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Created January 23, 2015 17:58
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java snippets
package reuse;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
final class IO{
//Standard IO
static BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;;
static StringTokenizer tokenizer = null;
static int ni(){
return Integer.parseInt(ns());
static long nl(){
return Long.parseLong(ns());
static double nd(){
return Double.parseDouble(ns());
static String ns(){
while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
} catch (IOException e) {}
return tokenizer.nextToken();
static String nline(){
tokenizer = null;
String ret = null;
try {
ret = br.readLine();
} finally {
return ret;
package reuse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Numbers {
public static final long MOD = 1000000007; //10^9 + 7
static ArrayList<Integer> primesUpto(int n) {
boolean[] bm = new boolean[n + 1]; //false
ArrayList<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (bm[i]) continue; //not prime
for (long j = (long) i * (long) i; j <= n; j += i) {
bm[((int) j)] = true;
return primes;
static long primeFactorization(long n) {
//number of 2s that divide n
long ret = 1;
long pres = 0;
while (n % 2 == 0) {
n = n / 2;
ret = ret * (pres + 1);
// n must be odd at this point. So we can skip one element (Note i = i +2)
for (int i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i = i + 2) {
// While i divides n, print i and divide n
pres = 0;
while (n % i == 0) {
n = n / i;
ret = ret * (pres + 1);
// This condition is to handle the case when n is a prime number
// greater than 2
if (n > 2) ret = ret * 2;
return ret;
static long pow(long base,
long exp,
long mod) {
long ret = 1;
long pres = base;
while (exp != 0) {
if (exp % 2 == 1) ret = (ret * pres) % mod;
pres = (pres * pres) % mod;
exp = exp / 2;
return ret;
static long pow(long base, long exp) {
long ret = 1;
long pres = base;
while (exp != 0) {
if (exp % 2 == 1) ret = (ret * pres);
pres = (pres * pres);
exp = exp / 2;
return ret;
public static void main(String[] test) {
List<Integer> list = primesUpto(100);
for (int i : list) {
System.out.println(pow(2, 13, MOD));
System.out.println(pow(2, 13));
package reuse;
* Created by ssai
* Jun-20-2014.
public final class Pair {
public final int first;
public final int second;
public Pair(int first, int second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
public static Pair of(int first, int second) {
return new Pair(first, second);
public Pair setFirst(int newFirst) {
return of(newFirst, this.second);
public Pair setSecond(int newSecond) {
return of(this.first, newSecond);
public int hashCode() {
long hc = ((long) first) * 37 + second;
hc = hc % (1000 * 1000 * 1000 + 7);
return (int) hc;
public boolean equals(Object oth) {
if (!(oth instanceof Pair)) return false;
Pair other = (Pair) oth;
return (other.first == this.first) &&
(other.second == this.second);
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