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Created May 20, 2015 22:03
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Rust vs C++ comparison
time = "0.1"
num = "0.1.24"
name = "dsp"
version = "0.1.0"
#include "dsp.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
static constexpr int int16_min = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min();
static constexpr int int16_max = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
static inline int16_t clamp(int input)
return std::max(int16_min, std::min(int16_max, input));
static inline int get_offset(const FilterState& filter_state, int relative_offset)
static_assert(!(FilterState::size & (FilterState::size - 1)), "size must be a power of two.");
return (filter_state.current + relative_offset) % filter_state.size;
static inline void push_sample(FilterState& filter_state, int16_t sample)
filter_state.input[get_offset(filter_state, 0)] = sample;
static inline int16_t get_output_sample(const FilterState& filter_state)
return clamp(filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, 0)]);
// This is an implementation of a Chebyshev lowpass filter at 5000hz with ripple -0.50dB,
// 10th order, and for an input sample rate of 44100hz.
static inline void apply_lowpass(FilterState& filter_state)
static_assert(FilterState::size >= 10, "FilterState::size must be at least 10.");
double* x = filter_state.input;
double* y = filter_state.output;
y[get_offset(filter_state, 0)] =
( 1.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -10)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -0)]))
+ ( 10.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -9)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -1)]))
+ ( 45.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -8)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -2)]))
+ (120.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -7)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -3)]))
+ (210.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -6)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -4)]))
+ (252.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * x[get_offset(filter_state, -5)])
+ ( -0.4441854896 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -10)])
+ ( 4.2144719035 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -9)])
+ ( -18.5365677633 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -8)])
+ ( 49.7394321983 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -7)])
+ ( -90.1491003509 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -6)])
+ ( 115.3235358151 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -5)])
+ (-105.4969191433 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -4)])
+ ( 68.1964705422 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -3)])
+ ( -29.8484881821 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -2)])
+ ( 8.0012026712 * y[get_offset(filter_state, -1)]);
void apply_lowpass(FilterState& filter_state, const int16_t* input, int16_t* output, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
push_sample(filter_state, input[i]);
output[i] = get_output_sample(filter_state);
#include <cstdint>
struct FilterState {
static constexpr int size = 16;
double input[size]; // Must use doubles for these arrays, otherwise can be noisy.
double output[size];
unsigned int current;
FilterState() : input{}, output{}, current{} {}
void apply_lowpass(FilterState& filter_state, const int16_t* input, int16_t* output, int length);
use std::cmp::max;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::i16;
const FILTER_SIZE : usize = 16;
pub struct FilterState {
// Must use doubles for these arrays, otherwise can be noisy.
input: [f64; FILTER_SIZE],
output: [f64; FILTER_SIZE],
current: u32
impl FilterState {
pub fn new() -> FilterState {
FilterState {input:[0.0; FILTER_SIZE], output:[0.0; FILTER_SIZE], current:0}
fn clamp(input: i32) -> i16
return max(i16::MIN as i32, min(i16::MAX as i32, input)) as i16;
fn get_offset(filter_state : &FilterState, relative_offset : i32) -> usize
//#[static_assert] static t: bool = (FILTER_SIZE & (FILTER_SIZE - 1)) == 0;
return ((filter_state.current + relative_offset as u32) % FILTER_SIZE as u32) as usize;
fn push_sample(filter_state : &mut FilterState, sample: i16) {
filter_state.input[get_offset(filter_state, 0)] = sample as f64;
filter_state.current = filter_state.current + 1;
fn get_output_sample(filter_state : &FilterState) -> i16
return clamp(filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, 0)] as i32);
// This is an implementation of a Chebyshev lowpass filter at 5000hz with ripple -0.50dB,
// 10th order, and for an input sample rate of 44100hz.
fn apply_lowpass_single(filter_state : &mut FilterState)
//#[static_assert] static t: bool = FILTER_SIZE >= 10;
//let x = filter_state.input;
let x = &filter_state.input;
// Note: I didn't understand how to reference y; I couldn't make it work without either errors or silently dropping
// the result (was copying the array?).
// let y = &mut filter_state.output;
// let y = mut filter_state.output;
filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, 0)] =
( 1.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -10)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -0)]))
+ ( 10.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -9)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -1)]))
+ ( 45.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -8)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -2)]))
+ (120.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -7)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -3)]))
+ (210.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * (x[get_offset(filter_state, -6)] + x[get_offset(filter_state, -4)]))
+ (252.0 * (1.0 / 6.928330802e+06) * x[get_offset(filter_state, -5)])
+ ( -0.4441854896 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -10)])
+ ( 4.2144719035 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -9)])
+ ( -18.5365677633 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -8)])
+ ( 49.7394321983 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -7)])
+ ( -90.1491003509 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -6)])
+ ( 115.3235358151 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -5)])
+ (-105.4969191433 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -4)])
+ ( 68.1964705422 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -3)])
+ ( -29.8484881821 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -2)])
+ ( 8.0012026712 * filter_state.output[get_offset(filter_state, -1)]);
pub fn apply_lowpass(filter_state: &mut FilterState, input: &[i16], output: &mut [i16], length: i32)
// Better way to do u32 range?
for i in 0..length {
push_sample(filter_state, input[i as usize]);
output[i as usize] = get_output_sample(filter_state);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "dsp.h"
using namespace std;
static const int LENGTH = 524288;
static short inData[LENGTH];
static short outData[LENGTH];
static void populateData() {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i) {
inData[i] = sin(i) * 1000.0;
static long doCTest() {
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end = clock() + (CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 5);
int iterations = 0;
int dummy = 0;
FilterState filter_state{};
while (clock() < end) {
apply_lowpass(filter_state, inData, outData, LENGTH);
// Avoid some over-optimization
dummy += outData[0];
printf("Dummy:%d\n", dummy);
clock_t elapsed_ticks = clock() - start;
long shortsPerSecond = (long) ((iterations * (long)LENGTH) / (elapsed_ticks / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
return shortsPerSecond;
int main() {
printf("Beginning C tests...\n\n");
long cResult = doCTest();
printf("C results: %ld shorts per second.\n\n", cResult);
extern crate time;
extern crate num;
use time::precise_time_s;
mod dsp;
const LENGTH : usize = 524288;
fn do_rust_test(in_data: &[i16], out_data: &mut[i16]) -> i32 {
let start = precise_time_s();
let end = start + 5.0;
let mut iterations = 0;
let mut filter_state = dsp::FilterState::new();
let mut dummy = 0;
while precise_time_s() < end {
dsp::apply_lowpass(&mut filter_state, in_data, out_data, LENGTH as i32);
// Avoid some over-optimization
dummy += out_data[0];
iterations = iterations + 1;
println!("Dummy:{}", dummy);
let elapsed_time = precise_time_s() - start;
let shorts_per_second = ((iterations * LENGTH) as f64 / elapsed_time) as i32;
return shorts_per_second;
fn main() {
let mut in_data = Box::new([0; LENGTH]);
let mut out_data = Box::new([0; LENGTH]);
for i in 0..LENGTH {
in_data[i as usize] = ((i as f32).sin() * 1000.0) as i16;
println!("Beginning Rust tests...\n\n");
let rust_result = do_rust_test(&*in_data, &mut *out_data);
println!("Rust Results: {} shorts per second.\n\n", rust_result);
Best of 5
rustc --version
rustc 1.0.0 (a59de37e9 2015-05-13) (built 2015-05-14)
cargo run --release
62,127,704 shorts per second.
clang++ --version
Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.49) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
Thread model: posix
clang++ -std=c++11 -O2 dsp.cpp main.cpp -o dsp && ./dsp
88,107,618 shorts per second.
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