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Created May 8, 2014 13:35
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta-runner name="Powershell (with System parameters)">
<description>Executes Powershell script with System parameters</description>
<param name="meta_powershell_bitness" value="x86" spec="select data_1='x64' data_2='x86' description='Run Powershell in 32 or 64-bit mode' display='normal' label='Bitness:'" />
<param name="meta_powershell_errorToError" value="true" spec="select data_1='false' data_2='true' description='Specify how error output is processed' display='normal' label='Error Output:' label_1='warning' label_2='error'" />
<param name="meta_powershell_minVersion" value="4.0" spec="select data_1='1.0' data_2='2.0' data_3='3.0' data_4='4.0' description='Powershell version' display='normal' label='Version:'" />
<param name="meta_powershell_script_type" spec="select data_1='CODE' data_3='FILE' description='Whether to interpret Source as a file or as code' display='normal' label='Script:' label_1='Source code' label_3='File'" />
<param name="meta_powershell_script_code" spec="text label='Script source:' description='Enter contents of a Powershell script. TeamCity references will be replaced in the code'" />
<runner name="" type="jetbrains_powershell">
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_bitness" value="%meta_powershell_bitness%" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_errorToError" value="%meta_powershell_errorToError%" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_execution" value="PS1" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_minVersion" value="%meta_powershell_minVersion%" />
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_code"><![CDATA[function EscapeServiceMessage ([string]$message) {
$message = $message.Replace("|", "||")
$message = $message.Replace("`n", "|n")
$message = $message.Replace("`r", "|r")
$message = $message.Replace("'", "|'")
$message = $message.Replace("[", "|[")
$message = $message.Replace("]", "|]")
$message = EscapeServiceMessage $_
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE' text='$message']"
Write-Host "Attempting to set buffer width to 500 characters..." -NoNewline
try {
$rawUI = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$m = $rawUI.MaxPhysicalWindowSize.Width
$rawUI.BufferSize = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.Size ([Math]::max($m, 500), $rawUI.BufferSize.Height)
$rawUI.WindowSize = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.Size ($m, $rawUI.WindowSize.Height)
Write-Host " Success"
} catch {
Write-Host " Failed"
$scriptPath = '';
$scriptContents = @'
if ('%meta_powershell_script_type%' -eq 'CODE') {
$tempDir =''
$tempFile = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("n") + '.ps1'
$scriptPath = join-path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath $tempFile
Set-Content -LiteralPath $scriptPath -Value $scriptContents
} else {
$scriptPath = $scriptContents;
Write-Host "Script: $scriptPath"
$scriptInfo = Get-Command -Name $scriptPath
$arguments = @{}
if ($scriptInfo.Parameters -ne $null) {
# load system parameters from TeamCity
[xml]$doc = Get-Content -LiteralPath ($env:TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE + '.xml') -Encoding UTF8
$parameters = $ | ForEach-Object -Begin {$ret = @{}} -Process {$ret.Add($_.key, $_.InnerText)} -End {$ret}
foreach ($param in $scriptInfo.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($parameters.ContainsKey($param.Key)) {
$arguments.Add($param.Key, $parameters[$param.Key]);
} else {
Write-Host "Failed to discover script parameters"
Write-Error "test"
Write-Host "Arguments:"
Write-Host ($arguments | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String)
. $scriptPath @arguments]]></param>
<param name="jetbrains_powershell_script_mode" value="CODE" />
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<requirements />
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