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#!/bin/bash | |
# Bender | |
# Written by Chad Nielsen | |
# Forget Computers, Get Creative! | |
# Version History | |
# 1.0 - Initial creation of script for use with a companion launch daemon. | |
# 1.1 - Moved binary and log locations to /usr/local/robotcloud. | |
# 1.2 - Code improvements and added compatibility with OS X 10.9 Mavericks. | |
# 2.0 - Added postgres backup for profilemanager | |
################################## VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ################################# | |
######################################################################################### | |
host=$(hostname) | |
macOS=$(sw_vers | awk '/ProductVersion/{print substr($2,1,4)}' | tr -d ".") | |
macSN=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial Number/{print $4}') | |
date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M) | |
pass=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Hardware UUID/{print $3}') | |
logPath="/usr/local/robotcloud/logs/bender.log" | |
pipPath="/usr/local/robotcloud/bin/scroobiuspip" | |
pipTitle="Bender Backup Error on: $macSN" | |
backupDestination="/Backups/$date" | |
keepUntil="14" | |
##################################### SCRIPT BEGINS ##################################### | |
######################################################################################### | |
function RobotCloudStructure { | |
# Ensure the appropriate directories are in place to generate a log and alert. | |
mkdir -p /usr/local/robotcloud/{bin,data,logs} | |
# Ensure the log file is present. | |
if [ ! -e "$logPath" ]; then | |
/usr/bin/touch "$logPath" | |
fi | |
# Create a new backup destination folder with the execution date. | |
/bin/mkdir -p "$backupDestination" | |
} | |
function CheckOS { | |
# Set the serveradmin variable according to operating system. | |
if [ "$macOS" -ge "108" ]; then | |
if [ "$macOS" -ge "109" ]; then | |
SOCKET="/Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL" | |
WIKISOCKET="/Library/Server/Wiki/PostgresSocket" | |
DATABASE=devicemgr_v2m0 | |
else | |
SOCKET="/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" | |
WIKISOCKET="/Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services/Socket" | |
DATABASE=device_management | |
fi | |
if [ -e /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/serveradmin ]; then | |
serveradmin="/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/sbin/serveradmin" | |
SERVERROOT="/Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin" | |
LogEvent "[ check ] The serveradmin binary has been found." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] The serveradmin binary could not be found. Exit Code: $?" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
elif [ -e /usr/sbin/serveradmin ]; then | |
serveradmin="/usr/sbin/serveradmin" | |
LogEvent "[ check ] The serveradmin binary has been found." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] The serveradmin binary could not be found. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
} | |
function OpenDirectoryBackup { | |
# Check to see if Open Directory service is running. | |
obackupDestinationatus=$(sudo $serveradmin status dirserv | grep -c "RUNNING") | |
if [ $obackupDestinationatus = 1 ]; then | |
# Check to see if Open Directory is set to Master. | |
odmaster=$(sudo $serveradmin settings dirserv | grep "LDAPServerType" | grep -c "master") | |
if [ $odmaster = 1 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ check ] Open Directory is running and is set to master." | |
# Ensure the backup directory is present and assign the path as a variable. | |
/bin/mkdir -p $backupDestination/OpenDirectory | |
# Instruct the serveradmin binary to create a backup. | |
$serveradmin command <<-EOC | |
dirserv:backupArchiveParams:archivePassword = $pass | |
dirserv:backupArchiveParams:archivePath = ${backupDestination}/OpenDirectory/od_backup-${host}-${date}.sparseimage | |
dirserv:command = backupArchive | |
EOC | |
# Check to see if there were any errors backing up Open Directory. | |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ backup ] Open Directory successfully backed up." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] There was an error attempting to back up Open Directory. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ check ] Open Directory not set to master. No backup required." | |
fi | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ check ] Open Directory is not running. No backup required." | |
fi | |
} | |
function ServerAdminBackup () { | |
# Ensure the backup directory is present and assign the path as a variable. | |
/bin/mkdir -p $backupDestination/ServerAdmin | |
# Create a backup of all services, regardless if they are running or not. | |
sudo $serveradmin settings all -x > $backupDestination/ServerAdmin/sa_backup-allservices-$host-$date.plist | |
list=$(sudo $serveradmin list) | |
for service in $list; do | |
sudo $serveradmin settings $service -x > $backupDestination/ServerAdmin/sa_backup-$service-$host-$date.plist | |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ backup ] $service successfully backed up." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] Could not back up $service. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
function ProfileManagerBackup () { | |
# Ensure the backup directory is present and assign the path as a variable. | |
/bin/mkdir -p $backupDestination/ProfileManager | |
# Create a backup of profilemanager database. | |
sudo $SERVERROOT/pg_dump -v -h $SOCKET --format=c --compress=9 --blobs --username=_devicemgr --file=$backupDestination/ProfileManager/device_management-$host-$date.pgdump $DATABASE | |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ backup ] ProfileManager successfully backed up." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] Could not back up ProfileManager. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
} | |
function WikiDBBackup () { | |
# Ensure the backup directory is present and assign the path as a variable. | |
/bin/mkdir -p $backupDestination/WikiDB | |
# Create a backup of Wiki database. | |
sudo $SERVERROOT/pg_dump -v -h $WIKISOCKET --format=c --compress=9 --blobs --username=collab --file=$backupDestination/WikiDB/collab-$host-$date.pgdump $WIKIDATABASE | |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ backup ] Wiki Database successfully backed up." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] Could not back up Wiki Database. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
} | |
function WikiFilesBackup () { | |
# Ensure the backup directory is present and assign the path as a variable. | |
/bin/mkdir -p $backupDestination/WikiFiles | |
# Create a backup of Wiki Files. | |
sudo rsync -axv /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData $backupDestination/WikiFiles/ | |
if [ $? == 0 ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ backup ] Wiki Files successfully backed up." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ error ] Could not back up Wiki Files. Exit Code: $?" | |
SendAlert | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
sudo chown -R root:admin $backupDestination/WikiFiles/ | |
sudo chmod -R 770 $backupDestination/WikiFiles/ | |
} | |
function LogEvent () { | |
# Echo the passed event and then write it to the log. | |
echo $1 | |
echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") ["bender"] $1 >> "$logPath" | |
} | |
function RemoveOldBackups () { | |
# Remove backups that are older than 14 days. | |
LogEvent "[ maintenance ] Pruning files in $1 older than 14 days." | |
find /Backups -mtime +$keepUntil -exec rm -rf {} \; | |
} | |
function SendAlert { | |
# Copy the contents of the log to a variable for submission. | |
pipDescription=$(cat "$logPath") | |
# Ensure that scroobiuspip is installed. | |
# This alerting binary is used by Forget Computers. | |
# You can modify this area to send alerts using your preferred methods. | |
if [ ! -f "$pipPath" ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ framework ] Installing scroobiuspip..." | |
sudo jamf policy -trigger pip | |
# If pip is unable to be installed, add this info so it can be seen in the JSS. | |
if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ error ] Intallation failed. No alert sent." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ framework ] Installation successful." | |
fi | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ framework ] The scroobiuspip binary has been found." | |
fi | |
# Send the email to Zendesk. | |
LogEvent "" | |
"$pipPath" "$pipTitle" "$pipDescription" | |
# If the email was unable to send | |
if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then | |
LogEvent "[ error ] There was an error sending the alert." | |
else | |
LogEvent "[ framework ] Successfully sent alert." | |
fi | |
} | |
##################################### FUNCTION CALL ##################################### | |
######################################################################################### | |
RobotCloudStructure | |
LogEvent "===========================[ Bender is Bending... ]===========================" | |
CheckOS | |
OpenDirectoryBackup | |
ServerAdminBackup | |
ProfileManagerBackup | |
WikiDBBackup | |
WikiFilesBackup | |
RemoveOldBackups | |
LogEvent "==========================[ Bender has completed ]==========================" | |
LogEvent "" | |
exit 0 |
Came here looking for the same information. How do you restore the profile manager data?
Had previously been reading this https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3791994 which had caused some confusion as those methods are backing up sql files.
The above script uses a custom format for its database backups, so it can be restored using pg_restore http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/app-pgrestore.html
Thought something like this should work, but the command hung and didn't work. I think there were other sessions accessing the database which may have been preventing the restore
pg_restore --clean --create --host=/Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL/ --dbname=devicemgr_v2m0 --username=_devicemgr
Instead I used the restore methods listed here https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3791994 updating the db name to devicemgr_v2m0 for Yosemite
I figured out how to restore the pgdump in Yosemite for the Wiki's, but only from a 10.10 setup to 10.10.
I've just been trying this, and you need to also mkdir the logPath (line 35-36) - touch isn't creating the file because the folder doesn't exist yet - so you won't get log files.
I'd also suggest putting them in /Backups rather than in /usr/local/robotcloud - just makes it easier to locate as its with your backups. Maybe put each log file in its date folder too?
Question for you about the Wiki backup. It seems the backup with the pgdump works fine, but I can't find any instructions or steps on how to restore from this backup. I followed the directions from apple's kbase for 10.8, but they don't seem to work in Yosemite. Whenever I try to drop the collab db, it says it is still in use even after disabling the wiki service, but keeping the collab service running, as if that isn't I get a socket connection error.
Do you have instructions on how to restore this backup in Yosemite?