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Created February 15, 2023 22:16
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MailSpring UI-Darkside Crea Theme
// All themes need a file called `ui-variables` that extends from the base
// variables and overrides colors, padding, etc. Other plugins import
// `ui-variables` to make their custom CSS react to the current theme.
@import 'base/ui-variables';
@goldenrod: #e8aa14;
@sapphire: #006494;
@magenta: #bf1363;
@onyx: #404040;
// Sapphire
// @sidebar: @onyx;
// @accent: @sapphire;
// Magenta
// @sidebar: @onyx;
// @accent: @magenta;
// Goldenrod
@sidebar: @onyx;
@accent: @sapphire;
// Goldenrod on sapphire
// @sidebar: @sapphire;
// @accent: @goldenrod;
@accent-primary: @accent;
@threadlist-bg: #ffffff;
@messagelist-bg: tint(@sidebar, 95%);
@active-thread-text: @sidebar;
@sidebar-text: desaturate(lighten(@sidebar, 40%), 75%);
@active-sidebar-text: @goldenrod;
@border-color: fade(@sidebar, 10%);
@danger: @magenta;
@minimize: @goldenrod;
@maximize: #8dd07d;
@swipe-archive: #8dd07d;
@swipe-snooze: #fbd852;
@swipe-trash: @danger;
@invalid: @danger;
@sidebar-margin: 15px;
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