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Created May 8, 2015 22:08
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Performance optimized version for With additional fallback for value type conversions, to support e.g. Guid, TimeSpan, nullable properties.
namespace TryOuts.Immutable.Sample
using System;
using Tryouts.Immutable;
public static class Example
public class State : IImmutableOf<State>
public State() : this(0, null) { }
public State(int someInt, string someString)
SomeInt = someInt;
SomeString = someString;
MyGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
public readonly int SomeInt;
public readonly string SomeString;
public readonly Guid MyGuid;
public readonly double? MyNullableDouble;
public IImmutableBuilderFor<State> Mutate()
return ImmutableBuilder.DefaultFor(this);
public object Clone()
return base.MemberwiseClone();
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(
"{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
SomeInt, SomeString, MyGuid,
MyNullableDouble.HasValue ? MyNullableDouble.Value.ToString() : "<null>");
public static void Run()
var original = new State(10, "initial");
var mutatedInstance = original.Mutate()
.Set("SomeInt", (UInt16)45)
.Set(x => x.SomeString, "Hello SO")
mutatedInstance = original.Mutate()
.Set(x => x.SomeInt, val => val + 10)
var newInstance = ImmutableBuilder.CreateNew<State>()
.Set(x => x.SomeInt, 12)
.Set(x => x.SomeString, "Newly initialized")
newInstance = ImmutableBuilder.CreateNew(
() => new State(100, "From factory"),
builder => builder.Set(x => x.SomeString, s => string.Concat(s, " now modified")));
newInstance = original.Mutate(b => b
.Set(x => x.SomeInt, b.Source.SomeInt + 20)
.Set(x => x.SomeString, string.Concat(b.Source.SomeString, " more"))
.Set(x => x.MyGuid, Guid.NewGuid())
.Set(x => x.MyNullableDouble, y => y.HasValue ? y.Value + 10 : 22.0d));
namespace TryOuts.Immutable
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Tryouts.Immutable.Internal;
// Marker interface for a class that is immutable
public interface IImmutable : ICloneable { }
// Marker interface for a builder of immutable instances.
public interface IImmutableBuilder { }
// Type safe interface for an immutable class of type T.
public interface IImmutableOf<T> : IImmutable where T : class, IImmutable
IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Mutate();
// Type safe interface for the builder of an immutable class of type T.
public interface IImmutableBuilderFor<T> : IImmutableBuilder where T : class, IImmutable
T Source { get; }
IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(string fieldName, TFieldType value);
IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(string fieldName, Func<T, TFieldType> valueProvider);
IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression, TFieldType value);
IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression, Func<TFieldType, TFieldType> valueProvider);
T Build();
// Public builder interface with convenience methods.
public static class ImmutableBuilder
public static IImmutableBuilderFor<T> CreateNew<T>()
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>, new()
return new DefaultBuilderFor<T>(new T(), true);
public static IImmutableBuilderFor<T> CreateNew<T>(Func<T> factory)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
return new DefaultBuilderFor<T>(factory(), true);
public static IImmutableBuilderFor<T> DefaultFor<T>(T source)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
return new DefaultBuilderFor<T>(source);
public static T CreateNew<T>(params Action<IImmutableBuilderFor<T>>[] actions)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>, new()
return Apply(CreateNew<T>(), actions);
public static T CreateNew<T>(
Func<T> factory,
params Action<IImmutableBuilderFor<T>>[] actions)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
return Apply(CreateNew<T>(factory), actions);
public static T Mutate<T>(
this T source,
params Action<IImmutableBuilderFor<T>>[] actions)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
return source.Mutate().Apply(actions);
private static T Apply<T>(
this IImmutableBuilderFor<T> builder,
params Action<IImmutableBuilderFor<T>>[] actions)
where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
foreach (var action in actions)
return builder.Build();
namespace Tryouts.Immutable.Internal
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using TryOuts.Immutable;
// Internal implementation.
internal static class EmitUtils
private static readonly Type _cvtType = typeof(Convert);
private const BindingFlags Flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, MethodInfo> _Cvt =
new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>();
public static Action<T, object> BuildSetter<T>(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
var methodName = typeof(T).FullName + "._dynSet" + fieldInfo.Name;
var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod(methodName, null, new[] { typeof(T), typeof(object) }, fieldInfo.DeclaringType, true);
var generator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, fieldInfo.DeclaringType);
if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsValueType)
var cvtMethod = GetConvertMethod(fieldInfo.FieldType);
if (cvtMethod != null)
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, cvtMethod);
else // this is the best we can do, it may fail at run time.
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, fieldInfo.FieldType);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, fieldInfo.FieldType);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo);
return (Action<T, object>)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<T, object>));
private static MethodInfo GetConvertMethod(Type dest)
return _Cvt.GetOrAdd(dest, k => RetrieveConvertMethod(dest));
private static MethodInfo RetrieveConvertMethod(Type dest)
var from = new Type[] { typeof(object) };
if (dest == typeof(bool))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToBoolean", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(byte))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToByte", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(SByte))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToSByte", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(char))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToChar", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(UInt16))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToUInt16", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Int16))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToInt16", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(UInt32))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToUInt32", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Int32))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToInt32", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(UInt64))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToUInt64", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Int64))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToInt64", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Single))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToSingle", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Double))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToDouble", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(Decimal))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToDecimal", Flags, null, from, null);
if (dest == typeof(DateTime))
return _cvtType.GetMethod("ToDateTime", Flags, null, from, null);
return null;
//throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No conversion possible to type '{0}'", dest));
internal class DefaultBuilderFor<T> : IImmutableBuilderFor<T> where T : class, IImmutableOf<T>
private static readonly IDictionary<string, Tuple<Type, Action<T, object>>> _setters;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> _getters;
private readonly List<Action<T>> _mutations = new List<Action<T>>();
private readonly T _source;
private readonly bool _initializingSource;
static DefaultBuilderFor()
_setters = GetFieldSetters();
_getters = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>();
public DefaultBuilderFor(T instance, bool initializeSource = false)
_source = instance;
_initializingSource = initializeSource;
public T Source
get { return _initializingSource ? null : _source; }
public IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(string fieldName, TFieldType value)
var setter = GetSetter<TFieldType>(fieldName);
return AddMutation(inst => setter(inst, value));
public IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(string fieldName, Func<T, TFieldType> valueProvider)
var setter = GetSetter<TFieldType>(fieldName);
return AddMutation(inst => setter(inst, valueProvider(inst)));
public IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression, TFieldType value)
return Set<TFieldType>(GetFieldExpression(fieldExpression).Member.Name, value);
public IImmutableBuilderFor<T> Set<TFieldType>(Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression, Func<TFieldType, TFieldType> valueProvider)
var memberExpression = GetFieldExpression(fieldExpression);
var getter = GetOrAddGetter(memberExpression.Member.Name, fieldExpression);
return Set<TFieldType>(memberExpression.Member.Name, inst => valueProvider(getter(inst)));
public T Build()
var result = _initializingSource ? _source : (T)Source.Clone();
_mutations.ForEach(x => x(result));
return result;
private IImmutableBuilderFor<T> AddMutation(Action<T> action)
return this;
private static MemberExpression GetFieldExpression<TFieldType>(Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression)
var memberExpression = fieldExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpression == null || memberExpression.Member.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field)
throw new ArgumentException("A field expression is required", "fieldExpression");
return memberExpression;
private static Action<T, object> GetSetter<TFieldType>(string fieldName)
// Validity checks: for not only on field name
// Run-time errors will occur on non-castable type assignement attempts.
var entry = default(Tuple<Type, Action<T, object>>);
if (!_setters.TryGetValue(fieldName, out entry))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No public field named '{0}' available for type '{1}'.", fieldName, typeof(T)));
return entry.Item2;
private static Func<T, TFieldType> GetOrAddGetter<TFieldType>(string fieldName, Expression<Func<T, TFieldType>> fieldExpression)
var getter = _getters.GetOrAdd(fieldName, n => fieldExpression.Compile());
return getter as Func<T, TFieldType>;
private static IDictionary<string, Tuple<Type, Action<T, object>>> GetFieldSetters()
return typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(x => !x.IsLiteral)
x => x.Name,
x => Tuple.Create(x.FieldType, BuildSetter(x)));
private static Action<T, object> BuildSetter(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
return EmitUtils.BuildSetter<T>(fieldInfo);
catch // use fallback if we cannot generate using IL.
// This is a potential source for run-time errors.
return (inst, val) => fieldInfo.SetValue(inst, val);
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