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/halp.rb Secret

Created September 29, 2015 20:51
#!/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require 'pry'
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
url = ""
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
ALQDETALHESPB = doc.xpath(' //*[(@id = "Gegevens")]//li').collect {|node| node.text.strip}
det1 = 'driver.find_element(:id, "f04_000'
det2 = '").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB['
det3 = '])'
number = ALQDETALHESPB.count.to_i
numbers = {|i| i+1 }
counter = numbers
counter.each do |counter|
# puts driver.find_element(:id,"add").click
puts det1 + counter.to_s + det2 + counter.to_s + det3
## but none of these are actualy sent to the interpreter,
## just printed on screen, if i manualy
## copy paste the lines bellow in my irb session, the data is correctly placed where i want it.
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0001").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[1])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0002").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[2])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0003").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[3])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0004").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[4])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0005").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[5])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0006").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[6])
# driver.find_element(:id, "f04_0007").send_keys(ALQDETALHESPB[7])
# => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
# 2.2.1 :030 >
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