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Last active June 16, 2022 16:25
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
contract ERC721Staking is ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
// Interfaces for ERC20 and ERC721
IERC20 public immutable rewardsToken;
IERC721 public immutable nftCollection;
// Constructor function to set the rewards token and the NFT collection addresses
constructor(IERC721 _nftCollection, IERC20 _rewardsToken) {
nftCollection = _nftCollection;
rewardsToken = _rewardsToken;
struct StakedToken {
address staker;
uint256 tokenId;
// Staker info
struct Staker {
// Amount of tokens staked by the staker
uint256 amountStaked;
// Staked token ids
StakedToken[] stakedTokens;
// Last time of the rewards were calculated for this user
uint256 timeOfLastUpdate;
// Calculated, but unclaimed rewards for the User. The rewards are
// calculated each time the user writes to the Smart Contract
uint256 unclaimedRewards;
// Rewards per hour per token deposited in wei.
uint256 private rewardsPerHour = 100000;
// Mapping of User Address to Staker info
mapping(address => Staker) public stakers;
// Mapping of Token Id to staker. Made for the SC to remeber
// who to send back the ERC721 Token to.
mapping(uint256 => address) public stakerAddress;
// If address already has ERC721 Token/s staked, calculate the rewards.
// Increment the amountStaked and map msg.sender to the Token Id of the staked
// Token to later send back on withdrawal. Finally give timeOfLastUpdate the
// value of now.
function stake(uint256 _tokenId) external nonReentrant {
// If wallet has tokens staked, calculate the rewards before adding the new token
if (stakers[msg.sender].amountStaked > 0) {
uint256 rewards = calculateRewards(msg.sender);
stakers[msg.sender].unclaimedRewards += rewards;
// Wallet must own the token they are trying to stake
nftCollection.ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender,
"You don't own this token!"
// Transfer the token from the wallet to the Smart contract
nftCollection.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);
// Create StakedToken
StakedToken memory stakedToken = StakedToken(msg.sender, _tokenId);
// Add the token to the stakedTokens array
// Increment the amount staked for this wallet
// Update the mapping of the tokenId to the staker's address
stakerAddress[_tokenId] = msg.sender;
// Update the timeOfLastUpdate for the staker
stakers[msg.sender].timeOfLastUpdate = block.timestamp;
// Check if user has any ERC721 Tokens Staked and if they tried to withdraw,
// calculate the rewards and store them in the unclaimedRewards
// decrement the amountStaked of the user and transfer the ERC721 token back to them
function withdraw(uint256 _tokenId) external nonReentrant {
// Make sure the user has at least one token staked before withdrawing
stakers[msg.sender].amountStaked > 0,
"You have no tokens staked"
// Wallet must own the token they are trying to withdraw
require(stakerAddress[_tokenId] == msg.sender, "You don't own this token!");
// Update the rewards for this user, as the amount of rewards decreases with less tokens.
uint256 rewards = calculateRewards(msg.sender);
stakers[msg.sender].unclaimedRewards += rewards;
// Find the index of this token id in the stakedTokens array
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < stakers[msg.sender].stakedTokens.length; i++) {
if (stakers[msg.sender].stakedTokens[i].tokenId == _tokenId) {
index = i;
// Set this token's .staker to be address 0 to mark it as no longer staked
stakers[msg.sender].stakedTokens[index].staker = address(0);
// Decrement the amount staked for this wallet
// Update the mapping of the tokenId to the be address(0) to indicate that the token is no longer staked
stakerAddress[_tokenId] = address(0);
// Transfer the token back to the withdrawer
nftCollection.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);
// Update the timeOfLastUpdate for the withdrawer
stakers[msg.sender].timeOfLastUpdate = block.timestamp;
// Calculate rewards for the msg.sender, check if there are any rewards
// claim, set unclaimedRewards to 0 and transfer the ERC20 Reward token
// to the user.
function claimRewards() external {
uint256 rewards = calculateRewards(msg.sender) +
require(rewards > 0, "You have no rewards to claim");
stakers[msg.sender].timeOfLastUpdate = block.timestamp;
stakers[msg.sender].unclaimedRewards = 0;
rewardsToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, rewards);
function availableRewards(address _staker) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 rewards = calculateRewards(_staker) +
return rewards;
function getStakedTokens(address _user) public view returns (StakedToken[] memory) {
// Check if we know this user
if (stakers[_user].amountStaked > 0) {
// Return all the tokens in the stakedToken Array for this user that are not -1
StakedToken[] memory _stakedTokens = new StakedToken[](stakers[_user].amountStaked);
uint256 _index = 0;
for (uint256 j = 0; j < stakers[_user].stakedTokens.length; j++) {
if (stakers[_user].stakedTokens[j].staker != (address(0))) {
_stakedTokens[_index] = stakers[_user].stakedTokens[j];
return _stakedTokens;
// Otherwise, return empty array
else {
return new StakedToken[](0);
// Calculate rewards for param _staker by calculating the time passed
// since last update in hours and mulitplying it to ERC721 Tokens Staked
// and rewardsPerHour.
function calculateRewards(address _staker)
returns (uint256 _rewards)
return (((
((block.timestamp - stakers[_staker].timeOfLastUpdate) *
) * rewardsPerHour) / 3600);
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