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Created October 10, 2018 08:39
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Autohotkey (AHK) Norwegian Dvorak setup from UK keyboard
;-- README ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; This AHK file re-maps a Qwerty keyboard into a Dvorak keyboard. This is especially useful when
; the local computer is limited by corporate security policies to disallow installation of custom
; software. AHK can be run as a portable app, and this script then remaps the existing keyboard.
; Original script by: ----------------------------------------------------------
; Torben Gundtofte-Bruun,,
; Amended for UK keyboard by by: -----------------------------------------------
; Asbjørn Nilsen Riseth
; OTHER NOTES: -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Starting with :*C: makes the trigger case sensitive.
;-- LEGEND ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; # = Win
; ^ = Ctrl
; ! = Alt
; + = Shift
; <^ = Left Ctrl only
; >! = Right Alt only = AltGr
; $F1 = function key
; ~ = pass the key on to the OS (but also use it in AHK). Normally blocked.
; {enter}, {tab}, etc. = keystroke
; HISTORY: ------------------------- --------------------------------------------
; 2014-04-28 Created by Torben Gundtofte-Bruun.
; 2014-05-05 Nearly complete except for 3 physical DK keys.
; 2014-05-06 Simpler remapping based on
; 2014-05-06 Finally fixed those troublesome 3 DK characters :-)
; 2018-10-01 Norwegian Dvorak amended for a UK keyboard, with some modifications
;-- AHK stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------
#SingleInstance force
; ensure we only run 1 copy of this file
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
;MsgBox Reloaded %A_ScriptName% `n(%A_ScriptDir%)
; debug statement to notify me that the script loaded successfully.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
return ; this is the end of the AUTO-EXECUTE SECTION
;-- number row -----------------------------------------------------------------
$<^>!2::Send {@}
$+3::Send {#}
$<^>!3::Send {Raw}£ ; AltGr-3
$+6::Send {Raw}& ; Shift-6
$+7::Send {Raw}/ ; Shift-7
$<^>!7::Send {{} ; AltGr-7
$+8::Send {Raw}( ; Shift-8
$+(::) ; Shift-9
$+0::Send {Raw}= ; Shift-0
$<^>!0::Send {}}
$_::? ; Shift--
$SC00D::Send {Raw}\
$+SC00D::Send {Raw}``
;-- top row --------------------------------------------------------------------
$q::Send {Raw}å
$+q::Send {Raw}Å
$+w::Send `;
$e::Send {Raw}.
$+e::Send {Raw}:
$[::Send {Raw}'
${::Send {Raw}*
$]::Send {Raw}~
$}::Send {Raw}^
;-- home row -------------------------------------------------------------------
;a::a ; no change
SC02B::Send {Raw}<
+SC02B::Send {Raw}>
;-- bottom row -----------------------------------------------------------------
$SC056::Send {Raw}ø
$+SC056::Send {Raw}Ø
$z::Send {Raw}æ
$+z::Send {Raw}Æ
;m::m ; no change
;-- debugging stuff ------------------------------------------------------------
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