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Last active August 8, 2023 00:35
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  • Save anonymous1184/2bac256e32247ca9f5ed1c108d3c0b1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anonymous1184/2bac256e32247ca9f5ed1c108d3c0b1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey v1.1.x / v2.0.x (un)installer.

AutoHotkey v1.1.x / v2.0.x (un)installer

Usage and information:

The source code is for informative purposes, the file needed is the executable.

  • Download (1.83 MB).
    • SHA256: e30f09fe36238b1a8fbed3250c637888811a10443029ccc20da20a5830a318a7
    • Alternatively: zip file (890 KB).
  • VirusTotal (no detections, 71 engines).
#Requires AutoHotkey_H =v2.0.4.0 64-bit
Exit() ; End of auto-execute
main() {
if (!A_IsAdmin) {
try Run("*RunAs " A_ScriptFullPath)
; Ask before continue
answer := MsgBox("You are about to uninstall AutoHotkey (all versions), continue?", "Continue?", 0x40024)
if (answer = "No") {
; Releases info
whr := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
try {
whr.Open("GET", "", true)
responseJson := JSON.parse(whr.ResponseText, false, false)
} catch {
ExitApp(1) ; Initial connection or data parsing went wrong
; Assets info
assets := [1, 2] ; v1.1.x && v2.0.x
loop 2 {
majorVersion := A_Index
for (release in responseJson) {
if (release.assets.Length = 0) {
RegExMatch(, "^v(" majorVersion "[\d\.]+)$", &match)
if (!IsObject(match)) {
fullVersion := match[1]
name := release.assets[1].name
downloadUrl := release.assets[1].browser_download_url
RegExMatch(release.body, "i)[0-9A-F]{64}", &match)
hash := IsObject(match) ? match[0] : ""
assets[majorVersion] := { filename: name, sha256: hash, url: downloadUrl, version: fullVersion }
if (!IsObject(assets[majorVersion])) {
MsgBox("Couldn't find an asset for the v" majorVersion " major version.", "Error", 0x40010)
; Download dir
dir := A_Temp
for (CLSID in ["088e3905-0323-4b02-9826-5d99428e115f", "374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B"]) {
try {
dir := RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders", "{" CLSID "}")
; Download & verify
for (asset in assets) {
path := dir "\" asset.filename
cmd := 'CertUtil -HashFile "' path '" sha256 | FindStr /I ' asset.sha256
; Already downloaded
if (FileExist(path)) {
if (RunWait(A_ComSpec ' /C "' cmd '"', , "Hide")) {
try FileDelete(path)
} else {
; Download
try {
Download(asset.url, path)
try FileDelete(path ":Zone.Identifier")
} catch {
MsgBox("Couldn't download AutoHotkey v" asset.version " installer.", "Error", 0x40010)
if (asset.sha256 = "") {
; Verify
if (RunWait(A_ComSpec ' /C "' cmd '"', , "Hide")) {
try FileDelete(path)
MsgBox("Invalid hash for AutoHotkey v" asset.version " installer.", "Error", 0x40010)
; Kill processes
cmd := "taskkill.exe /F"
for item in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE ExecutablePath LIKE '%AutoHotkey%'") {
cmd .= " /PID " item.ParentProcessId
RunWait(cmd, , "Hide")
; Uninstall
errors := 0
for (asset in assets) {
try {
; v1 ignores `/silent`, but `/uninstall` is always silent
errors += !!RunWait(asset.filename " /silent /uninstall", dir)
} catch {
if (errors != 0) {
answer := MsgBox("AutoHotkey couldn't uninstall old versions, would you like to continue installing over them?", "Attention!", 0x40034)
if (answer = "No") {
; Delete install folder(s)
LocalAppData := EnvGet("LocalAppData")
programFilesWoW := EnvGet("ProgramFiles(x86)")
for (root in [A_ProgramFiles, programFilesWoW, LocalAppData "\Programs"]) {
try {
FileRecycle(root "\AutoHotkey")
} catch {
loop files root "\AutoHotkey\*", "DR" {
try FileRecycle(A_LoopFileFullPath)
loop files root "\AutoHotkey\*", "FR" {
try FileRecycle(A_LoopFileFullPath)
RunWait(A_ComSpec ' /C rd /s /q "' root '\AutoHotkey"')
; Self-signed certificate
RunWait('CertUtil -DelStore Root "AutoHotkey"', , "Hide")
; Registry remnants
keys := [
for (key in keys) {
try RegDelete(key)
; Install
answer := MsgBox("Uninstall is completed. Do you want to continue installing versions " assets[1].version " and " assets[2].version, "Continue?", 0x40024)
if (answer = "No") {
target := A_ProgramFiles "\AutoHotkey"
if (RunWait(assets[1].filename ' /S /U64 /D="' target '" /uiAccess=1', dir)) {
MsgBox(assets[1].filename " couldn't be installed.", "Error", 0x40010)
if (RunWait(assets[2].filename ' /silent /to "' target '"', dir)) {
MsgBox(assets[2].filename " couldn't be installed.", "Error", 0x40010)
; FInished
MsgBox("Install of versions " assets[1].version " and " assets[2].version " is complete.", "Finalized", 0x40040)
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