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Last active December 29, 2023 20:09
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Ping() is a rewrite of Ping4(), optimized for continuos pings.


Ping every second GitHub and place a ToolTip in the lower corner of the screen.


SetTimer PingGitHub, 1000

return ; End of auto-execute

PingGitHub() {
    rtt := Ping("")
    msg := rtt ? "GitHub: " rtt "ms" : "Ping error!"
    ToolTip % msg, % A_ScreenWidth, % A_ScreenHeight, 20
; Version: 2022.11.17.1
Ping(Address, ByRef Result := "", Timeout := 1000) {
static lastAddr := "", ip := "", pAddr := 0, hIcmp := 0
if (Address != lastAddr) {
pAddr := Ping_IPAddress(Address, ip)
lastAddr := Address
if (!hIcmp) {
hIcmp := DllCall("iphlpapi\IcmpCreateFile")
if (!hIcmp) {
ErrorLevel := "IcmpCreateFile() failed to open a port!"
replySize := VarSetCapacity(replyBuffer, 40, 0)
replied := DllCall("iphlpapi\IcmpSendEcho", "Ptr",hIcmp, "Ptr",pAddr, "Ptr",0
, "UInt",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr",&replyBuffer, "UInt",replySize, "UInt",Timeout)
if (!replied) {
ErrorLevel := "IcmpSendEcho() failed with code: " A_LastError
rtt := NumGet(replyBuffer, 8, "UInt")
Result := {"InAddr":Address, "IPAddr":ip, "RTTime":rtt}
return rtt
Ping_IPAddress(Address, ByRef IP := "") {
static size := 434 + (A_PtrSize - 2) + A_PtrSize
, offset := (2 * A_PtrSize) + 4 + (A_PtrSize - 4)
, _ := DllCall("Kernel32\LoadLibrary", "Str","iphlpapi.dll")
VarSetCapacity(WSADATA, size, 0)
err := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "Int",0x0202, "Ptr",&WSADATA)
if (err) {
ErrorLevel := "WSAStartup() failed with code: " err
if (RegExMatch(Address, "\D+")) {
HOSTENT := DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname", "AStr",Address)
if (!HOSTENT) {
err := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError", "Int")
ErrorLevel := "gethostbyname() failed with code: " err
return false
pList := NumGet(HOSTENT + 0, offset, "Ptr")
lAddr := NumGet(pList + 0, 0, "Ptr")
pAddr := NumGet(lAddr + 0, 0, "Int")
Address := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_ntoa", "Int",pAddr)
Address := StrGet(Address, "CP0")
IP := Address
pAddr := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "AStr",Address)
if (pAddr = 0xFFFFFFFF) {
ErrorLevel := "inet_addr() failed for address: " Address
return pAddr
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