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Created July 4, 2009 03:01
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# Slow Perlbal statistics gatherer
# - based on Perlbal's Stats module
package Perlbal::Plugin::Slow;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(deprecated);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
# setup our package variables
our %statobjs; # { svc_name => [ service, statobj ], svc_name => [ service, statobj ], ... }
# keys associated with a log
our @logkeys = qw( slow warn exceptions );
# define all stats keys here
our @statkeys = (qw( good requests milliseconds ), @logkeys);
# global response time buckets
our $slow = 0.50;
our $warn = 1.00;
# called when we're being added to a service
sub register {
my ($class, $svc) = @_;
# create a stats object
my $sobj = Perlbal::Plugin::Slow::Storage->new();
$statobjs{$svc->{name}} = [ $svc, $sobj ];
$svc->register_hook('Slow', 'backend_client_assigned', sub {
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = shift;
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $cp = $be->{client};
$sobj->{pending}->{"$cp"} = [ gettimeofday() ];
return 0;
$svc->register_hook('Slow', 'backend_response_received', sub {
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = shift;
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $obj = $be->{client};
my $ot = delete $sobj->{pending}->{"$obj"};
return 0 unless defined $ot;
my $http_status_code = $be->{res_headers}->response_code + 0;
my $uri = 'http://' . ($obj->{req_headers}->header('Host') || 'unknown') . $obj->{req_headers}->request_uri;
my $duration = tv_interval($ot);
my $time = POSIX::strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime());
my $appserver = $be->{ipport};
$sobj->{milliseconds} += int($duration*1000);
if ($http_status_code < 400) {
if ($duration <= $slow) {
elsif ($duration <= $warn) {
$sobj->log_event("slow", $time, $duration, $uri, $appserver);
else {
$sobj->log_event("warn", $time, $duration, $uri, $appserver);
elsif ($http_status_code >= 500) {
$sobj->log_event("exceptions", $time, $duration, $uri, $appserver);
return 0;
return 1;
# called when we're no longer active on a service
sub unregister {
my ($class, $svc) = @_;
# clean up time
delete $statobjs{$svc->{name}};
return 1;
# called when we are loaded
sub load {
# setup a management command to dump statistics
Perlbal::register_global_hook("manage_command.buckets", sub {
my @res;
foreach my $svc (keys %statobjs) {
my $sobj = $statobjs{$svc}->[1];
foreach my $key (sort @statkeys) {
push @res, sprintf("%-15s %-25s %12d", $svc, $key, $sobj->{$key});
push @res, ".";
return \@res;
# logs hooks
Perlbal::register_global_hook(make_hook($_)) foreach (@logkeys);
return 1;
# called for a global unload
sub unload {
# unregister our global hooks
Perlbal::unregister_global_hook(make_hook_name($_)) foreach(@logkeys);
# take out all service stuff
foreach my $statref (values %statobjs) {
%statobjs = ();
return 1;
sub make_hook_name {
my $key = shift;
return "manage_command." . $key;
sub make_hook {
my $key = shift;
my $logkey = $key . "_log";
my $handler = sub {
my @res;
foreach my $svc (keys %statobjs) {
my $sobj = $statobjs{$svc}->[1];
push @res, "$svc $_"
foreach @{$sobj->{$logkey}};
push @res, ".";
return \@res;
return (make_hook_name($key), $handler);
# statistics storage object
package Perlbal::Plugin::Slow::Storage;
use fields (
'pending', # hashref; { "obj" => time_start }
'slow_log', # arrayref; strings of recent URIs and times
'warn_log', # arrayref; strings of recent URIs and times
'exceptions_log', # arrayref; strings of recent URIs and times
sub new {
my Perlbal::Plugin::Slow::Storage $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
# 0 initialize everything here
$self->{$_} = 0 foreach @Perlbal::Plugin::Slow::statkeys;
# other setup
$self->{pending} = {};
$self->{exceptions_log} = [];
$self->{slow_log} = [];
$self->{warn_log} = [];
return $self;
sub log_event {
my ($self, $key, $time, $duration, $uri, $appserver) = @_;
my $logkey = $key . "_log";
push @{$self->{$logkey}}, sprintf('%s %s %-6.4f %s', $time, $appserver, $duration, $uri);
shift(@{$self->{$logkey}}) if scalar(@{$self->{$logkey}}) > 100; # if > 100 items, lose one
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