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Last active December 17, 2022 11:16
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loyalty card
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart';
// Assume that the contract address and ABI are stored in variables
// called 'contractAddress' and 'contractAbi', respectively
// Create a new instance of the EthereumClient class
final client = Web3Client(rpcUrl, httpClient: httpClient);
// Load the contract using the contract address and ABI
final contract = DeployedContract(
ContractAbi.fromJson(contractAbi, 'LoyaltyCard'),
// Create a function call request to call the 'addPoints' function
final request = contract.function('addPoints').call(
// Pass the member's address and the number of points to add as arguments
[memberAddress, pointsToAdd],
// Send the request to the Ethereum network
final result = await client.sendTransaction(
contract: contract,
function: request,
// Set the maximum amount of gas to use
maxGas: 1000000,
// Sign the transaction using the private key of the account sending the transaction
// Check the result of the transaction to see if it was successful
if (result.status == TransactionReceiptStatus.success) {
print('Transaction was successful');
} else {
print('Transaction failed');
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
// Define the contract
contract LoyaltyCard {
// Define a struct to store the data for each member
struct Member {
string name;
uint points;
// Define a mapping to store the data for each member
mapping (address => Member) public members;
// Define a function to add points to a member's balance
function addPoints(address _member, uint _points) public {
// Retrieve the member's data from the mapping
Member storage member = members[_member];
// Add the points to the member's balance
member.points += _points;
// Define a function to redeem points for a reward
function redeemPoints(address _member, uint _points) public {
// Retrieve the member's data from the mapping
Member storage member = members[_member];
// Ensure the member has enough points to redeem
require(member.points >= _points, "Not enough points to redeem");
// Subtract the points from the member's balance
member.points -= _points;
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
// Define the contract
contract LoyaltyCard {
// Define a struct to represent a loyalty card
struct Card {
string name;
uint points;
// Define a struct to store the data for each member
struct Member {
address owner;
Card[] cards;
// Define a mapping to store the data for each member
mapping (address => Member) public members;
// Define a function to add a new loyalty card for a member
function addCard(address _member, string _name) public {
// Retrieve the member's data from the mapping
Member storage member = members[_member];
// Create a new loyalty card for the member
Card memory card = Card(_name, 0);
// Add the card to the member's array of cards;
// Define a function to add points to a member's loyalty card
function addPoints(address _member, uint _cardIndex, uint _points) public {
// Retrieve the member's data from the mapping
Member storage member = members[_member];
// Retrieve the specified loyalty card from the member's array of cards
Card storage card =[_cardIndex];
// Add the points to the card's balance
card.points += _points;
// Define a function to redeem points for a reward
function redeemPoints(address _member, uint _cardIndex, uint _points) public {
// Retrieve the member's data from the mapping
Member storage member = members[_member];
// Retrieve the specified loyalty card from the member's array of cards
Card storage card =[_cardIndex];
// Ensure the card has enough points to redeem
require(card.points >= _points, "Not enough points to redeem");
// Subtract the points from the card's balance
card.points -= _points;
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart';
// Assume that the contract address and ABI are stored in variables
// called 'contractAddress' and 'contractAbi', respectively
// Create a new instance of the EthereumClient class
final client = Web3Client(rpcUrl, httpClient: httpClient);
// Load the contract using the contract address and ABI
final contract = DeployedContract(
ContractAbi.fromJson(contractAbi, 'LoyaltyCard'),
// Create a function call request to call the 'redeemPoints' function
final request = contract.function('redeemPoints').call(
// Pass the member's address and the number of points to redeem as arguments
[memberAddress, pointsToRedeem],
// Send the request to the Ethereum network
final result = await client.sendTransaction(
contract: contract,
function: request,
// Set the maximum amount of gas to use
maxGas: 1000000,
// Sign the transaction using the private key of the account sending the transaction
// Check the result of the transaction to see if it was successful
if (result.status == TransactionReceiptStatus.success) {
print('Transaction was successful');
} else {
print('Transaction failed');
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