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Created July 24, 2023 19:13
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#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
* Unconditionally reloads a script when changes are detected.
* @param {integer} Period Time in millisecond to check for modifications.
* @param {boolean} bForce Force reload or use built-in `Reload()` function.
* @param {boolean} bRecurse Recursively check for changes on `.ahk` files.
* @param {integer} Timeout Seconds to allow `OnExit()` callbacks to run.
* @returns {boolean} Active status.
ReloadEx(Period, bForce := false, bRecurse := false, Timeout := 0) {
static previous, fn
current := bRecurse ? _recurse() : FileGetTime(A_ScriptFullPath, "M")
if (IsSet(fn) = false) { ; Start
previous := current
fn := ReloadEx.Bind(Period, bForce, bRecurse, Timeout)
SetTimer(fn, Period)
return true
} else if (Period = 0) { ; Stop
SetTimer(fn, 0)
fn := unset
return false
} else if (current != previous) {
A_IconHidden := true
bForce ? _reload() : Reload()
_recurse() {
crc := 0
loop files A_ScriptDir "\*.ahk", "FR" {
try {
data := FileRead(A_LoopFileFullPath, "RAW")
crc := DllCall("ntdll\RtlComputeCrc32", "UInt", crc, "Ptr", data.Ptr, "UInt", data.Size, "UInt")
} catch {
Exit() ; File opened exclusively or with pending IO
return crc
_reload() {
pid := ProcessExist()
cli := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "Str")
cmd := 'timeout {} & tskill {} & start "" {}'
cmd := Format(cmd, Timeout, pid, cli)
Run(A_ComSpec ' /C "' cmd '"', , "Hide")
ExitApp() ; Trigger OnExit() if present
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