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Last active January 8, 2024 14:49
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Usage example:

  1. Run receiver.ahk
  2. Run sender.ahk

; Version: 2023.05.17.1
Message.Listen(Callback) ; Listen
Message.Listen() ; Stop listening
Message.Send(Message, Target[, Timeout := 7000ms])
-1 = Target not found
0 = Message accepted
1 = Message ignored
class Message {
Listen(Callback := "") {
static WM_COPYDATA := 0x004A, bound := ""
if (Callback = "") {
OnMessage(WM_COPYDATA, bound, 0)
bound := ""
if (IsObject(Callback)) {
if (Callback.MinParams < 1)
throw Exception("Callback requires at least 1 parameter.", -1, Callback.Name)
_callback := Callback
} else {
if (!IsFunc(Callback))
throw Exception("Not a function.", -1, Callback)
_callback := Func(Callback)
bound := ObjBindMethod(Message, "_Receive", _callback)
OnMessage(WM_COPYDATA, bound, 1)
Send(Msg, Target, Timeout := 7000) {
static WM_COPYDATA := 0x004A
VarSetCapacity(COPYDATASTRUCT, 3 * A_PtrSize)
NumPut(StrPut(Msg) * 2, COPYDATASTRUCT, A_PtrSize)
NumPut(&Msg, COPYDATASTRUCT, 2 * A_PtrSize)
SendMessage WM_COPYDATA, 0, &COPYDATASTRUCT,, % Target,,,, % Timeout
result := ErrorLevel
ErrorLevel := (result = "FAIL" ? -1 : !result)
; Private
_Modes(Mode) {
static dhw, tmm
if (Mode) {
dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
tmm := A_TitleMatchMode
DetectHiddenWindows % {0:dhw, 1:1}[Mode]
SetTitleMatchMode % {0:tmm, 1:2}[Mode]
_Receive(Callback, _wParam, lParam) {
lParam := NumGet(lParam + 2 * A_PtrSize)
msg := StrGet(lParam)
return Callback.Call(msg)
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
#Warn All
; Wait for incoming messages
return ; End of auto-execute
#Include %A_LineFile%\..\Message.ahk
MyCallback(MessageText) {
if (StrLen(MessageText) < 10)
return false ; Message ignored
MsgBox 0x40040, Message received, % MessageText
return true ; Message accepted
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1
#Warn All
; Send a message to non-existent script
Message.Send("Hello World!", "non-existent-script.ahk")
if (ErrorLevel = -1)
MsgBox 0x40010, Error, Target not found, message wasn't sent.
; Send a message (filtered by receiver's callback)
Message.Send("Hello", "receiver.ahk")
if (ErrorLevel)
MsgBox 0x40030, Attention!, Message was ignored (too short).
; Send a message (receiver's callback will inform)
Message.Send("Hello World!", "receiver.ahk")
#Include %A_LineFile%\..\Message.ahk
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