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Created October 12, 2015 10:08
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Created using soleditor: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
import "";
contract Archive is owned {
struct Content {
bool exists;
address OP;
bytes32[] archives;
uint public price;
mapping(bytes32 => Content) public contents;
event Post(bytes32 rootHash, bytes32 contentHash);
modifier costs { if (msg.value >= price) _ }
function archive( bytes32 rootContentHash, bytes32 archive, address OP, bool tip ) costs {
address archiver = msg.sender;
if (contents[rootContentHash].exists && archive != bytes32(0)) {
// append to archive
contents[rootContentHash].archives[contents[rootContentHash].archives.length] = archive;
Post( rootContentHash, archive);
handleTip( tip, OP );
} else if (!contents[rootContentHash].exists) {
// first archival
bytes32[] memory tmp;
contents[rootContentHash] = Content( true, OP, tmp);
Post( rootContentHash, bytes32(0));
handleTip( tip, OP );
function handleTip (bool tip, address OP) internal {
if (tip && OP != address(0)) {
OP.send( price );
} else {
owner.send( price );
function changePrice(uint _price) onlyowner {
price = _price;
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