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Created May 25, 2017 00:11
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Optim example: HJB equation
using Interpolations, Optim
using LaTeXStrings, Plots
function brownsim(T,γ,C,x,amin,amax,Varr,polarr)
# Dynamics
# dS_t = -Q(a) dt + σQ(a) dW_t, stopped at zero
# Solve
# max \int_0^T aQ(a) dt - CS_T
Q(a) = 1.-a
b(a) = -Q(a)
σ(a) = Q(a)*γ
f(a) = a*Q(a)
g(x) = -C*x
K = length(x)
Δx = maximum(diff(x))
sqrtΔx = sqrt(Δx)
Δt = 0.5*Δx
# Terminal conditions (reverse time)
Varr[:,1] .= g(x)
t = 0.0; ti = 0
# Start marching
while t < T - Δt
ti += 1
t += Δt
@show t
V = view(Varr,:,ti)
Vp1 = view(Varr,:,ti+1)
pol = view(polarr,:,ti+1)
IV = interpolate((x,), V, Gridded(Linear())) # Linear extrapolations
# x = 0 has Dirichlet boundary conditions, x = xmax is just a truncation
@inbounds Vp1[1] = g(x[1])
@simd for i=2:K-1
@inbounds xi = x[i]
function hjbmin(a)
y1 = sqrtΔx*σ(a)
y2 = Δx*b(a)
x1p = xi + y1
x1m = xi - y1
x2 = xi + y2
# TODO: move V[i] terms outside and assign directly to Vp1[i]
@inbounds Va = (
V[i] + Δt/(2Δx)*(
+ IV[x1m...]
+ Δt*f(a)
return -Va
res = optimize(hjbmin,amin,amax)
@inbounds Vp1[i] = -Optim.minimum(res)
@inbounds pol[i] = Optim.minimizer(res)
end # i loop
# On truncated boundaries, (x[1] ≠ 0)
# set v(t,x) to be a linear extrapolation of two nearest points in the interior
@inbounds Vp1[end] = 2*Vp1[end-1]-Vp1[end-2] # x[end] == xmax
γ = 5e-2
C = 1
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
amin = 0
amax = 1.
K = 51
x = linspace(xmin,xmax,K)
Δx = maximum(diff(x))
Δt = Δx/2
T = 3.0
tpoints = ceil(Int,T/Δt)+1
tarr = 0.0:Δt:T+Δt
Varr = zeros(K,tpoints)
polarr = zeros(K,tpoints)
println("***Solve HJB equation")
@profile brownsim(T,γ,C,x,amin,amax,Varr, polarr)
Iv = interpolate((x,tarr), Varr, Gridded(Linear()))
Ia = interpolate((x,tarr), polarr, Gridded(Linear()))
pltv = surface(x,tarr, (x,t)-> Iv[x,t],
xlabel=L"$x$", ylabel=L"$\tau$",
title=L"Value function $v(\tau,x)$")
plta = surface(x[2:end-1],tarr[2:end-1], (x,t)-> Ia[x,t],
xlabel=L"$x$", ylabel=L"$\tau$",
title=L"Optimal price function $a(\tau,x)$")
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