ENL - J.B. Cornell Patent
ENL - Leaved Faces Pediment Detail
ENL - LoLo Sculpture
ENL - Long Island Restaurant
ENL - Metrotech Commons Alligator Eating Money Art
ENL - Micro Museum
ENL - Montero Bar and Grill
ENL - New York Transit Museum
ENL - North Arrow
ENL - Northeast Sports Car Sign
ENL - NYC Tech Mosaic
ENL - Offerman Building
ENL - Old Bridge Street Church
ENL - Orca Gladiator by Valerie Blass
ENL - Packer Collegiate Institute
ENL - Ponkiesberg Fortification
ENL - Propeller World Clock
ENL - St. Agnes Parish Center
ENL - St. Boniface Church
ENL - Statue at St. Joseph's
ENL - The Boss Bell
ENL - The Egress of Pollution
ENL - The Flying Lion
ENL - The GreenThumb
ENL - The Plymouth Bell
ENL - The Pondering Man
ENL - The Shielded Wreath
ENL - The Sootoon Statue
ENL - Upper90 Eagle Mural
ENL - Yellow Steel Sculpture
NEU - Fantasy of the Deities
NEU - Hunts Lane Historical Carriage Houses
NEU - Mona Lisa Lintel
NEU - Red Hook Lane
NEU - Vintage Fire Company Badge
RES - 3D Mural
RES - Bond Street Mural
RES - Brooklyn Heights Synagogue
RES - Brooklyn Historical Society
RES - Brooklyn Nets Mural
RES - Carroll Street Control House - NYC Landmark
RES - Classic Motorcycle Mural
RES - Dancing Bears
RES - Dawood Mosque
RES - Eagle Statue
RES - First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn Heights (Circa 1800's)
RES - Game Stop
RES - Gothic Lamps
RES - Grace Church
RES - Heights Cafe
RES - Hidden Sculpture Garden
RES - Jeremiah Ferette Tree
RES - MF Gallery
RES - Monument for Ventilation
RES - Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral
RES - Provence En Boite
RES - Puzzle Mural
RES - Queen
RES - Red Person Statue
RES - Sahadi's Middle Eastern Market
RES - Senator Robert Francis Kennedy
RES - Share the Road Mural
RES - Smith Street Art Work
RES - Smith Union Market
RES - St.Charles Jubilee
RES - Stinky Bklyn
RES - The Garden Place
RES - The Toy Museum of NY
RES - Where the Dodgers Made Baseball History
RES - Wilbur A. Levin Plaza
RES - Wolfmaidens
RES - World's First Häagen-Dazs
RES - Zipcar-313 Bond Street
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Pier 1, Tree Sculpture: 0
Korean War Memorial: 1
Faceless Statue: 2
Franklin Ave Station: 3
Prospect Park - 15th St Entrance: 1
Drummers Grove: 0
We The People' Torch By Danh Vo: 0
Cobble Hill Porpoise: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Slide Mountain: 0
Walt Whitman,poète américain d: 1
Four Greene Boulder At Greenstreets: 0
Lafayette Gardens Playground: 3
Donald and Barbara Zucker Natural Exploration Area: 2
Park Guard Shack: 1
The Transit Garden of Carroll Gardens: 2
The Old Stone House: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 19th Century Copper Turret
ENL - Abraham & Strauss
ENL - Advent Church
ENL - Al Aqusa Mosque
ENL - Alchemy Restaurant and Tavern
ENL - Ancient Face Frieze
ENL - Antique Car by the Board of Education of NYC
ENL - Atlantic Avenue Subway
ENL - Atlantic Terminal
ENL - BAM Park
ENL - Bergen St Station 2/3
ENL - Bergen Street Comics
ENL - Berkeley Carroll School Sterling Entrance
ENL - Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology
ENL - Bethel Baptist Church
ENL - Big Green Apple
ENL - Black Sheep Pub
ENL - BRIC Arts Media House
ENL - Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center Mural
ENL - Brooklyn Tattoo and Art Gallery
ENL - Burrito Bar & Kitchen
ENL - Catch Them All
ENL - Church of the Redeemer
ENL - Cuyler-Warren Street United Methodist Church
ENL - David Foulke Community Garden
ENL - Dragon Head
ENL - Ebbet's Field Flagpole
ENL - Gorilla Coffee Brand
ENL - Grand Sculptural Entryway
ENL - Green Waves Mural
ENL - Hanson Place Central United Methodist Church
ENL - House of the Lord Church
ENL - Iglesia Presbiteriana Del Cristo Vivo
ENL - Kombit Bar and Restaurant
ENL - Lafayette Avenue Station
ENL - Lenox
ENL - Lions
ENL - Lions Entryway Statues
ENL - Mark Morris Dance Center
ENL - Mark Morris Dance Group Mural
ENL - Metrotech Information Center
ENL - Miriam
ENL - New York Chess and Game Shop
ENL - NYU Poly Entrepreneurship Centre
ENL - Octopus Mural
ENL - Outdoor Paintings Gallery
ENL - Pardes Mural And Sign
ENL - Pequena Restaurant
ENL - Presidential Heads
ENL - Propeller World Clock
ENL - Richard B. Fisher Building
ENL - Right of Way
ENL - Runes Mural
ENL - Saint Augustine Catholic Church, Brooklyn
ENL - Save Mor Digital Printing Mural
ENL - Sculpture for Snow
ENL - SDA Church
ENL - Shirley A. Chisholm State Office Building
ENL - Sixteen Sycamores Playground
ENL - South Oxford Park
ENL - Tau Beta Pi
ENL - The Zen Center
ENL - Theater for a New Audience
ENL - Theater Irondale
ENL - Townhouse Art Gallery
ENL - Trap Art
ENL - Vajradhara Meditation Center
ENL - Walit House
ENL - War Of Whorls, 1974
ENL - Xmen
NEU - Brooklyn Scape Wall Art at Barclays
NEU - Primera Iglesia Bautista
NEU - Primitive Pentecostal
NEU - Temple of Restoration
NEU - Zipcar-700 Pacific Street
RES - 186 King Sculpture
RES - Battle Pass Sculpture
RES - Brooklyn Fire Department
RES - Climbing Mural
RES - Cosmic Cove Science Store
RES - Departures and Arrivals
RES - Flower Mural
RES - Gotham Archery
RES - Moto Girl
RES - New York Sports Club, Cobble Hill
RES - Old Brooklyn Fire Headquarters
RES - Paisanos Butcher Shop
RES - Rae Faces Mural
RES - Scenery
RES - Share the Road Mural
RES - Stoop Mural
RES - Stray Dog by Tony Matelli
RES - The Invisible Dog Gallery
RES - The Language and Laughter Studio
RES - Threes Mural
RES - WWII Memorial
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Pier 1, Tree Sculpture: 2
Korean War Memorial: 5
Faceless Statue: 0
Franklin Ave Station: 1
Prospect Park - 15th St Entrance: 1
Drummers Grove: 0
We The People' Torch By Danh Vo: 0
Cobble Hill Porpoise: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Slide Mountain: 5
Walt Whitman,poète américain d: 0
Four Greene Boulder At Greenstreets: 2
Lafayette Gardens Playground: 1
Donald and Barbara Zucker Natural Exploration Area: 2
Park Guard Shack: 1
The Transit Garden of Carroll Gardens: 4
The Old Stone House: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Aztec Pineapples
ENL - Bedford Branch Library
ENL - Bethel United Zion Church
ENL - Bitter & Esters
ENL - Black Sheep Pub
ENL - Brooklyn Public Library
ENL - Bulletin Board
ENL - Camel
ENL - Cathedral of Saint Joseph
ENL - Childrens Mural
ENL - church of Brooklyn
ENL - Church of God Victory
ENL - Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew
ENL - Church of the Nazarene
ENL - Comandante Biggie
ENL - Congregation Beth Elohim Temple House
ENL - Cousin John's Cafe and Bakery
ENL - Cumberland Sculptural Entryway
ENL - Cuyler Gore Park
ENL - Daycare Mural
ENL - Dean Playground
ENL - Dont Get Eaten By Ghosts
ENL - Edmonds Playground
ENL - ELIM Fellowship Church
ENL - Evening Star Baptist Church
ENL - Evergreen Church of God in Christ
ENL - Faces Street Art
ENL - Garden Mural
ENL - Greene Park
ENL - Greenlight Bookstore
ENL - GreenThumb
ENL - Hat Works of Knox the Hatter
ENL - I rrefer curry Goat!
ENL - Iglesia Evangelica Latina
ENL - Iglesia Presbyterian Church
ENL - Jam Roc Moon Mural
ENL - Lion Rampant Seal
ENL - Mount Prospect Park
ENL - Mtn Zion Tabernacle
ENL - Natty Garden Mural
ENL - Nigerian American Muslim Community Center
ENL - OMG Mural
ENL - Pequena
ENL - Pequena Restaurant
ENL - Prospect Heights Beer Works
ENL - Prospect Heights Church of Christ
ENL - PS Jungle Mural
ENL - Rose of Sharon Mural
ENL - Royal Castle With Roaring Lions And Paws
ENL - Saint Francis Xavier Church
ENL - Sculpture
ENL - Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch
ENL - Squad One Wooden Memorial Sculpture
ENL - Sun Portal
ENL - The Shoe Factory Building
ENL - The Universal Church
ENL - Theater Irondale
ENL - Underhill Playground
ENL - Wake Up Bell
ENL - Zion Baptist Church
NEU - 487 Clinton Ave
NEU - Brooklyn Scape Wall Art at Barclays
NEU - Brown Memorial Baptist Church
NEU - Mount Tabor Baptist Church
NEU - Union Temple of Brooklyn
NEU - Union Temple Of Brooklyn
RES - 100 Quincy Community Garden
RES - Angry Apple Mural
RES - Carlton Ave Garden Mural
RES - Chabad Jewish Center
RES - Children's Paradise Mural
RES - Congregation Beth Elohim
RES - Crispus Attucks Mural
RES - Cundy Memorial Tree
RES - Family Outreach Mural
RES - Fisherman Painting
RES - Flags of the World
RES - Gateway Triangle
RES - General Warren Statue
RES - Grand Army Plaza Park
RES - Groundswell Mural
RES - Lobo Restaurant
RES - Mounted Statue of General Henry Warner Slocum
RES - Mural at The Saint Catherine
RES - Native American Statue
RES - Octopus Mural
RES - Park Slope Christian Tabernacle
RES - Philippe Vignal
RES - Sculpture Garden
RES - Shirley A. Chisholm State Office Building
RES - Sister's Clock
RES - St Monica Hall
RES - The Apostolic Church
RES - The Salvation Army
RES - Welcome
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Louis Burke Toomer: 4
Shipping in the Port of Savann: 0
Haitian Monument: 0
Second Baptist Church: 3
Fountain At Thomas Place: 2
Resistance Capture Portals:
The Propeller Club of the Port: 0
1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron: 0
Troup Square Zodiac: 0
Blue Belle Mural: 0
Welcome Civic Center: 2
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - American Legion Post 135
ENL - Bull St. Baptist Church
ENL - Casimir Pulaski
ENL - Cathedral of St. John the Bapt
ENL - Church Annex
ENL - Clary's Cafe
ENL - Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home
ENL - Forsyth Park
ENL - Forsyth Park Arboretum
ENL - Fragrant Garden
ENL - Haymans Hall Remembers
ENL - History Of Emancipation: Speci
ENL - Lai Wa Hall
ENL - Lawton Memorial
ENL - Mansion Sculpture
ENL - Old Sorrel ~ Weed House
ENL - Our Lady of Grace
ENL - Pulaski Square
ENL - Quercus Shumardii Label Tag
ENL - Rotary Club of Savannah
ENL - Savannah Volunteer Guards
ENL - Scottish Rite Temple
ENL - Sergeant Jasper
ENL - Smithfield Cottage
ENL - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
ENL - Victory Over Violence
ENL - Wesley Methodist Church
ENL - Wesley Monumental United Metho
NEU - Savannah Fire Station #5
RES - Colonial Dames House
RES - Lion Head Fountain
RES - St. Vincent`s Academy
RES - Trinity Foundation Baptist Church
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Louis Burke Toomer: 4
Shipping in the Port of Savann: 1
Haitian Monument: 1
Second Baptist Church: 1
Fountain At Thomas Place: 2
Resistance Capture Portals:
The Propeller Club of the Port: 0
1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron: 0
Troup Square Zodiac: 0
Blue Belle Mural: 0
Welcome Civic Center: 2
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - C.R. Jepsen Center
ENL - Evacuation of Savannah
ENL - Federal Building and U.S. Court
ENL - First Baptist Church
ENL - First Baptist Church
ENL - Girl Scouts Garden Bench
ENL - In Honor of K of C Members Who Served in WWII
ENL - James Edward Oglethorpe
ENL - James Moore Wayne, 1790-1867
ENL - John Wesley
ENL - Josiah Penfield
ENL - Juliette Low Birthplace
ENL - Laurie's Restaurant
ENL - Lutheran Church of the Ascension
ENL - Oglethorpe House
ENL - Original Presbyterian Meeting
ENL - Phantasmagoria
ENL - Pulaski Square
ENL - Savannah City Hall
ENL - Savannah's First Burying Ground
ENL - Spudnik Penny Floor
ENL - Steel Zoo Animal
ENL - Stone Lion
ENL - Telfair Square Plaque
ENL - The Original Mellow Mushroom
ENL - The Paula Deen Store
ENL - The People's Gate
ENL - The Public Store
ENL - Tomo-Chi-Chi's Grave
ENL - Trinity Methodist Church
ENL - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District Plaque
ENL - Wright Square
ENL - Wright Square
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Louis Burke Toomer: 1
Shipping in the Port of Savann: 1
Haitian Monument: 1
Second Baptist Church: 3
Fountain At Thomas Place: 1
Resistance Capture Portals:
The Propeller Club of the Port: 1
1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron: 1
Troup Square Zodiac: 1
Blue Belle Mural: 0
Welcome Civic Center: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 105 East Oglethorpe Avenue
ENL - 2012, Savannah, GA - Big Duke
ENL - Abe's on Lincoln
ENL - Christ Church
ENL - Colonial Dames House
ENL - Conrad Aiken
ENL - Dr. Wm. A. Caruthers (1802-46)
ENL - Green-Meldrim Home
ENL - Head Gardeners Fountain
ENL - Home Of Genl Lachlan MacIntosh
ENL - John B. Hohenstein, Sr.
ENL - John Wesley
ENL - John Wesley, 1703- 1791
ENL - Johnson Square Fountain
ENL - Johnson Square Historical Marker
ENL - Juliette Gordon Low Statue
ENL - Lafayette Square Fountain
ENL - Lion Head Fountain
ENL - Old Sorrel ~ Weed House
ENL - Original 1733 Burial Plot
ENL - Our Lady of Grace
ENL - Owens-Thomas House
ENL - Poetter Hall
ENL - Savannah Volunteer Guards
ENL - SCAD Bradley Hall
ENL - SCAD Jen Library
ENL - Scottish Rite Temple
ENL - Sherman's Headquarters
ENL - St. John the Baptist
ENL - The Andrew Low House
ENL - The Georgia Medical Society
NEU - 1891 Steeple Bell
RES - St John the Baptist Cathedral
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Louis Burke Toomer: 3
Shipping in the Port of Savann: 2
Haitian Monument: 2
Second Baptist Church: 2
Fountain At Thomas Place: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
The Propeller Club of the Port: 1
1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron: 0
Troup Square Zodiac: 0
Blue Belle Mural: 0
Welcome Civic Center: 0
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 2012, Savannah, GA - town tour
ENL - Armstrong Junior College
ENL - Art Institute Lion Head
ENL - C.R. Jepsen Center
ENL - Congregation Mickve Israel
ENL - Congregation Mickve Israel
ENL - Federal Building and U.S. Court
ENL - Forsyth Park
ENL - Forsyth Park Amphitheater
ENL - Francis Bartow
ENL - German Memorial Fountain
ENL - Girl Scouts Garden Bench
ENL - Haymans Hall Remembers
ENL - In Honor of K of C Members Who Served in WWII
ENL - Interactive Xylophone
ENL - James Edward Oglethorpe
ENL - James Oglethorpe
ENL - Jepson Center for the Arts Memorial Stone
ENL - Juniperus Virginiana Tree Plaque
ENL - Marist Place
ENL - Massie Common School House
ENL - Mercer House 1860
ENL - Mosaic Pillar
ENL - Pulaski Square
ENL - Rotary Club of Savannah
ENL - The Chandler Oak
ENL - The Original Mellow Mushroom
ENL - Tomo-Chi-Chi's Grave
ENL - Visitor Center at Forsyth Park
RES - Ancient and Accepted Scottish
RES - Barnard House
RES - Wesley Methodist Church
RES - Wright Square
Measurement 1
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Saint Paul College Metalworks Sculpture: 0
Polka Dot Lime Twist: 0
Dayton's Bluff: 0
Public Art "Sky" by Old Police Station: 0
Van P. Harwood Memorial: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Upper Landing Park: 1
Selby Streetcar Line: 0
Leif Erickson Statue: 0
Kellogg and Minnesota Fountains: 10
Wacouta Commons Fountain: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - Christopher Columbus Discovers America
ENL - Firefighters Memorial
ENL - Hubert H Humphrey
ENL - John Albert Johnson Statue
ENL - Lindbergh Statue
ENL - Major William A Curtis Memorial
ENL - Minnesota State Law Library
ENL - MN Judicial Center
ENL - MN State Seal In Stone
ENL - MN Woman Suffrage Memorial
ENL - MnDOT Library
ENL - National Guard Training and Community Center
ENL - Nenunfar Girl Fountain
ENL - Pearl Harbor Memorial
ENL - Spiral for Justice
ENL - St. Paul Capitol & Floyd B Ols
ENL - State Office Building
ENL - Summit & Selby Neighborhood
ENL - The Love Sculpture
ENL - Women Veterans of MN Plaque
ENL - WW2 Veterans Memorial
NEU - Minnesota History Center
RES - 0
RES - 194 Lght Tank Battalion Memorial
RES - Angel in the Sky
RES - Brit Bunkley Etched Glass 11
RES - Cathedral of Saint Paul
RES - Greetings from Minnesota in the Minnesota History Center
RES - In Prayer Statue
RES - James J. Hill / The James J. H
RES - Memorial Of Those Who Served
RES - MN Vietnam Memorial
RES - Veterans of the Korean War Memorial
Measurement 2
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Saint Paul College Metalworks Sculpture: 0
Polka Dot Lime Twist: 0
Dayton's Bluff: 0
Public Art "Sky" by Old Police Station: 0
Van P. Harwood Memorial: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Upper Landing Park: 0
Selby Streetcar Line: 1
Leif Erickson Statue: 0
Kellogg and Minnesota Fountains: 5
Wacouta Commons Fountain: 6
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 1937 St Paul Winter Carnival Medallion Location
ENL - Camera Obscura
ENL - Central Presbyterian Church--125th Anniversary Stone
ENL - City Mural
ENL - Dog Gone Green
ENL - Ecolab HQ Sculpture, St Paul
ENL - Goff And Boysen Memorial Garden
ENL - Hamm's Beer Bear Plaque
ENL - Landmark Center
ENL - Lehr Theater
ENL - Methodist Episcopal Church Historical Marker
ENL - Rice Park Beautification Plaque
ENL - Rice Park Fountain
ENL - The Rebel Monument
NEU - Edge of an Oak Savanna #2
RES - Bike Sculpture
RES - Butterflies in the Sky Way
RES - Capitol Mural
RES - Catholic Charity
RES - Charlie Appleseed
RES - Cherub Statue at Wescott Station
RES - Fitzgerald Theater
RES - Fitzgerald Theater Mural
RES - Oak Woodland and Brushland Plant Guide
RES - Roman God Shaper
RES - Saint Paul Civic Center
RES - St. Paul Church of Scientology
RES - St. Paul Skyway Bridge #45
RES - Sweeten Up Lucy at Candyland
RES - Tamarack & Berry Garden
RES - Tribute to Officer Mahlon (Roy) Thomas
RES - Xcel Energy Center
RES - Xcel Energy Center
Measurement 3
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Saint Paul College Metalworks Sculpture: 0
Polka Dot Lime Twist: 0
Dayton's Bluff: 0
Public Art "Sky" by Old Police Station: 0
Van P. Harwood Memorial: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Upper Landing Park: 1
Selby Streetcar Line: 4
Leif Erickson Statue: 0
Kellogg and Minnesota Fountains: 2
Wacouta Commons Fountain: 5
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 1st National Bank Building
ENL - Alliance Bank Snoopy and Woodstock
ENL - Endicott Arcade
ENL - Endicott Building
ENL - Explore Minnesota Tourism Light Boxes
ENL - Hackett Block 1890
ENL - Hubert H. Humphrey
ENL - Lowertown Clock
ENL - Lowertown Daily Perk
ENL - NGI Portrait Wall Art
ENL - Railroad and Bank Building
ENL - Saint Paul Farmers Market
ENL - Saint Paul Post Office
ENL - School of Rock
ENL - Shall We Gather?
ENL - Triuni by Geoffrey Clarke
ENL - Wacouta Street Warehouse
NEU - Alliance Bank Center Clock Tower
NEU - ASLA Centennial Medallion
NEU - Groovy Snoopy
NEU - Waterfall
RES - Ennead
RES - Golden's Deli And Market
RES - Lower Town Bike Shop Mural
RES - Lute And Angel
RES - Mears Park
RES - Midevil Entrance
RES - Mural
RES - Osborn Plaza
RES - Station 4 Mural
RES - The Towers Apartments Fountain
RES - Town Center Statue
RES - US Bank Fountain
Measurement 4
Enlightened Capture Portals:
Saint Paul College Metalworks Sculpture: 0
Polka Dot Lime Twist: 0
Dayton's Bluff: 0
Public Art "Sky" by Old Police Station: 0
Van P. Harwood Memorial: 0
Resistance Capture Portals:
Upper Landing Park: 5
Selby Streetcar Line: 1
Leif Erickson Statue: 5
Kellogg and Minnesota Fountains: 0
Wacouta Commons Fountain: 1
Portal Ownership Details:
ENL - 0
ENL - 1
ENL - Major William A Curtis Memorial
ENL - Shape Art Concrete Wall
ENL - Sleeping Room Murals at the Lowell
ENL - Water Color Paintings
ENL - Wind Mural
ENL - WW2 Veterans Memorial
RES - 194 Lght Tank Battalion Memorial
RES - Anthrosphere
RES - Central Presbyterian
RES - Church of Saint Louis
RES - City Mural
RES - Coney Island Tavern
RES - Golden Rule Clock
RES - Hamm Plaza
RES - History Theater
RES - Hubert H Humphrey
RES - Lindbergh Statue
RES - Memorial Of Those Who Served
RES - Minnesota Workers Memorial Gardens
RES - MN Vietnam Memorial
RES - MnDOT Library
RES - National Guard Training and Community Center
RES - Palace Theater
RES - Rock Quote by Walt Whitman 1855
RES - Spiral for Justice
RES - State Veterans Service Building
RES - Sweeten Up Lucy at Candyland
RES - The Colonnade Statues
RES - Tribute to Officer Mahlon (Roy) Thomas
RES - Veterans of the Korean War Memorial
RES - Waterfall Sculpture
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