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Created May 24, 2014 10:15
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require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
require 'iconv'
def avid_text(file_path)
html = Nokogiri::HTML(, nil, 'utf-8')
main = {start_time: -1.0, end_time: 0.0, text: ''}
suppl = {start_time: -1.0, end_time: 0.0, text: ''}
subtitle = "@ This file written with the Avid Caption plugin, version 1\r\n\r\n<begin subtitles>\r\n"
html.xpath('.//word').each do |word|
if main[:start_time] == -1.0
main[:start_time] = (word['start'].to_f > main[:end_time]) ? word['start'].to_f : main[:end_time]
if main[:text].length + suppl[:text].length >= 80
subtitle << make_line(main)
main = {start_time: (main[:end_time] > suppl[:start_time]) ? main[:end_time] : suppl[:start_time],
end_time: suppl[:end_time], text: suppl[:text] + word.text}
suppl = {start_time: -1.0, end_time: 0, text: ''}
elsif main[:text].length >= 60 && main[:text][main[:text].length-1] == " "
suppl[:start_time] = word['start'].to_f if suppl[:start_time] == -1.0
suppl[:end_time] = word['end'].to_f
suppl[:text] << word.text
main[:end_time] = word['end'].to_f
main[:text] << word.text
if word.xpath('./br').present? && main[:text].present?
main[:end_time] = suppl[:end_time] if suppl[:end_time] != 0
main[:text] << suppl[:text]
subtitle << make_line(main)
main = {start_time: -1.0, end_time: main[:end_time], text: ''}
suppl = {start_time: -1.0, end_time: 0, text: ''}
# Write file
subtitle << "<end subtitles>\r\n"
# Without NULL between each char
# subtitle = Iconv.conv("utf-16le", "utf-8", "\ufeff" + subtitle)
subtitle = Iconv.conv("utf-16le", "utf-8", "\ufeff" + subtitle).b"#{File.dirname(file_path)}/#{File.basename(file_path, File.extname(file_path))}_avid.txt", 'wb+'){|f| f.write(subtitle)}
def make_line(main)
subtitle = ''
subtitle << "%02.0f"%((main[:start_time]/3600).to_i) + ':' + "%02.0f"%(((main[:start_time]/60)%60).to_i) + ':' + ("%02.0f"%((main[:start_time].to_i)%60)) + ':' + "%02.0f"%(((main[:start_time].to_f%1)*100).to_i) + ' '
subtitle << "%02.0f"%((main[:end_time]/3600).to_i) + ':' + "%02.0f"%(((main[:end_time]/60)%60).to_i) + ':' + ("%02.0f"%((main[:end_time].to_i)%60)) + ':' + "%02.0f"%(((main[:end_time].to_f%1)*100).to_i) + "\r\n"
if main[:text].length < 40
subtitle << main[:text] + "\r\n\r\n"
line1 = main[:text].truncate(main[:text].length/2, separator: ' ', omission: '') + "\r\n"
line2 = main[:text][line1.length-1, main[:text].length-1]
while line2[0]==' '
line2 = line2[1, line2.length-1]
subtitle << line1 + line2 + "\r\n\r\n"
return subtitle
print 'Enter a path file: '
avid_text gets.chomp
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