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Created February 20, 2016 17:03
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# coding: utf-8
import requests
import json
import appex
import dialogs
import re
import datetime
import keychain
import console
class NoResultsError (Exception): pass
class NoMoviePickError (Exception): pass
class NoRatingError (Exception): pass
class ConnectionError (Exception): pass
class MissingApiKeyError (Exception): pass
def journal(data):
airtable_api = keychain.get_password('Airtable', 'API')
if airtable_api == None:
airtable_api = console.input_alert('Insert your Airtable API key')
if airtable_api == None:
raise MissingApiKeyError()
keychain.set_password('Airtable', 'API', airtable_api)
airtable_db = keychain.get_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary')
if airtable_db == None:
airtable_db = console.input_alert('Insert your Airtable database ID')
if airtable_db == None:
raise MissingApiKeyError()
keychain.set_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary', airtable_db)
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + airtable_api,
'Content-type': 'application/json'
r ='{0}/Entries'.format(airtable_db), headers=headers, data=json.dumps({'fields': data}))
if r.status_code == 200:
console.hud_alert('Added movie', 'success')
raise ConnectionError()
def getyear(d, raw=False):
if d is None or d == '':
return ''
elif raw:
return str(d[:4])
return ' ({0})'.format(d[:4])
def getdirectors(url, params):
r = requests.get(url + '/credits', params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
j = json.loads(r.text)
return ', '.join([c['name'] for c in j['crew'] if c['job'] == 'Director'])
raise ConnectionError()
def getmovie(url, params):
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
j = json.loads(r.text)
fields = {
'Overview': j['overview'],
'Title': j['title'],
'Year': getyear(j['release_date'], True),
#'Date': dialogs.date_dialog().isoformat(),
'Directors': getdirectors(url, params),
'Rating': dialogs.list_dialog("Rate '{0}'".format(j['title']), ['★★★★★','★★★★½','★★★★','★★★½','★★★','★★½','★★','★½','★','½'])
if j['poster_path'] is not None:
fields['Poster'] = [{'url': '' + j['poster_path']}]
if fields['Rating'] is not None:
return journal(fields)
raise NoRatingError()
raise ConnectionError()
def main():
moviedb_api = keychain.get_password('MovieDB', 'API')
if moviedb_api == None:
moviedb_api = console.input_alert('Insert your TMDB API key', '', '84cef43ccf02b1ba6093c9694ed671c9')
if moviedb_api == None:
raise MissingApiKeyError()
keychain.set_password('MovieDB', 'API', moviedb_api)
url_match = re.match(r'^https?://(?:www\.)?imdb\.com/title/(tt\d+)/?', appex.get_url())
params = {
'api_key': moviedb_api,
'external_source': 'imdb_id'
return getmovie('' +, params)
except TypeError:
params = {
'api_key': moviedb_api,
'query': console.input_alert('Search for movie')
r ='', params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
j = json.loads(r.text)
if j['total_results'] > 1:
results_map = {e['title'] + getyear(e['release_date']) : e for e in j['results']}
movie_pick = dialogs.list_dialog('Pick a movie', [e['title'] + getyear(e['release_date']) for e in j['results']])
if movie_pick is not None:
return getmovie('' + str(results_map[movie_pick]['id']), {'api_key': moviedb_api})
raise NoMoviePickError()
elif j['total_results'] == 1:
return getmovie('' + str(j['results'][0]['id']), {'api_key': moviedb_api})
raise NoResultsError()
raise ConnectionError()
except NoResultsError:
console.alert('No Results', 'Couldn\'t find any movie matching your query. Try again with different terms.')
except ConnectionError:
console.alert('Failed to connect', 'Something went wrong in the request. Try again in a couple of minutes.')
except NoMoviePickError:
console.alert('No movie selected', 'You gotta pick a movie for the script to work.')
except NoRatingError:
console.alert('No rating', 'You gotta rate the movie for the script to work.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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