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Last active March 20, 2023 04:40
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PowerShell script to update Adobe Audition's MachineSpecificSettings.xml to use the specific input and output devices
# Update MachineSpecificSettings when Windows does to change the UID for the audio hardware
# To use Get-AudioDevice, install AudioDeviceCmdlets
# Install-Module -Name AudioDeviceCmdlets
# See
# I used for verifying the embedded JSON that Adobe uses
# get the latest version of Audition installed
$version = (gci ([IO.Path]::Combine( $env:APPDATA, "Adobe\Audition")) | sort-object Name -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Name
# build the path to the machine setting file
$AuditionSettings = ([IO.Path]::Combine( $env:APPDATA, "Adobe\Audition\"+$version+"\MachineSpecificSettings.xml"))
# read the settings
$xml=[xml](Get-Content $AuditionSettings)
# get the node that stores the audio device settings
# xpath is crazy. I cheated and pasted the settings into
$node = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//Section[@label='Root']/Section[@label='Prefs']/Section[@label='AudioDevice']/KeyVal[@Key='']")
# The audio device settings are serialized into a compressed JSON string and stored as the node content
$jdataString = $node.'#text'
# deserialize the json to an object
$jdata = ($jdataString | ConvertFrom-Json)
# the devices to use.
# These are mine, pick your own
$microphoneName = "Microphone (Rode Podcaster)"
$outputdevicename = "Syba (USB Advanced Audio Device)"
# get a list of all of the audio devices
$devices = Get-AudioDevice -List
# walk through that list to get UID of the devices
foreach($device in $devices)
if ($device.Name -eq $microphoneName)
# Adobe only uses a subset of the ID returned here
$uid = $device.ID.SubString(18, 36)
if ($device.Name -eq $outputdevicename)
$outputuid = $device.ID.SubString(18, 36)
# now walk the Audition's hardware settings until we find the MME setting
foreach($j in $jdata.'')
# It's JSON and each item in the collection has different members
# So we check to make sure that we have the right item
if ($null -ne $j."")
# if the input uid has changed, then update the device object
if ($j."" -ne $uid)
$j."" = $microphoneName
$j."" = $uid
if ($null -ne $j."")
# if the output uid has changed, then update the device object
if ($j."" -ne $outputuid)
$j."" = $outputdevicename
$j."" = $outputuid
# serialize the object back to a single line string
$updatedData = ($jdata | convertto-json -Depth 5 -Compress)
# if it's changed, then update the node and save the file
if ($jdataString -ne $updatedData)
$node.'#text' = $updatedData
write-host "Updated settings"
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