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Created January 21, 2015 07:22
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<div><h1>Azure Service Bus Correlation</h1>
<div><p>Correlation? WTF?</p>
<p>&quot;I haz many fings to do that must work togeva.&quot;</p>
<div><h2>It&#39;s all about <code>SessionId</code></h2>
<pre><code class="lang-javascript">var msg = new BrokeredMessage()<span class="comment">;</span>
msg<span class="preprocessor">.SessionId</span> = <span class="string">"kitteh!"</span><span class="comment">;</span></code></pre>
<div><h1>So what does that mean?</h1>
<div><p>Azure promises:</p>
<li>Consistent session state</li>
<li>Receivers can still die.</li>
<div><p>What this means for us:</p>
<li>&quot;Jobs&quot; (e.g. <em>&quot;scrape&quot;</em>) tracked as whole.</li>
<li>Easier reporting &amp; management.</li>
<li>Developer sanity.</li>
<div><h2>Key points</h2>
<li>Queues <em>must</em> require Sessions.</li>
<li><code>msg.SessionId</code> <em>must</em> be set on Session Queues.</li>
<li>Don&#39;t do either and world ends.</li>
<li>Do none and no sessions :)</li>
<div><pre><code class="lang-csharp"><span class="keyword">var</span> qd = <span class="keyword">new</span> QueueDescription(name)
<span class="comment">/* Create Session Queue */</span>
RequiresSession = <span class="keyword">true</span>
<div><p>Morph handles transparently in <a href="">ProcessingService</a>:</p>
<pre><code class="lang-csharp">var message = <span class="built_in">x</span><span class="preprocessor">.ToMessage</span>()<span class="comment">;</span>
message<span class="preprocessor">.SessionId</span> = sessionId<span class="comment">;</span>
return Client<span class="preprocessor">.SendAsync</span>(message)<span class="comment">;</span></code></pre>
<div><p>Any <code>Job</code>&#39;s queued or spawned will have their Session ID set for you.</p>
<div><p><img src="" alt="Kitteh"></p>

Azure Service Bus Correlation

Correlation? WTF?

"I haz many fings to do that must work togeva."

It's all about SessionId

var msg = new BrokeredMessage();
msg.SessionId = "kitteh!";

So what does that mean?

Azure promises:

  • FIFO.
  • Consistent session state
  • Receivers can still die.

What this means for us:

  • "Jobs" (e.g. "scrape") tracked as whole.
  • Easier reporting & management.
  • Developer sanity.

Key points

  • Queues must require Sessions.
  • msg.SessionId must be set on Session Queues.
  • Don't do either and world ends.
  • Do none and no sessions :)

var qd = new QueueDescription(name)
    /* Create Session Queue */
    RequiresSession = true

Morph handles transparently in ProcessingService:

var message = x.ToMessage();
message.SessionId = sessionId;
return Client.SendAsync(message);

Any Job's queued or spawned will have their Session ID set for you.



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