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Save anonymous/fc23b362754031c1fdad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code parses a subset of JavaScript and detects usages of undeclared variables.
It's an example of a Parsec parser; it's by no means complete.
This source code primarily uses the do-syntax for writing the parser,
but that's not the only way to write code with Parsec.
This code was written in a hurry by Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne during the meetup at 2014-21-10.
runhaskell Main.hs example.js
function fib(n) {
var fib1 = fib(n - 1);
var fib2 = fib(n - 2);
if(n <= 1) return 1
else return fib1 + fib3
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Identity
import System.IO (readFile)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- Abstract syntax tree
data Term
= Function String [String] Term
| Call Term [Term]
| Return Term
| Minus Term Term
| Plus Term Term
| LessThanOrEqualTo Term Term
| If Term Term (Maybe Term)
| Number Double
| Var String Term
| Variable String
| Sequence Term Term
| Assign Term Term
| Undefined
deriving Show
-- Utility functions
keywords :: Set String
keywords = Set.fromList ["function", "var", "for", "while", "return", "break", "continue", "if", "else", "switch", "case", "try", "catch", "finally", "throw", "in", "with", "delete", "eval", "instanceof", "void", "new", "do", "null", "true", "false"]
skipWhitespace :: Parser ()
skipWhitespace = many space >> return ()
-- Terminals (consume whitespace after each token)
tokenIdentifier :: Parser String
tokenIdentifier = try $ do
c <- letter
cs <- many alphaNum
let x = c:cs
when (Set.member x keywords) (unexpected ("keyword '" ++ x ++ "'"))
return x
tokenKeyword :: String -> Parser ()
tokenKeyword keyword = do
try $ string keyword
return ()
tokenNumber :: Parser Term
tokenNumber = do
ds <- try $ many1 digit
return (Number (read ds))
-- Non-terminals (doesn't mention whitespace)
parseCurly :: Parser Term
parseCurly = do
tokenKeyword "{"
statements <- sepBy parseTerm (tokenKeyword ";")
tokenKeyword "}"
case statements of
[] -> return Undefined
ss -> return $
let sequence ss = case ss of
[s'] -> s'
(s':ss') -> Sequence s' (sequence ss')
in sequence ss
parseVariable :: Parser Term
parseVariable = do
identifier <- tokenIdentifier
return (Variable identifier)
parseFunction :: Parser Term
parseFunction = do
tokenKeyword "function"
name <- tokenIdentifier
tokenKeyword "("
arguments <- sepBy tokenIdentifier (tokenKeyword ",")
tokenKeyword ")"
body <- parseCurly
return (Function name arguments body)
parseIf :: Parser Term
parseIf = do
tokenKeyword "if"
tokenKeyword "("
condition <- parseTerm
tokenKeyword ")"
thenBranch <- parseCurly <|> parseTerm
elseBranchMaybe <- optionMaybe $ do
tokenKeyword "else"
parseCurly <|> parseTerm
return (If condition thenBranch elseBranchMaybe)
parseVar :: Parser Term
parseVar = do
tokenKeyword "var"
x <- tokenIdentifier
v <- (tokenKeyword "=" >> parseTerm) <|> (return Undefined)
return (Var x v)
parseReturn :: Parser Term
parseReturn = do
tokenKeyword "return"
body <- parseTerm
return (Return body)
parseOperator :: [(String, (Term -> Term -> Term))] -> Parser Term -> Parser Term
parseOperator keywordAndConstructors inner = do
let operators = map (\(k, c) -> tokenKeyword k >> return c) keywordAndConstructors
a <- inner
constructorsAndRightValues <- many $ do
constructor <- choice operators
b <- inner
return (constructor, b)
return (foldl (\x (o, y) -> o x y) a constructorsAndRightValues)
parseAtom = parseFunction <|> parseVar <|> parseIf <|> parseReturn <|> parseVariable <|> tokenNumber
parseCall = do
f <- parseAtom
argumentsMaybe <- optionMaybe $ do
tokenKeyword "("
arguments <- sepBy1 parseTerm (tokenKeyword ",")
tokenKeyword ")"
return arguments
case argumentsMaybe of
Just arguments -> return (Call f arguments)
Nothing -> return f
parseAdditionOperator = parseOperator [("+", Plus), ("-", Minus)] parseCall
parseComparisonOperator = parseOperator [("<=", LessThanOrEqualTo)] parseAdditionOperator
parseAssignmentOperator = parseOperator [("=", Assign)] parseComparisonOperator
parseTerm = parseAssignmentOperator
parseProgram :: Parser Term
parseProgram = do
term <- parseTerm
return term
-- Lint: detect undeclared variables
type Problem a = ErrorT String Identity a
lint :: Set String -> Term -> Problem ()
lint declared (Function name arguments e1) = do
let declared' = Set.union (Set.union (Set.singleton name) (Set.fromList arguments)) declared
lint declared' e1
lint declared (Call e1 es) = do
lint declared e1
mapM_ (lint declared) es
lint declared (Return e1) = lint declared e1
lint declared (Minus e1 e2) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
lint declared (Plus e1 e2) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
lint declared (LessThanOrEqualTo e1 e2) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
lint declared (If e1 e2 e3) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
case e3 of
Just e -> lint declared e
Nothing -> return ()
lint _ (Number _) = return ()
lint declared (Var x e1) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared (Variable x) = do
when (not (Set.member x declared)) $ fail ("Not declared: " ++ x)
lint declared (Sequence (Var x e1) e2) = do
lint declared e1
let declared' = Set.union (Set.singleton x) declared
lint declared' e2
lint declared (Sequence e1 e2) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
lint declared (Assign e1 e2) = do
lint declared e1
lint declared e2
lint _ Undefined = return ()
-- Main function that parses a file, prints the syntax tree and detects undeclared variables
main = do
[fileName] <- getArgs
input <- readFile fileName
case parse parseProgram fileName input of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Error: " ++ show e)
Right e -> do
putStrLn (show e)
let problem = runIdentity (runErrorT (lint Set.empty e))
case problem of
Left p -> putStrLn p
Right () -> putStrLn "No problems!"
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