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Multilingual SharePoint Page Summarization with Open AI API and Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
# A script to get summary of a SharePoint site page using GPT-3.5 turbo
# The script accepts the following parameters:
# SiteAbsoluteUrl, PageName
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# function to connect to Microsoft Graph
# See for more details
function Connect-Graph {
Write-Host "Connecting to Microsoft Graph.";
# Select Microsoft Graph beta endpoint
Select-MgProfile -Name "beta"
# Connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Sites.Read.All"
function Get-SiteId {
Write-Host "Getting site Id.";
# remove trailing slash from site absolute url
$SiteAbsoluteUrl = $SiteAbsoluteUrl.TrimEnd("/");
# SiteAbsoluteUrl is of the form https://<tenant><site>
# We need to get a string of the form <tenant><site>
$siteUri = New-Object System.Uri($SiteAbsoluteUrl);
$siteId = $siteUri.Host + ":" + $siteUri.AbsolutePath;
$site = Get-MgSite -SiteId $siteId;
if($null -eq $site) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get site Id. Check if the site exists." -ForegroundColor Red;
return $site.Id;
# function to get page content
function Get-PageContent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Write-Host "Getting page content.";
$pageContent = "";
# Get content from all the text web parts in the page
$page = Get-MgSitePage -SiteId $SiteId -Filter "name eq '$PageName'" `
-ExpandProperty "webparts(`$filter=(isof('microsoft.graph.textWebPart')))";
if($null -eq $page) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get page content. Check if the page exists." -ForegroundColor Red;
$page.WebParts | ForEach-Object {
$pageContent += $_.AdditionalProperties.innerHtml
$pageContent = $pageContent -replace "<[^>]+>", "";
$pageContent = $pageContent -replace "&nbsp;", " ";
return $pageContent;
# function to get page summary using openai api
function Get-PageSummary {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$openai_api_key = "sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$openai_api_endpoint = "";
$data = @{}
$data["model"] = "gpt-3.5-turbo";
$data["messages"] = @(@{});
$data["messages"][0]["role"] = "user";
$messageContent = "1 short sentence summary in English, French and Spanish of this: {{content}}. Output format: 'English: 'xxx' `n French: 'xxx' `n Spanish: 'xxx'";
$data["messages"][0]["content"] = $messageContent.Replace("{{content}}", $PageContent);
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $openai_api_key
Write-Host "Calling OpenAI API to get page summary.";
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $openai_api_endpoint -Headers $headers -Body ($data | ConvertTo-Json);
if ($response -and $response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty choices | Select-Object -ExpandProperty message | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content;
} else {
$result = $null;
return $result;
# main
$start = Get-Date;
$siteId = Get-SiteId;
$pageContent = Get-PageContent -SiteId $siteId;
$pageSummary = Get-PageSummary -PageContent $pageContent;
If($null -eq $pageSummary) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get page summary." -ForegroundColor Red;
Write-Host "### Page summary ###"
Write-Host $pageSummary -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "`n ### End of page summary ###"
$end = Get-Date;
$timespan = New-TimeSpan $start $end
$seconds = $timespan.TotalSeconds
Write-Host "Time taken: $seconds seconds" -ForegroundColor Green
# end of script
Example usage: .\get-page-summary-using-gpt-3.5-turbo.ps1 -SiteAbsoluteUrl "" -PageName "UK-News-1.aspx"
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!
Getting site Id.
Getting page content.
Calling OpenAI API to get page summary.
### Page summary ###
English: The UK and EU are close to reaching a deal on revising post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, but an agreement is not yet guaranteed.
French: Le Royaume-Uni et l'UE sont sur le point de conclure un accord sur la révision des règles commerciales post-Brexit pour l'Irlande du Nord, mais un accord n'est pas encore garanti.
Spanish: El Reino Unido y la UE están cerca de llegar a un acuerdo sobre la revisión de las reglas comerciales posteriores al Brexit para Irlanda del Norte, pero aún no se garantiza el acuerdo.
### End of page summary ###
Time taken: 2.7298925 seconds
# A script to get summary of a SharePoint site page
# The script accepts the following parameters:
# SiteAbsoluteUrl, PageName
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# function to connect to Microsoft Graph
# See for more details
function Connect-Graph {
Write-Host "Connecting to Microsoft Graph.";
# Select Microsoft Graph beta endpoint
Select-MgProfile -Name "beta"
# Connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Sites.Read.All"
function Get-SiteId {
Write-Host "Getting site Id.";
# remove trailing slash from site absolute url
$SiteAbsoluteUrl = $SiteAbsoluteUrl.TrimEnd("/");
# SiteAbsoluteUrl is of the form https://<tenant><site>
# We need to get a string of the form <tenant><site>
$siteUri = New-Object System.Uri($SiteAbsoluteUrl);
$siteId = $siteUri.Host + ":" + $siteUri.AbsolutePath;
$site = Get-MgSite -SiteId $siteId;
if($null -eq $site) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get site Id. Check if the site exists." -ForegroundColor Red;
return $site.Id;
# function to get page content
function Get-PageContent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Write-Host "Getting page content.";
$pageContent = "";
# Get content from all the text web parts in the page
$page = Get-MgSitePage -SiteId $SiteId -Filter "name eq '$PageName'" `
-ExpandProperty "webparts(`$filter=(isof('microsoft.graph.textWebPart')))";
if($null -eq $page) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get page content. Check if the page exists." -ForegroundColor Red;
$page.WebParts | ForEach-Object {
$pageContent += $_.AdditionalProperties.innerHtml
$pageContent = $pageContent -replace "<[^>]+>", "";
$pageContent = $pageContent -replace "&nbsp;", " ";
return $pageContent;
# function to get page summary using openai api
function Get-PageSummary {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$openai_api_key = "sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$openai_api_endpoint = "";
$data = @{
"model" = "text-davinci-003";
"prompt" = "1 short sentence summary in English, French and Spanish of this: {{content}}.'English: 'xxx' \n French: 'xxx' \n Spanish: 'xxx'";
"temperature" = 0.7;
"max_tokens" = 256;
"top_p" = 1.0;
"frequency_penalty" = 0.0;
"presence_penalty" = 0.;
$data["prompt"] = $data["prompt"].Replace("{{content}}", $PageContent);
$headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = "Bearer " + $openai_api_key
Write-Host "Calling OpenAI API to get page summary.";
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $openai_api_endpoint -Headers $headers -Body ($data | ConvertTo-Json);
if ($response -and $response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
$result = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "choices" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "text";
} else {
$result = $null;
return $result;
# main
$siteId = Get-SiteId;
$pageContent = Get-PageContent -SiteId $siteId;
$pageSummary = Get-PageSummary -PageContent $pageContent;
If($null -eq $pageSummary) {
Write-Host "Error: Unable to get page summary." -ForegroundColor Red;
Write-Host "### Page summary ###"
Write-Host $pageSummary -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "`n ### End of page summary ###"
# end of script
Example usage: .\get-page-summary.ps1 -SiteAbsoluteUrl "" -PageName "UK-News-1.aspx"
Sample output:
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!
Getting site Id.
Getting page content.
Calling OpenAI API to get page summary.
### Page summary ###
English: UK and EU are progressing towards an agreement on post-Brexit trade rules in Northern Ireland.
French: Le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne progressent vers un accord sur les règles commerciales post-Brexit en Irlande du Nord.
Spanish: Reino Unido y la UE están avanzando hacia un acuerdo sobre las normas comerciales post-Brexit en Irlanda del Norte.
### End of page summary ###
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